Announcing... Phase II of Open Beta
April 29th, 2023

Thank you to all the users who signed up for Phase I of our Open Beta, in which we accumulated almost NINE HUNDRED signups. The team here at DeOrderBook was delighted to have such a positive response to the product on testnet.

We’ve been working hard to continue getting the product ready for our incoming mainnet launch and are excited to begin sharing the fruits of our labour with you in Phase II of our Open Beta!

A scene from the life of the average DeOrderBook dev.
A scene from the life of the average DeOrderBook dev.

What’s Phase II all about?

Where Phase I was about getting users to test out our app for the first time and collect basic feedback on the alpha version of DeOrderBook, Phase II is all about rewards.

This Phase is a giant thank you to those of you who aped into our unknown protocol (even if only just to try us out on testnet!) and to set you up for success and real-life incentives for earning on DeOrderBook when we launch on the Ethereum mainnet shortly.


With this objective in mind, we’ve put together the Order of Testers, a special role on the DeOrderBook Discord for users that have had their wallets verified and whitelisted in preparation for joining the next phase of the Beta. This is to ensure that our limited pool of incentives reaches active DeFi users who can best contribute to the growth of the protocol, as well as the growth of the community.

We’ve also put together a **Leaderboard **so that Beta users can compete with others to see whose testnet trading strategies are looking the juiciest! Users who are in the Order and get on the Leaderboard will also a little something special

To all those who have previously signed up for Phase I of the Open Beta… we’ve refreshed your wallets and sent you a new batch of test tokens all ready to go, so get trading!

If you have not yet signed up for our Open Beta, please click here and our team will promptly send over some new test tokens!

Go get 'em, tiger.
Go get 'em, tiger.

What is The Order of Testers?

The Order of Testers (or ‘The Order’) is a special group for beta testers that have passed the verification process, ensuring that they have a wallet containing at least 0.005 WBTC. This helps us ensure that any launch incentives we release to the Order go toward real people who really use DeFi… not just a bunch of empty wallets used for short-term farming with no real intention to help grow the protocol.

No free lunches in DeFi... unless somebody's getting shafted!
No free lunches in DeFi... unless somebody's getting shafted!

Upon successfully getting whitelisted, a user will then be assigned a special Discord role designating them as “Order of Testers: Initiate”.

If Initiate-level users demonstrate enthusiastic participation in the Beta, through at least one of these achievements:

  • getting a place on the Leaderboard or;

  • participating in one of the team’s invite-only user interviews or;

  • boosting the DeOrderBook Discord server

    Then they will be upgraded to another Discord role, designating the user as “Order of Testers: Officer”.

Officer-level users can expect to be rewarded upon mainnet launch for their contribution to DeOrderBook’s growth… so get trading and get whitelisted!

How do I join the Order of Testers?

On the Discord, check out the collabland-join channel as shown below.

Start the wallet verification process here.
Start the wallet verification process here.

Ensure that you have a wallet with a minimum of 0.005 WBTC in it, then continue the rest of the verification process. Once the process is successfully completed, you’ll officially be an Initiate of the Order of Testers!

Enjoy this next round of trading… we’re looking forward to speaking to some of you very soon as part of our user interview series in Phase II!

Follow us on Twitter at @DeOrderBook for our latest updates, or join our Discord below:

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