In geometry, before you can move on to bigger things, you have to define a point, a line. Just from those two definitions, you end up with all sorts of shapes. That that line need not be straight led to mathematics that helped Einstein describe space-time curvature.
I think there are postulates emerging on the Blockchain that will allow us to tackle some of the biggest problems on the planet. One is inequality. I like to say, if you are serious about fighting climate change, fight inequality. And now we have the tools.
But inequality is a relatively long-term project. Ukraine is an immediate concern. Ukraine and Yemen.
I think, with a correctly structured DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), it is possible to topple Putin with people power. The White House made it clear that regime change is not on its agenda when it comes to Russia. But ordinary Russians don’t need the White House’s permission to bring forth regime change in their own country. The Russian diaspora, I hope, is permissionless.
Tech entrepreneurs like to say innovation happens on the edges. Yemen is on the edges. When the Berlin Wall fell, all sorts of dictators got swept aside. I think the Ukraine-Russia tension has a similar possibility of massive positive change.
I am deeply interested in such a DAO.