笔记1️⃣ Pop Social的Soulbound Pop Pilot Pass现已上线@zksync 时代! 通过获得飞行员通行证,您将获得一系列独家流行社交福利。 在这里铸造您的飞行员通行证:
笔记2️⃣ Omni Overdrive上的Collar协议部署
笔记3️⃣ 完成答题领取限量NFT 传送门:(1 1 2 1 2 4 4 3 1 3 3 4 2 1 2 3 1 1 3 4 2)
对应答案如下 1、Not sign the transaction as the scammer could…..steal her crypto assets. 2、Integration enables seamless ADA management in Ledger lIve…..a Ledger device. 3、Only sign messages or transactions that you have verified and can confirm the details of. 4、Because it requires you to sign a transaction whitout knowing its details or repercussions. 5、Public keys are your address on the blockchain……sent to that address. 6、Vulnerability research and exploit development of Ledger products befour lunch……..maximum security. 7、Read the projects whitepaper, analyze its activity on Etherscan, and ask the official team……..most importantly, be patient. 8、Never share her recovery phrase whith anyone, under any circumstances. 9、Create separate accounts for specific use cases such as: minting NFT’s …for high-value assets. 10、By Creating dedicated accounts for specific cases, you significantly reduce the potential risks of signing malicious transactions……holdings. 11、Social Media integrations immediately notifies everyone in your network….device. 12、You can view and verify the recovery phrase during initializations…contract address. 13、Tamper with your software wallet interface to trick you into sending assets to the wrong address. 14、Your private keys were already exposed to internet connection ……accessed them. 15、Create a new account using Ledger Live,first send a test transactions, and ….public address. 16、Note it down , don’t show it to anyone, keep it offline and store it somewhere safe that’s fire/water proof. 17、Your keys will always remain secure since they are stored offline. 18、Ledger Live’s integrations displays transaction details on your devices……every transaction. 19、The secure element chip shields your private keys …and other threat. 20、All listed answers. 21、On the blockchain a distributed ledger that ………..transparent manner
笔记4️⃣ 兔子洞新任务
笔记5️⃣ Nautilus Chain领取NFT
笔记6️⃣ Venom毒液新的NFT领取