So Why Wellness?

So Why Wellness?

How Do You Mirror Your Wellness? 

Well maybe I should speak on what triggered my venture into digital art. I haven't picked up a pencil to sketch since I was like 10 or 11 years old ,but on Dec 1st 2021 I was traveling to Jamaica for vacation and I was hit with a feeling. That feeling was one that I had felt in the past over and over and over again. It was that feeling of breakthrough. A voice in my head was like "don't miss this global transition". Being a talent manager for so long it is hard for me to buy into anything if I don't believe in it. The first question I asked myself was why? What will be your reason if someone asks you. If it is not successful immediately, what will you keep pushing? What would you talk to anyone about? The answer became very clear to me. It was wellness. 

Anyone who truly knows me, they know that I am extremely serious about wellness on a holistic level. I eat the same healthy meal daily. I sleep well. I live a very low stress life. I have been working out since 7th grade. No smoking, no alcohol and shit, I barely drink caffeine. I do not shame anyone for their lifestyle choices, but I do educate those who are open to listening. 

Mirrors Wellness Club was born on a Delta flight to Jamaica. I truly believe that we start to see breakthroughs in our life once we look in the mirror and begin being honest with ourselves and where we are currently at with our personal journey here on earth. These drawings (which I think are cool as fuck) will serve as the key to the biggest wellness project in the world. My name is Ty Baisden and as weird as it sounds I am the artist that created this world that I hope will attract like minded individuals who take wellness as seriously as I do. Now that I'm done, let's talk more in depth about wellness.

Do you want to MINT your mental health? Of course not. With mental health awareness on the rise, Mirrors Wellness Club is here to develop and grow a community that is strong enough to explore the metaverse without getting lost. When we look into the mirror, we want our community to be honest with themselves on where they currently are with their journey, and then grow from there. We want to be the safe space for positive and healthy minds to grow together. That is our WHY. 

We all have seen what the last decade of social media has done to our youth, so what do you think the metaverse is capable of? The technology that made the metaverse possible is ground-breaking and will help with a massive transfer of wealth, but we want to focus on a transformation of health. That is our MISSION.

Mental, physical and financial wellness are the three pillars. We want to make being mentally healthy, sexy. We want to make being physically healthy sexy. We want to make being financially stable, sexy. Everyone deserves the opportunity to have a holistic, healthy experience. 

Add wellness to your metaverse journey. Join the discord and bring a friend.

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