Yield Opportunity: OmniLending Campaign with $SUI reward.
June 4th, 2024

I. Brief Introduction

We sincerely appreciate the support from builders on Sui. With their support, OmniBTC is going to launch Sui Lending Campaign, providing attractive incentives to let more users fall in love with Sui.

OmniLending is the first cross-chain lending protocol built on Sui, which means you can borrow $SUI on Sui using the collateral on any other chains.

Users can also easily deposit $SUI in our pools and borrow other assets on any chain.

If you recognize the advantages we offer, streamline and simplify your lending needs. Why not take a closer look?

II. Campaign Details

  1. Round 1 Start Period: Aug.14th, at 12:00 a.m. –Aug.20th, at 12:00 a.m. (UTC)

  2. Allocation:

  • 19,755.68 $SUI for $SUI deposit/borrow;

  • 8,556.6 $SUI for $whUSDC deposit/borrow on Sui.

  • 50% for deposit, 50% for borrow

3. Distribution:

All the incentives will be reflected in the APY. As we use $SUI as the reward, the value will change as its price fluctuates, and so does APY. This chart is for your reference, real returns will fluctuate slightly:

It may strike you with unbelievable APY figures but don’t worry, it’s because our lending protocol is in its initial stage, and the $whUSDC pool is a new one.

The TVL is not yet substantial, so with the rewards, it represents a large yield when annualized. Needless to say so big prize is distributed just in one week.

And as the depth of the pool grows, the APY will decrease dynamically.

III. How to participate?

As we introduced above, we support omnichain Borrow & Supply. Thus, we simplify this into two parts: Supply Sui to borrow & Supply other tokens to borrow.

Official website: https://omnilending.omnibtc.finance/lending

Before you start your journey, you have to generate your UserID and bind your EVM & Sui addresses first.

  1. Supply and borrow $SUI

Step1: “Manage Account” — “Choose Sui User ID” — “Back to the page and refresh”

Step2: “Supply Sui” — “Input the amount” — “Confirm transaction”

Step3: “Back to page” — “Borrow Other Token”

2. Supply other tokens to borrow

Step1: “Manage Account” — “Choose EVM User ID” — “Back to the page and refresh”

Step2: “Choose available token to supply” — “Input the amount” — “Confirm transaction”

Step3: “Back to page” — “Borrow Sui”

3. Withdraw & Repay

After you deposit/borrow asset, all information will show in the top area. You can withdraw/Repay/ Borrow.

Also, you may be curious about a [Collateral] switch button. When you use your supplies as collateral, then you’ll be able to borrow more.

4. Claim your rewards

During the campaign, all your rewards will show in this area, you can claim them whenever you want.


  1. In order to gain more income, we suggest you keep liquidity for a longer time.

  2. OmniLending users have two accounts(as the guide shows), don’t forget to switch Sui/EVM accounts to operate. I

  3. f you have any problems, please put it forward on discord.

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