Instructions to enable 2-factor Authentication in Omega accounts

Welcome to Omega Network! In order to ensure the security of your account balance, we require you to enable 2-factor authentication. Here are the detailed instructions:

1. What is 2-factor Authentication?

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security process in which users provide two authentication factors to verify themselves.

You need to download an authenticator app on your phone. When you set up an authenticator app with your Omega account, that account generates a secret key - a random collection of numbers and symbols - which you then save to the authenticator app. Omega app usually shows you that key in a QR code. When you scan that with the authenticator app, the key is saved to your phone.

Then when you withdraw coins from that Omega account, it asks you to check your authenticator app for a code that displays for a short time, usually 30 seconds. If the codes match, that account knows the right person is trying to withdraw.

2. How to enable 2-factor Authentication in Omega accounts.

Step 1: Log in to the Google Authenticator App

Install the Google Authenticator App on Google Play/App Store:

Log in to the Google Authenticator app. You can log in with your Gmail or use this app without an account.

Step 2: Get the Authentication secret key in Omega accounts

Open your Omega app. Go to Profile, then choose “Two–Factor Authentication”.

Copy this Authentication secret key into the Omega app.

Step 3: Add the Omega secret key to the Google Authenticator App

Open your Google Authenticator App, choose to Add a code, choose to Enter a setup key and paste the key that you copied on the Omega app, then choose “Add a code”.

Step 4: Enable 2-factor Authentication in Omega accounts

After you complete the above step, the Google Authenticator App will give you a code.

Use this code to enter the following box in the Omega app. Then choose “Enable Two-Factor”.

When you activate successfully, the app will notify you.

Note: Each code is only valid for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds the application will change the new code. So please act quickly.

If you delete the Google Authenticator App or your Omega key in the Google Authenticator App, you won't be able to recover it, then you can’t withdraw your coins in your balance. So please pay attention.

For more information about KYC, please refer to:

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