Learn how to run your Nibiru Node or Validator

Node Setup

  1. Prepare the server:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && \
sudo apt install curl tar wget clang pkg-config libssl-dev libleveldb-dev jq build-essential bsdmainutils git make ncdu htop screen unzip bc fail2ban htop -y
  1. Install go:
ver="1.19" && \
wget "https://golang.org/dl/go$ver.linux-amd64.tar.gz" && \
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && \
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf "go$ver.linux-amd64.tar.gz" && \
rm "go$ver.linux-amd64.tar.gz" && \
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin" >> $HOME/.bash_profile && \
source $HOME/.bash_profile && \
go version
  1. Download the binary:
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/NibiruChain/nibiru
cd nibiru
git checkout v0.19.2
make install
  1. Change "f5nodes" during setup:
nibid init f5nodes --chain-id=nibiru-itn-1
nibid config chain-id nibiru-itn-1
  1. Add wallet (modify "f5nodes"): 5.1 Create a new one:
nibid keys add f5nodes

5.2 Restore an old one using mnemonic:

nibid keys add f5nodes --recover
  1. Download the genesis file:
wget -O $HOME/.nibid/config/genesis.json "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/obajay/nodes-Guides/main/Nibiru/genesis.json"
  1. Verify the genesis setup with the following command:
sha256sum $HOME/.nibid/config/genesis.json

💭 e162ace87f5cbc624aa2a4882006312ef8762a8a549cf4a22ae35bba12482c72 genesis.json

  1. Next, configure pruning, indexer, minimum gas price, and peers:
pruning="custom" && \
pruning_keep_recent="100" && \
pruning_keep_every="0" && \
pruning_interval="10" && \
sed -i -e "s/^pruning *=.*/pruning = \"$pruning\"/" ~/.nibid/config/app.toml && \
sed -i -e "s/^pruning-keep-recent *=.*/pruning-keep-recent = \"$pruning_keep_recent\"/" ~/.nibid/config/app.toml && \
sed -i -e "s/^pruning-keep-every *=.*/pruning-keep-every = \"$pruning_keep_every\"/" ~/.nibid/config/app.toml && \
sed -i -e "s/^pruning-interval *=.*/pruning-interval = \"$pruning_interval\"/" ~/.nibid/config/app.toml
indexer="null" && \
sed -i -e "s/^indexer *=.*/indexer = \"$indexer\"/" $HOME/.nibid/config/config.toml
sed -i.bak -e "s/^minimum-gas-prices *=.*/minimum-gas-prices = \"0.0unibi\"/;" ~/.nibid/config/app.toml
sed -i -e "s/^filter_peers *=.*/filter_peers = \"true\"/" $HOME/.nibid/config/config.toml
external_address=$(wget -qO- eth0.me) 
sed -i.bak -e "s/^external_address *=.*/external_address = \"$external_address:26656\"/" $HOME/.nibid/config/config.toml
sed -i.bak -e "s/^persistent_peers *=.*/persistent_peers = \"$peers\"/" $HOME/.nibid/config/config.toml
sed -i.bak -e "s/^seeds =.*/seeds = \"$seeds\"/" $HOME/.nibid/config/config.toml
sed -i 's/max_num_inbound_peers =.*/max_num_inbound_peers = 50/g' $HOME/.nibid/config/config.toml
sed -i 's/max_num_outbound_peers =.*/max_num_outbound_peers = 50/g' $HOME/.nibid/config/config.toml

‼️ Execute the following commands only if you already have nodes on the server and want to change ports: If Nibiru is a second node on the server:

sed -i.bak -e "s%^proxy_app = \"tcp://\"%proxy_app = \"tcp://\"%; s%^laddr = \"tcp://\"%laddr = \"tcp://\"%; s%^pprof_laddr = \"localhost:6060\"%pprof_laddr = \"localhost:6061\"%; s%^laddr = \"tcp://\"%laddr = \"tcp://\"%; s%^prometheus_listen_addr = \":26660\"%prometheus_listen_addr = \":36660\"%" $HOME/$work_dir/config/config.toml
sed -i.bak -e "s%^address = \"\"%address = \"\"%; s%^address = \"\"%address = \"\"%; s%^address = \"tcp://\"%address = \"tcp://\"%" $HOME/$work_dir/config/app.toml
sed -i.bak -e "s%^node = \"tcp://localhost:26657\"%node = \"tcp://localhost:36657\"%" $HOME/$work_dir/config/client.toml
sed -i.bak -e "s/^external_address *=.*/external_address = \"$external_address:36656\"/" $HOME/$work_dir/config/config.toml

If Nibiru is a third node on the server:

sed -i.bak -e "s%^proxy_app = \"tcp://\"%proxy_app = \"tcp://\"%; s%^laddr = \"tcp://\"%laddr = \"tcp://\"%; s%^pprof_laddr = \"localhost:6060\"%pprof_laddr = \"localhost:6062\"%; s%^laddr = \"tcp://\"%laddr = \"tcp://\"%; s%^prometheus_listen_addr = \":26660\"%prometheus_listen_addr = \":46660\"%" $HOME/$work_dir/config/config.toml
sed -i.bak -e "s%^address = \"\"%address = \"\"%; s%^address = \"\"%address = \"\"%; s%^address = \"tcp://\"%address = \"tcp://\"%" $HOME/$work_dir/config/app.toml
sed -i.bak -e "s%^node = \"tcp://localhost:26657\"%node = \"tcp://localhost:46657\"%" $HOME/$work_dir/config/client.toml
sed -i.bak -e "s/^external_address *=.*/external_address = \"$external_address:46656\"/" $HOME/$work_dir/config/config.toml

And so on, as the ports increase. 9. Download addrbook:

wget -O $HOME/.nibid/config/addrbook.json "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/obajay/nodes-Guides/main/Nibiru/addrbook.json"
  1. Create a service file:
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/nibid.service > /dev/null <<EOF

ExecStart=$(which nibid) start

  1. Start the node:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable nibid
sudo systemctl restart nibid && sudo journalctl -u nibid -f -o cat
  1. Check the synchronisation:
nibid status 2>&1 | jq .SyncInfo
  1. Create a validator, having previously requested tokens from the faucet to your wallet (replace f5nodes):
nibid tx staking create-validator \
--amount=1000000unibi \
--identity="" \
--details="" \
--website="" \
--pubkey=$(nibid tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker=f5nodes \
--chain-id=nibiru-itn-1 \
--commission-rate="0.05" \
--commission-max-rate="0.20" \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.05" \
--min-self-delegation="1" \
--from=f5nodes \

Useful commands

Delete node:

sudo systemctl stop nibid && \
sudo systemctl disable nibid && \
rm /etc/systemd/system/nibid.service && \
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && \
cd $HOME && \
rm -rf .nibid && \
rm -rf nibiru && \
rm -rf $(which nibid)

Check the status of the node:

nibid status 2>&1 | jq .NodeInfo

Check synchronisation:

nibid status 2>&1 | jq .SyncInfo

Check logs:

sudo journalctl -u nibid -f -o cat

Check balance:

nibid query bank balances nibi1...s8uccz8m2cnqdmreuv4cw8
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