on good & bad

“good” and “bad” appear as human-made concepts created centuries ago to explain how we felt about all the stuff that “happened” to us:

“oh, it’s raining on us, that’s bad, Bob got rained on once and died,” or even “Oh! It’s Raining! That’s Good! The fruits will grow!”

perhaps it didn’t occur to them that Bob had a preexisting condition and would have died raining or no, though they were right about farming, more or less- theories differed~ who knew agriculture would be so bloody?

they divided deeply on why sometiems there was no rain and why sometiems there were floods, and some thought they could predict when fruits would grow based on the movements of the sun and the moon or how many babies were born that winter and some thought, “oh, nah…Gods mad, we gotta sacrifice some virgins!” or “we’re starving because Bob has pissed off the gods… let’s k*ll Bob!”

then came sacrifices to the gods for rains, and various rituals that required those perceived to be only “good” or only “bad” to be tossed into a volcano… or made into gods or kings who got used to being hand-fed grapes by scantily dressed youths who, in turn, were taught sword-play

thus, “good” and “bad” became subjective based on perspective and perspective could be bought, sold or fooled

i.e. “oh, it’s raining on Bob, that means he’s a Witch!” or “Oh! It’s Raining on Bob! That means he’s a God!”

we then used our personal interpretations of those terms to correct or control others behaviors, only the definitions became highly subjective and kings or those deemed gods could make laws

then more kings and lords were born to rule the lands and they told people what they could and couldn’t do based on what they considered “good” and “bad”

very often these stories were based on already centuries-old songs that lingered in hearts, healers unwritten notes, psalms of who we really are, tho those that continued the stories became enemies of state ~ where sovereignty could bring kings and gods to their knees, the story-tellers became outlaws and a very bad version of the telephone game was born

in various lands, kings could easily rewrite history, changing words of ancient tongue, mistranslating verses to subjugate masses and creating cause to make war on other kings who thought differently (and maybe happened to have a better castle or had a different god)

this gave rise to the “God approves!” or “the Devil made me do it” excuses many have used as a quick-fix to be socially accepted~ playing by rules of a game no one ever wins

i.e. not taking responsibility for personal action~ it’s far easier to point a finger and yell “She’s a WITCH” than admit to our own behavior or route our psyche, to understand our own intentions, to learn who we are and what music touches us so deeply it heals soul

for that matter, it’s far easier to follow the masses than to be the outcast, the ones who live on the periphery, the ones many won’t admit to going to for help, the ones who don’t judge, they do the work their hands were made for, they remember the light-bringers, music of the healers still lingers in their hearts, they “just know”

learning our intuitive voice and how to dial-in to ourselves helps us dial in with others, makes the world feel less loud to follow that intuition as it leads us to who we really are, though that often makes us the “wounded healers,” the “freqs” who’ve dialed in to their own frequency and lead with soul

sometiems we have to unlearn to know what is always:

“you are not a body. you have a body. you are a soul.” ~Carl Jung

“the lessons are repeated until they are learned”

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