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Julian Ma

Julian Ma

Research Scientist, Robust Incentives Group, Ethereum Foundation
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Uncrowdability of FOCIL

Julian Ma
October 06
This post was inspired by discussions with Thomas Thiery, BarnabĂ© Monnot, Francesco D’Amato, and Maneesha Papireddygari.
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Why Slot Auction ePBS is not held back by LocalBlockValueBoost

Julian Ma
September 06
Thanks to Barnabé Monnot, Thomas Thiery, and Data Always for their feedback and discussions.
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Publicly Broadcasting Min-Bid

Julian Ma
July 15
Many thanks to Thomas Thiery and Barnabé Monnot for discussions on this topic.
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Enshrined Harberger Lease for Execution Tickets

Julian Ma
July 15
Many thanks to Barnabé Monnot and Davide Crapis for their feedback and discussions.
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Block vs. Slot Auction PBS

Julian Ma
December 14
Proposer-Builder Separation (PBS) calls for choice on auction mechanism design. In this post we consider what the effect is of different auction mechanisms on MEV
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Next-Block Base Fee Options: Towards a Practical Implementation

Julian Ma
October 21
Structuring base fee derivatives is hard. In this article we give a rough example of how next-block base fee options could be designed.
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Structuring Blockspace Derivatives

Julian Ma
October 21
How to design financial instruments that let users hedge against gas price movements in a non-manipulable and mutually advantageous manner.