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Dark Tunnels Newsletter

Dark Tunnels Newsletter

Dark Tunnels is dedicated to exploring the emerging ecosystem of fully onchain games through a pragmatic, business-oriented lens
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Proto-Danksharding & You: A Primer

Breaking down the latest EIP and its significance to the ongoing evolution of fully onchain gaming
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Build the Game that Sells Itself

Why onchain game developers should focus on building story generators
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Distribution is Everything

How should fully onchain game developers think about distribution? What platforms are currently available to FOCGs and how might this change in the future?
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Proven, Better, New

What can we learn from applying the famous Zynga product framework to fully onchain games?
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Bold Predictions for 2024

How do builders and investors see the onchain games ecosystem evolving in 2024?
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The Simulation Games Opportunity

Why simulation games are the genre to watch in fully onchain gaming.
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The Forever Games Framework

Applying Mitch Lasky's five-point framework for "forever games" to onchain game development
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Finding Forever (Games)

What can history teach us about the staying power of games?
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On Business Models (Part 4)

Concluding our miniseries on fully onchain gaming business models with an exploration of the business model canvas.