Threads & new role.

Why don't we write threads? Wen new roles? Wen, wen, wen?

In this article, we will explain why we made certain choices and introduce a new Discord role with its unique perks.

Disclaimer: At no point in this article will we be saying that Twitter threads are bad or criticizing those who use them. On the contrary, we believe there are pros to using threads, and we respect everyone's right to choose what works best for them.

Why we don't write threads.

For those who have been following us, you may have noticed that we don't write threads. Instead, we prefer using articles to explain subjects and publish recaps. Here's why:

Firstly, articles provide a more comprehensive and in-depth exploration of a topic. Threads often fragment information across multiple tweets, making it harder for readers to grasp the full picture. By using articles, we can provide a cohesive and structured narrative that allows for a better understanding of the subject matter.

Secondly, articles offer a more permanent and easily accessible format. Tweets can easily get lost in the fast-paced nature of social media, making it difficult for readers to find and refer back to specific information. With Mirror articles, in particular, the end user can have everything neatly arranged on a single page, eliminating the need to scroll between multiple bookmarks like with Twitter threads.

Lastly, hosting our content on a decentralized platform like Mirror helps us build a dedicated community that can actively engage and support our vision. For instance, community members can mint our entries (content) and contribute to our cause. The best part is that everything will be on-chain, which limits the presence of bots that often disrupt giveaways and airdrops.

And these are the members we want to properly reward.

Rewarding readers.

As mentioned in the previous section, we want to reward users who truly believe in Natrium and its aim to disrupt the money market landscape. That's why we are excited to announce the introduction of a brand new Discord role: the Reader.

This role will be given to members who have minted at least 5 of our articles (the more, the better).

Winners will be selected in batches on a weekly basis, starting from mid-February. However, you can start minting now to gain an edge over future participants!

*At Natrium, we believe in privacy and anonymity, so subscribing won't increase your chances since it exposes your email address.

The role will have multiple benefits, many of which will be gradually disclosed in the following weeks, including:

  • Access to a private alpha group within our Discord, providing early access to all major news and announcements before anyone else. We plan to open this channel in the second half of February.

  • x5 chance of being eligible for ALL 3 PHASES of our airdrop.

  • Early access to selected features of our Dapp.

  • And much more!

Even members who don't participate in this initiative will still have a fair chance at being eligible for the airdrop.

Thank you for reading until the end! See you soon!

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