深度剖析DecredNext丨追风社 AMA

2022年7月12日20:00,DecredNext项目做客追风社,与大家分享 AMA 内容的嘉宾是DecredNext Principal of Community & Market Operations Stephanie。

以下是本次 AMA 的文字整理。


主持人:First can you introduce the protocol Decred-Next to the audience?


**Stephanie:**DecredNext is a free, open and multi-platform digital currency with a decentralized open governance model, sustainable funding and flexible contracting model, and can use 100% open source technology to build DecredNext. It mines using a hybrid proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS) mining system with a layered security strategy and carefully tuned incentives. It makes DecredNext have the advantages of both mechanisms. To be precise, the foundation of DecredNext is to fully inherit the advantages of Decred’s development over the years. In the future, we will combine advanced technical means such as EVM to give DecredNext a richer and more diverse community ecology and practical scenarios.

DecredNext是⼀种⾃由开放和能⽀持多平台的数字货币,具有去中⼼化的开放治理模式和可持续的 资⾦和弹性的承包模式、并且能使⽤100% 的开源技术构建DecredNext。它利⽤混合⼯作量证明 (PoW) 和权益证明 (PoS) 挖矿系统来进⾏挖矿,该系统具备分层的安全性策略并仔细调整了激励措 施。使得DecredNext兼备两种机制的优势。准确的说DecredNext的基础是对Decred多年发展沉淀 下来的优点的全⾯继承,⽽未来我们会结合EVM等先进技术⼿段、赋予DecredNext更加丰富多元的 社区⽣态和实⽤场景。


**主持人:**Please tell us about your team and the experiences they have.


**Stephanie:**The core members of the DCRN team mainly come from two parts. The first part is from the backbone members and core personnel of the original Decred community, and the second part is the decentralized development team from all over the world, including the software engineers and business executives from Google, Meta. They are passionate about the future development of the public chain ecosystem.

DCRN的团队核⼼⼈员主要来⾃于两个部分,第⼀部分来⾃于Decred原社区⻣⼲成员和核⼼⼈员,第 ⼆部分为来⾃世界各地的分散化开发团队,其中包括来⾃⾕歌、的⾏业专家、软件⼯程师和业务主 管,他们对未来的公链⽣态发展充满热情。



**主持人:**Why DCRN decides to fork from DCR(Decred)? What is the advantage of the fork compared to the previous protocol?


**Stephanie:**When DCR was first introduced, we were impressed by its PoA(Proof of Activity) concept and innovative hybrid PoW + PoS consensus mechanism, because it makes miners and stakeholders incentivize each other for the sustained development of the whole system. However, the split change of PoW/PoS from 60/30 to 10/80 brought about this hard fork. There are two main reasons behind this tough decision.

First and foremost, we firmly believe PoW must play a dominant role in DCR and disagree that the subsidy split of 10%, PoW/ 80%, PoS is for the good of the community. With the PoW proportion being cut to 10%, we have seen a loss of computing power and the mining machines losing value.

Under the current high PoS proportion, we do and will see resource monopolizers (whales) double up as rules enforcers (miners). When that becomes a reality, they will pocket all the increased wealth in the system at almost zero costs. They only need to “stake” their tokens, with the assurance that their tokens will grow indefinitely at zero costs. As is known as Matthew effect, the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. A perfect case in point is the EOS community in that early participants take home most of the gains by “doing nothing”. Such a situation is extremely dangerous with the risk that the community would naturally shrink, with no fresh entrants, and that the project would inevitably demise.

By contrast, with the high PoW proportion, DCR would be able to maintain a balance and manage to carve a division among “resources owners”, “rule makers,” and “rule enforcers”. As long as there is fierce competition among miners, the overall cost of a single token (including electricity, people, machine, and R&D) will be infinitely approximate to its price. Miners have to sell most of their tokens to achieve breakeven. Besides, block rewards decrease over time, making it anti-inflationary by design. Even if the community development remains stagnant for a while, its token price will be inflation-resistant over time. The PoW allocation model is analogous to dividing a cake. With fewer pieces remaining, the scarcity of the cake increases. Thus, the older a high-PoW-proportion ecosystem becomes, the harder it will be for miners to become crypto whales. DCR is anti- inflationary, whose value is supported and validated by computing power, thanks to its PoW element.This, coupled with the 40% non-PoW distribution, has enabled the classic DCR ecosystem to maintain the separation of “rule makers” and “resources owners”. For all the reasons listed above, we are firmly convinced that for the balance of the DCR ecosystem, PoW must play a dominant role.

Secondly, we were expecting the original Decred to explore more to strengthen the community, but little did we see. Especially in the past year, the development of DCR has been very disappointing. The total market capitalization of DCR has fallen out of the TOP100. Besides, we saw little growth of the community as we missed a lot of opportunities in GAMEFI、NFT、WEB3.0, etc. However, we didn’t see efforts on marketing while the popularity of ecology and community has been declining. Therefore, we are eager to make the community great again by introducing DCRN which was designed to build a naturally balanced system and drive the thriving of the community.

 Compared to DCR, DCRN is developing an extendable ecology that would support a large amount of applications and innovations. We are utilizing EVM, sharding, OmniLayer to explore more possibilities in Web 3.0.

坦率地讲,在决定分叉这件事情上其实社区内部的分歧是很⼤的。所以我们⼏个核⼼成员联合⼤的矿 ⼯发起过⼀个投票,没有想到响应我们的社区⼈员还很多的,其实总结起来我们社区内所有⽀持分叉 的主要有以下两个原因:

 第⼀:DCR在问世之初较为创新的POW打包记账+POS投票决策的共识机制让当时的⼈们眼前⼀亮, 这种利⽤奖励机制使三⽅权⼒互相制衡同时也互相受益,很多早期⼀直到现在的社区⽀持者都知道其 实这种平衡的机制其实是⻓期以来整个社区共识的基础。我和团队中的很多伙伴都是被这⼀点所吸引 的。Decred的这样⼀套机制既提⾼了出块效率,同时⼜保证了安全性,预留给开发⼈员的货币奖励 保障了软件本⾝的开发⽀持,通过投票系统使得每个决定都不会被少数⼈决定。这样形成了⼀个PoW 矿⼯、PoS权益持有⼈和开发者组成的⾼效、⺠主的社区。这不仅仅是Decred的技术基础,平衡的 机制也更是DCR的价值所在,POW以时间递减模式分配代币,所以本⾝设计上对通胀有天然的抵抗 能⼒。即使社区成员通缩,代币价格也会随着时间的推移抵抗贬值。简单的⽐喻POW代币分配模式 是⼀种切蛋糕,随着剩余蛋糕份额的减少蛋糕的稀缺性越⾼。⽽POS持票⼈+10%DAO分配⼜有效规 避了“矿霸”现象的存在。使得DCR即拥有POW的抗通胀能⼒,和算⼒认证的价值基础,⼜获得了 三权分⽴般的平衡制约。在现⾏的Decred的机制中,⾼⽐例POS机制下迟早会出现资源垄断者(持币 ⼤⼾)和规则执⾏者(矿⼯)的⾝份是完全重合的情况,这就会导致资源垄断者可以近乎零成本的垄 断这个⾦融系统之中的财富增量,因为他们只需要“质押”⾃⼰的代币,就可以保证代币的数量零成 本的⽆限增⻓。很容易看出,在这样的加密体系中,这种情况是⼗分危险的。 EOS的社区通缩就是 最典型的例⼦,发展到后期很容易出现因为早期进⼊者“躺赢”⽽通吃⼤部分的收益,发展到最后社 区通缩,不再有新鲜的⼒量注⼊,那么项⽬就会不可避免的⾛向衰亡。⽽DCR过去保持⾼⽐例POW 机制,却相对完美的做到了“资源掌握者”和“规则制定者”“规则执⾏者”三者的分离。因为只要 算⼒竞争越充分,那么单个币的产出总成本(电费,⼈⼯,机械,研发)就会⽆限接近于单个币的价 格,矿⼯必须要卖掉⼤部分的币才能保证收⽀平衡。所以,⼀个⾼⽐例POW⽣态挖矿发展的越久, 矿⼯就越难变成持币⼤⼾,加上40%的⾮POW⽣产部分,传统的DCR⽣态确保了“规则执⾏ 者”和“资源掌握者”的⾝份分割。我相信我这么讲,很多原Decred社区的参与者⼀定会感同⾝受。

第⼆:Decred项⽬⽅的不作为真的很令我们感到失望,在项⽬推出之初,⼀度受到了许多币圈⼤佬 的关注和市场的追捧,曾经也是⻓期霸榜市值TOP30的明星项⽬。⽽近⼀年的发展⾮常令⼈担忧。⾸ 先,从项⽬发展上来看,DCR在过去⼀年中除了上线DCRDEX外就是对Decrediton钱包的⼀些基础升 级及BUG修复,明显对当前区块链新发展的需求响应不⾜,更是错过了去年开始⼤热的GAMEFI、 NFT、WEB3.0等概念。同时宣传上声⾳寥寥,⽼调重弹,⽣态和社区热度也⼀直在衰减,甚⾄在去 年的⼤⽜市中,如此⾼涨的市场热情社交平台的增粉数量并不可观,最直观的反馈就是DCR的总市值 已经跌倒了TOP100的边缘。我们需要通过分叉来让DCRN发展的更有前景。


**主持人:**A good project always has a clear roadmap. Can you share the DCRN raodmap with us?


**Stephanie:**By Oct 2022, DCRN can be used to buy hashrate (rent mining machine) at blake 256 hashrate trading plantform, where blake 256 hashrate buyer and seller trading. 

By March 2022, complete the TPS promoting project, using Zero Knowledge or Sharding technology. 

By June 2022, the EVM and OmniLayer will be integrated into DCRN mainnet, after that we can develop the ecosystem of Decred-Next.

2022年10⽉ 推出DCRN购买Blake256算⼒的交易平台 

2023年3⽉ 完成扩展性提升,采⽤ZK或Sharding技术 

2023年6⽉ 兼容EVM并⽀持OmniLayer协议,进⼀步完善⽣态基础设施



**主持人:**How to participate in the DCRN protocol?


**Stephanie:**There are two ways to participate in DCRN. The first is POW mining, and the second is POS staking.

As for PoW mining, DCRN uses the same algorithm as DCR, and any miner that mines DCR can mine DCRN. At present, AntMiner DR3 and DR5 , Whatsminer D1 and StrongU STU-U1 support DCRN mining, their hash rate is dozens of times higher than GPU mining and the mining configuration is relatively simple. Now the official mining pool "drcnpool com" support DCRN mining. We have negotiated and connected with 3 of the world's top mining pools, and will announce them after the completion of the connection test. 

As for PoS staking, after downloading the wallet on the official website, you can use DCRN to purchase voting rights to mine. The official website shows that the current POS pledge mining The annualized rate of return of the mine is 2600%+ 

As for PoS staking, after downloading the wallet on the official website, you can use DCRN to purchase voting rights to mine. The official website shows that the current POS pledge mining The annualized rate of return of the mine is 2600%+

⽬前参与DCRN的⽅式有两种,第⼀种是参与POW挖矿,第⼆种是参与POS质押挖矿,在官⽹下载钱 包后,使⽤DCRN购买投票权即可挖矿,官⽹显⽰⽬前POS质押挖矿的年化收益率为2600%+**


**主持人:**Is there plans for listing on any exchanges? Which exchanges will DCRN be listed on?


**Stephanie:**Of course. We have been connecting and communicating with many exchanges, and have made great progress recently. Among them, there are top ten cryptocurrency exchanges. Although in the bear market, we are facing huge challenges to close the deal, we still believe that with the support of partners, we will land on 1-2 exchange(s) soon.

当然有的,我们已经陆续跟多家交易所在对接和沟通了,并且在近期取得了巨⼤的进展。其中全球知 名的前⼗⼤交易所我们都在接触,并且有2-3家已经取得了⾮常重⼤的进展。但众所周知现在的⾏情 并不能令⼈满意,所以在和交易所的对接中我们也⾯临着巨⼤的挑战,不过我们相信在我们专业伙伴 的协助下过不了多久我们就会登陆1-2个全球载誉的交易所,希望⼤家多多关注和期待。


**主持人:**At last can you tell us about the pools which is supported by the DCRN protocol?


**Stephanie:**Now the official mining pool "drcnpool com" support DCRN mining. We have negotiated and connected with 3 of the world's top mining pools, and will announce them after the completion of the connection test.

现在官方矿池“drcnpool.com”支持DCRN挖矿。 我们已经与3个世界顶级矿池进行了谈判对接,将在对接测试完成后公布。


**主持人:**The pledges have high returns in the early stage, and the token price and returns will drop in a curve along with the pledge time, how does the project owner guarantee the Staking returns?

质押前期收益都很⾼,伴随着质押时间代币价格及收益会成曲线下降,项⽬⽅是如何保证 Staking收益的?

**Stephanie:**Well, at present user who participate in the staking program are mostly members from the DCR(Decred) community who supports the hard fork. So the current staking rewards are incredibly high. For the protocol participants I would say it is an optimal time to join the staking program. However, noting that DCRN is a decentralized protocol, the team will not interfere or ensure the staking rewards to a certain extent. The rewards will be completely determined by the number of participants and the amount staked. We believe that as the protocol develops, The value of DCRN will be acknowledged by more followers and hodlers, the staking reward will be maintained in a reasonable interval.

我们的项⽬在6⽉初分叉成功后发展到现在不过⼀个多⽉的时间,主要参与质押的⽤⼾都是之 前DCR社区⽀持硬分叉的⽤⼾,所以⽬前质押的收益率⾮常⾼。对于项⽬参与者来说,这确实是参加 质押⾮常合适的阶段。但我们DCRN是⼀个去中⼼化的项⽬,我们不会⼲预或保证质押的收益率,质 押的收益率完全由参与⽤⼾⼈数和质押量来决定。我们相信随着DCRN⽣态的不断发展和进步, DCRN的价值也会被越来越多的关注者所认可,质押的收益率也会稳定在⼀个合理的范围内。


**主持人:**What is the application scenario and value of DCRN in the project ecology?


**Stephanie:**That is a really good question. As a pubic chain, the main mission for DCRN to bear on its shoulders is cryptocurrency. The reason that we chose to fork based on DCR protocol is that the roadmap for future ecosystem development of DCR, as well as those of other blockchains which develop during the same period seem rather disappointing. At the start of the fork the team members came in agreement that it is essential to focus on expansion and development of ecosystem applications. Currently we are already discussing partnerships with several gem projcets. In the near future, we will also add trending DeFi features including EVM.

这个问题问的⾮常好!⾸先DCRN作为⼀个公链,承载的⼀个使命就是加密货币,我们之所以 选择在DCR的基础上进⾏分叉其中⼀个重要原因就是DCR的⽣态跟其他同时其发展的公链相⽐令⼈失 望。所以我们在决定硬分叉之初所有项⽬核⼼⼈员都认为拓展和丰富⽣态应⽤是⾮常重要的⼀点,⽬ 前我们已经在跟⼀些明星项⽬组洽谈合作,后续也会开发兼容EVM的虚拟机,在未来DCRN将拥有⽆ 限的想象⼒。



**主持人:**What other measures will DCRN introduce in the future to further increase the application scenario of DCRN and reduce its market circulation?


**Stephanie:**To continue with the response from the last question, we will reveal some important progress we have made. First, we are reaching a collaboration relationship with a protocol that supports Proof of Work(PoW) mining, in order to promote DCRN as a social currency in the cloud hash platform. We do hope that DCRN can become a social currency for altcoin mining machine and cloud hash. Moreover, our developers are working on features which will make EVM compatible, in order to invite more gem projects from excellent blockchains to make their port to DCRN, and also motivating them to join by funding them with our project treasury.

顺着上⼀个问题接着讲,可以跟⼤家透露⼀些重要的进展。第⼀我们在与多家⽀持POW挖矿 的矿池进⾏合作洽谈,努⼒推动DCRN成为云算⼒的社交货币,如果⼀切顺利的话我们希望DCRN能 够成为⼩币种挖矿矿机、云算⼒的社交货币。此外我们在技术上正在开发兼容EVM的虚拟机,争取可 以请很多以太坊的和其他优秀公链的明星项⽬移植到DCRN来,为此我们将会通过项⽬⾦库的资⾦通 过竞赛的⽅式激励开发者。


**主持人:**What are the future development plans of DCRN?

未来 DCRN还有哪些发展规划?

**Stephanie:**For the future development plans of DCRN I think the previous two reposnses already answer the question. Please stick to the announcements in our community. We have recently achieved the partnership with a top exchange in the field. In the future DCRN will launch on more renowned exchanges to incentivize the coin first. Furthermore, our dev team has been making various breakthroughs, stay tuned.

其实刚刚两个问题已经回答的差不多了,请各位多多关注我们的项⽬发展和项⽬公告,我们近 期已经和⼀家头部交易所达成了合作,在不久的将来DCRN会登陆更多的明星交易所,这样货币会先 流通起来。此外⽬前全球领先的⼏个矿池我们也在技术对接上获得了重⼤的突破,请⼤家多多关注。


本次 AMA 由追风社、DecredNext联合举办,感谢各位支持、关注,我们下期再见。

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