Manifold pt. 1 - Discovering the tool and testing stuff 🤌


⛏ Minting: the action of writing a Smart Contract or a token into the blockchain, making sure this will stay there forever
🤝 Staging: the test environment when developing a program
🔔 Mainnet: the public environment that users will see and with which they will interact (aka a website)
🤝 Testnet: the test environment (similar to staging)
🪄 ERC721: an Ethereum standard for Non Fungible Tokens
🪙 ERC1155: an Ethereum standard for Fungible Tokens

We’ve seen stuff so far, uh?

In the last 3 days, we’ve been talking about something like:

  • why you should estabilish your presence in the NFT space

  • how to setup your first Hot Wallet on Metamask

  • how to generate images with AI

Now it’s time to get our hands dirty and discover the power of our go-to tool for the minting experience: Manifold.

A quick and fast recap of the tool it’s worth to make sure we understand what we are going to do in the next few minutes.

Manifold is an all-in-one tool that helps anyone to create a footprint into web3 by easily create a smart contract, test it in staging, deploying into the mainnet and ensure a minting experience for customers.

All for free (except for gas fees) and without knowing how to write a SINGLE LINE OF CODE.

At the very beginning, I thought this tool was just for newbies that don’t know how to write code but then… well, I’ve seen the partners 👇

That’s pretty sick all of this, right? 👀

I’ve tested the tool many time to understand the potentiality and currently minted my very first collection to start using another tool I’ll show you on another post! The purpose of today, though, is to understand how thing works when it comes to create everything on the Test Net (right before publishing everything for people).

First of all, there are few things that we need to understand:

👉 TestNet we will be working is the Goerli one. Do you remember our very first Metamask wallet? Now try to do one thing: click on the chrome extension in the top right corner, insert your password and look on the banner, in the central part. You will see that you are on “Main Ethereum Network”, but if you click on the drop down menù you will see that there are different new nets you can connect:

All the ones called “Rete di Test” (the Italian for “Test Network”) are, of course, Test Network through which you can play. Today, we will use the last one, the Goerli one;

👉 minting your own Smart Contract and your own NFT collection, either on the testnet and on the mainnet, will require you some ETH to pay for gas fees. While for the Goerli Network we will use a specific webiste from where we will redeem “free” (fake) ETH, for the main network you will be asked to go on an exchange, buy some Ethereum and transfer them to your Metamask account. In case you don’t know how to do it, just raise your hands 🖐 and write me on Linkedin so I can help you out!

👉 make sure to understand that TestNet is a thing, while MainNet is another thing. If you want people to interact with your contract, you have to be in your MainNet.

Ok, let’s move forward! First and foremost, go on and start exploring. Once you’re good, click con “Launch Studio” on the top right corner and the to “Connect Wallet”. You will be asked to sign a transaction:

Welcome to your new friend, now! Here’s an example of the image you will see (don’t mind my previous test, I did it for fun and left if there but we will start on something else from scratch).

In order to better understand the image:

  • on OVERVIEW, you will have an overview of your Smart Contracts, which type of tokens you’re going to mint and on which network you’re currently working;

  • on APPS, you can crete some more apps to be added to your contract, as for example a new landing page where to create the minting experience;

  • on COLLECTORS, you will see the full list of wallets that have currently collected your tokens;

  • on SETTINGS, you can change the setting of your profile;

  • you will see a ⛽️ symbol on the right corner on the top, and it shows the cost estimates to deploy the smart contract. It’s constantly updated, based on the congestion of the Ethereum network

Costs at the time of writing
Costs at the time of writing

Now, let's get our hands dirty and see how to deploy the Smart Contract on Goerli Testnet. On the page, click on New Contract. This is the page that will be shown:

First of all, let’s put some moolah on our Goerli Test Net! Go on this link, signup with Twitter and copy your wallet address. In a very short time span, check your Goerli Test Net and you will see some ETH charged!

This is what happened to me in 2 minutes
This is what happened to me in 2 minutes

Now, we can start creating the Smart Contract. You have to decide few things here:

  • the name of the Smart Contract, the one you like the most

  • the type of token you will be minting, either ERC721 either ERC1155

  • a symbol, a simple symbol that will represent your token. My suggestion is to keep it short, up to 5 characters tops

  • an ASCII Mark, that would be your visual representation of what you want to create, a sort of stamp from the creator

Once you’ve done this, you’re ready to DEPLOY ON GOERLI! Something will start brewing and you will be asked to sign the contract, like this:

It could take some time, but don’t worry! Your good to go now!

Ok, I have to say CONGRATULATION as you’ve deployed our very first Smart Contract on the TestNet 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

We’ll catch up tomorrow to make the second step and deploy the all collection into this!


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