Anatomy of the Open Metaverse with Digi

There are two types of Metaverse to choose from. One is run by Big Tech companies like Meta(Facebook), and the other uses open protocols on blockchains like Decentraland/SandBox. The main difference between the two is not only the technology they use and how much they share their code and data, but also how they value the asset in their Metaverse.

Big Tech Metaverse companies prioritize shareholders’ profit and control over the assets in the Metaverse, while Web3 based Metaverse communities should prioritize decentralization and user ownership. As Metaverse continues to grow, it is important to consider the values and priorities of the platform that you choose to participate in.

In order to answer the question of what kinds of in-Metaverse assets should be in an open metaverse, it is important to first define what is meant by "in-Metaverse assets." These assets include any given instances that exist within the Metaverse, such as virtual assets, Economics instruments and blockchain infrastructures.

In Metaverse Items


Avatars are virtual representation of a user or player within the Metaverse. Avatars can be customized to reflect the user's preferences and can interact with other avatars and in-world objects. By representing avatars as NFTs, users can truly own and control their digital identity within the Metaverse. This can also allow for greater interoperability between different Metaverse platforms and communities.

Digi Metaverse offer users the option to use Avatar Live app, powered by DigiMaker, to create their own avatars. Each avatar is a unique combination of rare features that can only be used once, ensuring that no two avatars look the same. Additionally, Digi can assist users in generating 3D NFTs from their ownPFPs to truly own and control within the Metaverse.

Space / Land

"The Land in Metaverse" is a subject that pertains to virtual real estate. It refers to the digital space that users can buy and develop in the Metaverse. These virtual worlds are frequently divided into parcels of land or space that can be purchased and sold, much like physical real estate. In certain Metaverse platforms, owning land can provide users with greater creative control over their virtual environment and can even offer potential for monetization through the establishment of in-world businesses or events.

In Digi Metaverse. Users can mint DigiLand for free with land generator, DigiLand is an NFT with composite attributes. DigiLand combines different but combinable and separable attributes (such as coordinates that can be split and exchanged. Users can trade their coordinates as an NFT on the market.)

These attributes are divided into two categories:

  • The first category of attributes are scarce and cannot be produced (such as coordinates and domain names). We can call them "land-like" attributes.

  • The second category does not have these characteristics (such as scenes built on the land). We can call them "improved" attributes.

In-Content Goods

In-content goods are assets that can be produced by different in-Metaverse contents. These can include virtual goods such as clothing, accessories, furniture, and other items that can be used to unlock levels in game content or boost avatar’s performance. These items can be created by content creators and own or trade by users . Here are some examples of in contents goods NFTs in different mechanisms.

  • Free to Play: Play metaverse games and earn NFTs such as POAPs.

  • Free to Own: Earn Soul-Bound NFTs after finishing tasks in the Metaverse.

  • Free to Earn: Earn fungible tokens after completing quests in the Metaverse.

  • Play for Fun: Purchase an NFT Pass to play the Metaverse game.

  • Play to Own: Win NFTs with score attributes after playing a game.

  • Play to Earn: Purchase NFTs to play a game and earn FT as a reward.s


Instruments in Metaverse including in-metaverse currency, financial instruments such as DeFi protocols, and marketplaces. These instruments are designed to facilitate transactions within the Metaverse and allow for the exchange of value between users. The use of Web3 technology can provide greater transparency and security for these instruments, as well as enable interoperability between different Metaverse platforms and communities.


In Metaverse currencies typically come in the form of fungible tokens such as stable coins, governance tokens, utility tokens, and recently Soulbound tokens.

Stable coin

Stable coins are a type of cryptocurrency that are pegged to a stable asset, such as the US dollar. They are designed to provide a more stable store of value than other cryptocurrencies, which can be highly volatile. In the Metaverse, stable coins can be used for transactions and as a unit of account.

Utility Token and Governance Token

A utility token is a type of cryptocurrency that is intended to be used for a specific purpose within a larger ecosystem or platform, such as to access certain features or services.

Governance tokens are another type of currency used in Metaverse. Holders of governance tokens have the ability to vote on decisions related to the platform, such as changes to protocol or the introduction of new features. In some cases, governance tokens can also be used to earn rewards or incentives within the platform.

$Digi Token is an example of a governance utility token within the Digi Metaverse. (e.g Token holders can participate in the decision-making process of the platform, and the token also serves as the gas token of the Digi Chain. )

Soul-Bound Token

Soulbound tokens, which represent an individual's credentials, affiliations, and commitments, are another type of currency that can be used within the Metaverse.

Defi Protocols

Defi, short for "decentralized finance", is a crucial instrument for the development of the Metaverse. Defi provides a framework for financial transactions and services that are open and accessible to everyone, without the need for traditional financial intermediaries.


Decentralized exchanges (aka. Swaps) are an important part of the DeFi ecosystem. These exchanges allow users to trade cryptocurrencies and other digital assets without the need for a centralized intermediary. This can provide greater privacy and security for users, as well as eliminate the risk of a single point of failure. In addition, DEXs can also facilitate greater interoperability between different Metaverse platforms and communities.

DigiSwap will play an important role in the Digi metaverse. It allows users to trade tokens without having to trust a third-party custodian, which reduces the risk of hacking and fraud. Every swap that traders do on DigiSwap is routed directly through their own wallet, so they don't need to trust a centralized authority.

NFT Marketplace

NFT Marketplace is a platform where users can buy, sell, and trade non-fungible tokens. These tokens can represent a wide range of in-Metaverse assets, such as avatars, land, and in-content goods. NFT marketplaces can provide a way for creators to monetize their creations and for users to invest in unique and rare assets within the Metaverse. Some popular NFT marketplaces include OpenSea, Sudoswap and Blur.

Digi is developing a dual model marketplace for communities. The Digi dual model NFT marketplace is a platform that allows users to buy and sell non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in two different ways. This is necessary since there are two types of NFTs, one is private ownership while the other is partial common ownership (PCO).For the former, users fully own and control their NFTs, meaning nobody can move theses NFTs without their owners' permission. In the case of PCO scenario, NFTs can be transferred out without their current owners' active engagement.


Account System

Account systems are an essential component of the metaverse. They help users to create, manage, and authenticate their assets. The Web3 community is actively developing solutions to address the challenges of authentication in the Metaverse like Account Abstraction (AA), which eliminates the need for private and public keys to access accounts.

The Digi team is developing an authentication system called DigiAuth, which is a protocol within Digi Portal. DigiAuth allows users to grant third-party applications access to their resources without providing them with their password. This is particularly useful for web2 users who may not be familiar with digital wallets or who don't want to set up a new one. By leveraging users' existing social media accounts, Digi Metaverse offers a seamless onboarding process that can help attract many web2 users to the open metaverse.

Moreover, Digi values a user's account as a Soul Bound Token representing their credentials, affiliations, and commitments within the metaverse. Digi will incentivize positive contributions with the Soul Bound system, rewarding users with points for actions such as creating high-quality content or participating in community events.

Content building Tools

In order to build content for the Metaverse, various tools and platforms are necessary. These tools can include 3D modeling software, game engines, and other development frameworks. Some popular tools and platforms for building Metaverse content include:

  • Unity: A game engine that can be used to create 2D and 3D games, as well as VR and AR experiences.

  • Unreal Engine: Another game engine that is frequently used for developing high-quality games and immersive experiences.

  • Blender: A 3D modeling and animation software that can be used to create assets for use within the Metaverse.

  • Decentraland SDK: A software development kit that can be used to create content for Decentraland, a blockchain-based Metaverse platform.

DigiMaker is a content engine that is tailored to cater to the needs of beginners in DigiMetaverse. It provides an all-inclusive set of tools and technology that enable users to easily and quickly build contents and games. DigiMaker's primary goal is to make game building as easy as building with Lego bricks for its users.

To help users get started, Digi Metaverse provides a wide range of video tutorials on DigiMaker, covering topics such as contents design and modeling. Users can access these tutorials on the Digi Metaverse website or on their social media channels. Additionally, Digi Metaverse hosts regular webinars and workshops to provide users with hands-on experience on how to use DigiMaker to build contents in the Metaverse.


Blockchain technology is essential for the development of the Metaverse due to its ability to provide transparency, security, and decentralization.

There are several Metaverse projects built on different public chains, including:

  • Cryptovoxels (built on Ethereum)

  • The Sandbox (built on Ethereum)

  • Decentraland (built on Ethereum)

  • Axie Infinity (built on Ronin, a sidechain of Ethereum)

  • Gala Games (built on the Gala blockchain)

Each of these projects has its own unique features and focus, but they all share a commitment to creating immersive virtual worlds that are powered by blockchain technology.

Digi Metaverse is developing its own blockchain network, Digi Chain, to support the needs of its community. The DigiChain is designed to support the development and operation of decentralized applications. The chain uses a proof-of-authority (POA) consensus mechanism, which allows for efficient and secure transactions. In the future, the platform plans to transition to a proof-of-NFT (PON) system, which will enable users to earn rewards for participating in the validation of transactions.


The open Metaverse offers exciting opportunities for users to own and control their digital assets, interact with others, and participate in new and innovative communities. The anatomy of the open Metaverse is complex, with different types of in-Metaverse assets, instruments, and infrastructures playing key roles in its development. Digi Metaverse is one such platform that seeks to prioritize decentralization and user ownership, offering unique features such as NFT avatars, DigiLand, and Digi Chain. As the Metaverse continues to grow, it is important to consider the values and priorities of the platform that you choose to participate in, so that you can make the most of this exciting and rapidly-evolving space.

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