MOVR 8848 Community AMA


第一次来到中国的加密货币社区,可以给我们的小伙伴先介绍一下Movr Network



Question 1:

It's your first time coming to our community for an AMA. Can you briefly introduce Movr Network? What are your vision and mission?

Really excited to be here! Thank you for having us! Looking forward to discussing about Movr here 

We’re building a metabridge for developers- a single touch point to direct liquidity & data across chains easily. Developers can use Movr as an infra layer to do anything: from moving funds across chains to sharing state across chains.

We’ve built FundMovr, the first app on top of our infra ourselves. It allows users to swap-bridge-swap across chains in the most efficient way possible. You can think of it like 1Inch for cross-chain swaps. You can try it out here:

Lots of apps like Zerion, Orange Wallet, Ambire Wallet & many others are already using our infra to power their use cases! 

We want to solve for the broken multi chain UX. It is very difficult for users to use apps on another chain. Using our infra, we enable apps to go chain agnostic so that users can interact with the app from any chain! All bridging nuances get abstracted away for users!


我们正在为开发人员构建一个元桥——一个一键跨链引导流动性和数据的工具。开发人员可以使用 Movr 作为基础层来做任何事情:从跨链转移资金到跨链共享状态。


许多应用程序,如 Zerion、Orange Wallet、Ambire Wallet 和许多其他应用程序已经在使用我们的基础设施来布置他们的用例!






Question 2:

Can you tell me about the background of your team and what brings you guys together?

I’ve been in the space for 7-8 months now. I have a background from the web2 side of things- have been actively working in Indian startups. Started out at InMobi- India’s first unicorn. Launched new products there and scaled them to multi million dollar businesses. Led revenue strategy there as well. Then moved to another startup which got acquired by India’s largest food delivery app. Was leading strategic initiatives there as well: launched new products from scratch there as well

Vaibhav, my cofounder, has been in the space for 3.5-4 years now. He was the first developer at Polygon (MATIC back then). He built most of the MATIC tech stack from scratch. He then build the first ever ZK Rollup when they were proposed for the first time. He then moved on from Polygon to work full time at Ethereum Foundation where he started working on the most scalable Optimistic rollup- the tech he built there is also being adopted by Optimism & Arbitrum today

Our core team includes some great folks. Our head of engineering is ex-Polygon & has worked in some great DeFi projects too. He built the Polygon PoS bridge which is one of the highest TVL contracts on Ethereum. Other team members too have worked extensively in the space on various DeFi projects & DAOs.

We all believe that the multi chain UX needs fixing. We all want to work at the infra level with all the projects out there and make the multi chain UX better!  

(中文翻译)我已经在这个领域工作了 7-8 个月了。我有 web2 方面的背景——一直在印度初创公司积极工作。始于 InMobi——印度的第一家独角兽公司。在那里推出新产品并将其扩展到数百万美元的业务。在那里我也负责营收战略。然后我跳槽到另一家被印度最大的送餐应用程序收购的初创公司。在那里领导战略计划:也在那里从头开始推出新产品

我的联合创始人 Vaibhav 已经在这个领域工作了 3.5-4 年。他是 Polygon(当时的 MATIC)的第一位开发人员。他从零开始构建了大部分 MATIC 技术堆栈。然后,当第一次提出时,他构建了第一个 ZK Rollup。然后,他从 Polygon 转到以太坊基金会全职工作,在那里他开始研究最具可扩展性的 Optimistic rollup——他在那里建立的技术今天也被 Optimism & Arbitrum 采用

我们的核心团队包括一些很棒的人。我们的工程负责人是前 Polygon,也曾在一些伟大的 DeFi 项目中工作过。他建立了 Polygon PoS 桥,这是以太坊上最高的 TVL 合约之一。其他团队成员也曾在该领域广泛开展各种 DeFi 项目和 DAO 的工作。




现在市场上的跨链桥方案非常多,为什么大家要使用Movr Network? 相比于其他跨链桥方案,Movr的优势在哪里?


Question 3:

There are many cross-chain bridge solutions in the market(Connext, debridge, multichain, cbridge…). What make Movr Network different? What are the advantages of Movr over other chain-bridge solutions?

There indeed are a lot of bridges out there. And every bridge is different. They support different set of chains, they have different mechanisms, capital efficiencies, security properties etc. Check out our short thread on this here:

Moreover, most bridges support only a selected set of tokens. So if you want to go from Token A on Chan X to Token B on Chain Y, you need to swap to some token that a bridge supports, choose a  bridge & then swap again into the token you need. There are 1000s of ways to do this & finding the best one is extremely difficult 

We aggregate all bridges, DEXs & DEX aggregators and find the best route for you so that you can easily move your funds across chains. You can read more about us here:


此外,大多数跨链桥仅支持一组选定的代币。因此,如果您想从 Chan X 上的代币 A 到链 Y 上的代币 B,您需要交换到某个桥支持的代币,选择一个桥然后再次交换到您需要的代币。有 1000 种方法可以做到这一点,而找到最好的方法非常麻烦。

我们会聚合所有跨链桥、DEX 和 DEX 聚合器,并为您找到最佳路线,以便您可以轻松地跨链转移资金。您可以在这里阅读更多关于我们的信息:



对于非EVM链与EVM链呢?比如像solana, 还有一些波卡和Cosmos的生态链等等,市面上还是很少可用的产品能让大家便捷跨链转移资产,Movr在这方面是怎么设计的?

Question 4:

What about non-EVM chains? For example, solana, pokadot parachains and Cosmos hubs, there are still few products available on the market that can easily transfer assets across EVM chains and non-EVM chains. How is Movr designed aiming on this?

As a metabridge- we provide access to all chains no matter EVM or non EVM. These chains will automatically get supported as we integrate more & more bridges which will be very soon.

(中文翻译)作为元桥——我们为您提供对所有链的访问,无论是 EVM 还是非 EVM。随着我们集成越来越多的桥梁,这些链将自动得到支持,这将很快实现。




Question 5:

Many people are still using CEX for their cross-chain asset transaction needs. What if CEX like Binance provides a more convenient bridge solution (but maybe centralised)? How can decentralised solutions compete on user coverage and ease of use, and even cost?

We are already seeing great adoption of decentralised bridges. There’s a ton of volume going through bridges like Connext, Multichain (Anyswap), Hop, Celer, Synapse & so many more. We’ve crossed $25mn in volume in a very short period of time already. The adoption of these bridges will only grow over time

As these bridges scale & gain more volume, their cost decreases as well. So the cost b/w centralised and decentralised bridges will definitely decrease overtime. Lastly, aggregation solutions like Movr help make bridging better for users by providing them an extremely easy to use UX along with the most cost efficient way to bridge.

(中文翻译)我们已经看到去中心化跨链桥的广泛采用。有大量的交易量通过Connext、Multichain (Anyswap)、Hop、Celer、Synapse 等桥梁。我们已经在很短的时间内突破了 2500 万美元的交易量。这些跨链桥的采用只会随着时间的推移而增长

随着这些跨链桥的规模扩大和体积增加,它们的成本也会降低。因此,b/w 集中式和分散式跨链桥的成本肯定会最终降低。最后,像 Movr 这样的聚合解决方案通过为用户提供极其易于使用的 UX 以及最具成本效益的桥接方式,帮助他们更好地进行桥接。



Movr Network  有代币的设计吗?代币在生态中都有哪些功能呢,价值捕获在哪些方面?

Question 6:

Does Movr Network have a plan of native token for the product? Why or why not? What are the functions of tokens in the ecosystem, and what does the token capture values (if have)?

We have a plan for our token. We’ll release details about it soon!





Question 7:

Many friends in the community are also very interested in the testnet, they have great desire to experience the product. Is the current test network a public test network? Can you share us more details?

**There is no testnet for bridging. Our product is live on 7 mainnets already.. You can try it out here:** 

(中文翻译)没有用于桥接的测试网。我们的产品已经在 7 个主网上运行。您可以在这里试用:




Question 8:

When will your mainnet launch, and what are your following plans and focus?

 There is no testnet for bridging. Our product is live on 7 mainnets already. You can try it out here:

(中文翻译)没有用于桥接的测试网。我们的产品已经在 7 个主网上运行。您可以在这里试用:




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