Get in Normie, we are printing FU Money!

TL;DR: Token contract has been deployed. Snapshot of NFT holders for airdrop has been taken. First liquidity will be on Arbitrum. The majority of supply is locked.

If you’re new to Fractional Uprising Studios, welcome! We regret to inform you that FU Money is not just a meme coin. Delphi Digital called it a mullet coin: utility in the front, meme in the back. We are a gaming/production studio and FU Money supports our ecosystem. The alpha of our first production, OpenSeason, is live on Epic Games Store now. Players will be able to play the beta version of the game by simply entering an access code, and earn rewards based primarily on skill.

We think the future of "crypto gaming" is way more focused on gaming. Make the game fun. Focus on rewarding skilled players. Don't put web3 onboarding between players and the game experience. This is what we're building, and FU Money is flowing throughout it for all who wish to participate.

It’s been a long time in the making but we finally did it. $FU has been deployed.

We can’t wait to release it to the world, but first we want to share all the details of how this launch will go. We firmly believe in financial sovereignty but it is equally important to take action with as little information asymmetry as possible, especially during a token launch. So, study FU.

Want all the details on this week’s token launch? Read on.


The third and final snapshot has been taken for the token airdrop. 10% of the token supply—62,100,000—will be shared between wallets holding the FRACTIONAL UPRISING STUDIOS NFT collection during the final snapshot, with a multiplier for those diamond handed individuals who held during earlier snapshots.

Users won’t need to take any action in order to get the airdrop, they will simply appear in your wallet. Be careful of any fakes and phishing attempts, make sure the $FU token address on the Arbitrum chain is before attempting to trade it.

**CA: 0x9aee3C99934C88832399D6C6E08ad802112eBEab **

Thinking of dumping your NFT now that the snapshot has been taken? Do so at your own risk. This is not your last opportunity to earn $FU with your NFT - it’s the first. The next will be via game access codes - you invite players to the beta, they collect Beans and earn FU, you get a piece of the action. Weekly rewards for ten years. NFA and all, but this is just the beginning for NFT holders. Remember these are limited edition OG NFT’s, work is well underway to integrate these skins as in-game items with distinct custom features to each one.

LP Strategy

5% of the token supply—31,050,000—will be added as liquidity to a 1% Fee Uniswap V3 pool from 0.0000022 ETH all the way to 0.00045 ETH at different trenches.

The initial “buy side” range will be from ~1M to ~5M FDV and will consist of 15 ETH of one sided liquidity.

The initial token price will be 0.0000022 ETH/FU (USD 0.0077) putting the token at a Fully Diluted Market Cap of ~$5M USD. We didn’t raise VC money. There was no private sale. Everyone is an insider and the market will determine where the price goes. Remember - the vast majority of supply is locked (details below) so beware of slippage!

LP Fees

The ETH fees from this position will be continuously used for further development of OpenSeason, including team compensation. This will ensure team members won’t dump on you and can continue getting paid for their devotion and hard work.

The FU fees will be used for community incentives or burned, (aka distributed to all FU token holders equally).

Continuous Token Distribution To Player Community

30% of the supply (186,300,00 FU) will be distributed over 10 years as incentives to the user base of FU Studios productions. During the first year, this allocation will be exclusive to OpenSeason players.

Skilled Players

80% is allocated for ranked players of this Community Allocation. Beans are collected in game, and ranks act as bean multipliers. Enough of play to earn, it’s time to actually kick ass to earn. More details on ranked matches to come.

Human Bots

The remaining 20% of the community allocation will be distributed to players that collect beans during the game but are not ranked. This gives everyone a chance at rewards, regardless of skill, but also since killing human bots is more fun than ai bots we figured players who are simply bean farmers can serve as target practice. We think this is play to earn done right.

Team Allocation

The team that made all this possible will only be getting 20% of the token supply. Talk about fair distribution. The tokens are linearly vested for the next 6 months, roughly until the peak of the bull market. You can view all team tokens onchain via Sablier.

Meme vs Utility (Why not both?)

FU Money is a mullet token. Utility in the front, meme in the back. Many will earn the token by being skilled players and community builders, many will simply want to have $FU Money. Who wouldn’t want FU Money? As FU Studios matures, the goal is to channel any ETH generated from sale of items, in-game characters, biomes and advertisement together with any revenue from wagering, marketplace fees and much more to a smart contract which can then be claimed pro rata by burning $FU.

For now though, if you acquire $FU on the open market, the only thing we can promise is FU in return. We don’t promise returns of any kind in the future, past or present. You are a grown person and you can go ahead and do what you will with that information.

Sequence of Events

In order to make sure the tokens become available in the most fair way possible below is the mapped out sequence of events that will take place from deployment to final liquidity provision.

Token Deployment

$FU was deployed on June 11th on Ethereum Mainnet. The contract is verified on Etherscan and can be checked by anyone.

Token address: 0x43Df01681966D5339702E96eF039E481b9DA20c1

Name: FU Money

Ticker: $FU

Supply: 621,000,000

FU Studios Multisig:

ETH: 0x292966103C5aa61C5960468EBb0345365dffFCf2

ARB: 0xEA88277F666a8CAa6011a65373BC68c26d59Ba78

FUture Productions (35%)

217,350,000 FU is locked for 365 days using Sablier. This ensures our focus on continuous development of OpenSeason for now and allows FU Studios to mature before onboarding new productions. It also guarantees that no FUture allocation tokens will enter the market for at least one year.

Community (30%)

186,300,000 FU are allocated as community incentives for different productions for the next 10 years. Since we want to focus on OpenSeason for the next year, 27% of this allocation is locked in Sablier for 1 year. If you’re keeping track, that’s 62% of supply locked for 1 year, plus another 20% streaming over the next six months.


Tokens address: 0x9aee3C99934C88832399D6C6E08ad802112eBEab

The remaining tokens were bridged to Arbitrum and will be further allocated according to our documentation.

Team Allocation

The team’s tokens started vesting on June 12 2024 and will be completely vested by Dec 09 2024. Its 6 months vesting with no cliff.

Uniswap Liquidity

Liquidity will be added to Uniswap in the next few days. Follow our socials closely and turn on notifications to see when that happens. As mentioned above, the token will launch at a 5M valuation.


The airdrop will happen in the same transaction as liquidity is added to Uniswap.


In a nutshell, this is a 5M valuation token, with a game on the Epic Games Store, a team that does not stop shipping, no VCs to dump on you, at the beginning of what is likely the most insane bull with one of the best tickers around. This is no financial advice, but you have been warned, just make sure you do understand that 10% of the supply IS BEING AIRDROPPED.

What you do with this information is up to you, but we’re sharing it now so you can verify and don’t have to just “trust me bro.”

The market will do what the market does and at least you will know that on this launch, the only real insider was you. Now let’s print some of that $FU Money!

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