Total RATE Supply: 1,000,000
Team: 10%
Treasury: 7%
Community Rewards: 78%
Community Treasury: 5%
Community rewards start immediately upon launch. RATE, the lender-of-last-resort token for TAI, will be distributed to participants of the system through the following mechanisms:
Provide TAI/ETH liquidity in the TAI App.
Behind the scenes, this is done through a bunni contract that manages the liquidity range on the Uniswap V3 TAI/ETH pool.
total Rewards Per Month = LP Rewards + mint Rewards
LP Rewards = x * total Rewards Per Month
mint Rewards = y * total Rewards Per Month
Where: x + y = 1
and y
will be dynamic, based on market conditions.
Liquidity and mint rewards will be distributed according to this supply function:
import math
start = 780000 # 78%
c = 20
lam = 1/120
def starting_supply(month):
# amount at begining of `month` month after launch
return start * (c*math.e)**(lam * -month)
Given this supply function:
32.94% of the community rewards will be distributed in the first 1 year.
86.44% of the community rewards will be distributed in the first 5 years.
98.16% of the community rewards will be distributed in the first 10 years.
99.97% of the community rewards will be distributed in the first 20 years.
As show above, team rewards will be vested linearly for the first 36 months.