Split Crowdfunding


Split Protocol (⚡️,⚡️)  is breaking new ground by empowering traders with the ultimate decentralized arbitrage solution. Say goodbye to unfair competition and hello to profit-maximizing strategies through our unique MEV cashback system.


Did you know? MEV bots snatch $1.5M monthly from well-intentioned users like you, and arbitrage bots rake in over $4M from DEX price slippage!

Every trade you make on a DEX (Decentralized Exchange) is a potential target for front-running and sandwich attacks. It's like a high-stakes game, and the bigger your transaction, the juicier the prize for attackers.

Source: https://eigenphi.io/
Source: https://eigenphi.io/


Our commitment to you begins with the launch of our beta RPC endpoint. We understand the need for reliability and user-friendliness in the crypto world, and this update is just the tip of the iceberg. We're committed to providing a rock-solid, user-friendly platform, and this update is proof of our dedication to delivering excellence.

Bulletproof Protection from Front-Running and Sandwich Attacks

Split Protocol uses your private transaction information to extract profits before your transaction even enters the mempool. This invisible opportunity is exclusive to you, making it a no-go zone for other bots and validators.

Your transactions now do double duty. They generate additional arbitrage profits, and guess what? We share those profits with you! It's a win-win situation as we couple your transactions with MEV extraction, all in one seamless process.

Promote network efficiency

Reduce network congestion by eliminating the front-running and sandwich attacker’s incentive to flood the network with transactions and inflate gas fees.

Less congestion means lower gas fees for everyone. Split Protocol reduces network congestion by eliminating incentives for front-runners and sandwich attackers to flood the network. It's a win-win for all users.

Dapps monetization

Split API is a treasure trove of functionality. Other dApps can expect price aggregation gasless swaps, MEV protection, and a sweet source of income through MEV cashback.

Future Development

We're not stopping here. The future holds exciting developments, including:

  • Split Router v2 - A game-changer in decentralized exchanges, enabling JIT-MEV extraction from concentrated liquidity pools like Uniswap v3.

  • DEX Interface - A fully equipped trading terminal with on-chain order book, limit orders, stop-loss orders, and trailing stop-loss orders.

  • Browser extension - Making MEV extraction a breeze when trading on other DEXs.

  • Scale to other EVM Chains - Each new network means more opportunities to generate profits through MEV, and everyone gets a piece of the pie.

  • Social and copy trading strategies  - Analytics and copying trades that are published on social networks, as well as ready-made trading strategies to simplify your life.

  • Margin trading - As trading volumes increase, so will the income of the protocol and our users. It's a win-win for everyone.

  • Blockchain-agnostic Wallet - Say goodbye to private keys and network fees with all-in-one DeFi Wallet with account abstraction.

Crowdfunding for the Future

To bring Split Protocol to the masses and ensure its security, we need your support. Here's how you can make a difference:

Development and Scaling

Your contributions will be used to further develop and scale our platform. We plan to enhance the user interface, add new features, and expand our presence across multiple EVM networks.

Security Audits

Security is paramount in DeFi. We are committed to conducting thorough security audits to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities in our smart contracts. Your funds will be used to hire top-tier security firms to assess our platform's code.

Marketing and Adoption

We want to ensure that Split Protocol gains widespread adoption. Your contributions will be used for marketing efforts, partnerships, and community-building activities to attract users and liquidity providers.

Thanks & Contribute

We owe our inspiration to projects like Flashbots, Li.Fi, and AAVE, as well as our incredible community. Your support has been outstanding. If you want to back Split Protocol, consider contributing to our crowdfund below.

Crowdfund contributors will receive veSPLX NFTs, to which 10% of the protocol's MEV profits are distributed.

For example: buy 50000 SPLX for $1000 and receive one veSPLX NFT containing 50000 SPLX.

If the crowdfund hits 50 ETH in commitments, we will bootstrap Split Protocol If not, we’ll refund all contributions. ✌️

Token Sale Details

Now, let's talk business. At this stage, you can purchase tokens using this mint page. At the end of this round, you'll receive a veSPLX NFT containing a specific amount of SPLX tokens, locked up for staking over 6 months and granting you the rights to enjoy the protocol's profits in 6 coins at once.

After end of the sale, the protocol will burn tokens in an equal amount of tokens sold.

Choose your allocation wisely, and if you're on the Whitelist, you'll snag an extra 20% in tokens! Contribute now and help us reshape the future of arbitrage.

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