【AMA回顾】beFITTER:DAOMaker 新跑鞋项目,打造 Web3.0 时代铁人三项

AMA 嘉宾:beFITTER 的联合创始人——Ba Nguye

AMA时间:7.12 20:00



  1. Can you briefly introduce yourself and about your experience?   

答:Good morning/afternoon/evening; it depends on wherever in the universe you guys are in :D.  早上/下午/晚上好;这取决于你们身处宇宙中的哪个地方:D。

My name is Ba Nguyen – I'm the Co-founder of beFITTER. About my background, I have worked with multiple notable blockchain projects from Icetea Labs – the top-tier Incubator in South East Asia. The list of projects I have worked on starts from Gamefi.org, Redkite – among the top performing launchpads at the moment according to Crypto Rank. I was also a Due Diligence leader. My job back then was to evaluate, advise and support projects that Iceatea Lab has incubated, more than 30 projects. And now, after all my experience, I co-founded beFITTER, my mission is to get you guys healthier every day.
我叫 Ba Nguyen——是 beFITTER 的联合创始人。说一下我的背景,我曾与 Icetea Labs(东南亚顶级孵化机构)的多个著名区块链项目合作。我参与的项目要从 Gamefi.org、Redkite 开始算起——根据 Crypto Rank,它们是目前表现最好的Launchpad之一。我是尽职调查小组的领导者。我当时的工作是为 Iceeata Lab 孵化的项目给出评估、建议,前后服务超过 30 个项目。现在,鉴于我以往的经验,我(共同)创立了beFITTER,我的使命是让大家更加健康地生活。

2. Can you share some more information about the team?   

答:Of course, it's my pleasure. To deliver the best of beFITTER to the audience, I need a lot of help from my talented team. Our development team comprises more than 50 people, including the marketing team, community team, game design department, and many more. I'm standing here really confident about the team, many of us have 5-10 years of experience in software development. We do believe the quality of the product is the key to winning, the app needs to have unique features but still be easy to use and have high engagement.     当然,这是我的荣幸。为了向观众展示beFITTER最好的一面,我需要我才华横溢的团队提供很多帮助。我们的开发团队由50多人组成,包括营销部门、社区部门、游戏设计部门等等。我对团队非常有信心,他们中的许多人都有 5 到 10 年的软件开发经验。我们确实相信产品的质量是制胜的关键,该app(beFITTER)需要具有独特的功能,同时仍然易于使用并带来高参与度。

3. Can you please briefly explain about beFITTER? 


答:Of course, beFITTER is a web3 fitnessfi and socialfi app that aims to make healthy lifestyle irresistible.

当然,beFITTER 是一个 web3 健身和社交应用,旨在让社区拥抱健康的生活方式。

Users will get monetary incentives when completing healthy behaviors as well as joining challenges with others. Users need to purchase at least a Shoe NFT to get started. They can also level up and repair NFT to increase and maintain their earnings and choose to pay for a better fitness experience.
人们将在完成健康行为或与他人一起挑战时获得金钱奖励。用户需要至少购买一个 Shoe NFT 才能开始使用app。他们还可以升级和修复 NFT 以增加和维持收入,并选择为更好的健身体验付费。

4. What are the killing features do beFITTER bring to users?  

答:Of course, beFITTER is the first web3 app to provide 当然,beFITTER 是第一个提供以下功能的 web3 应用

  • Multiple type of activities to be tracked: Walk, Run, Cycle, Swim (upcoming), Sleep (upcoming)
    - Wearable Application: Besides available on mobile (iOS and Android operating systems), we will also be featured on Wearable, a tracking device worn on your wrist
  • Social-fi Features: Share results, Camera AR post, donation for content creators
  • Gamemode: As usual, Solo, but there are group and pet systems also. Group gamemode will be our crucial feature, as we aim to boost the motivation throughout ourselves. Imagine running with your friends, and your loved ones every day after a huge working or studying day, isn't that lovely?
  • 跟踪多种活动类型:步行、跑步、骑自行车、游泳(即将到来)、睡眠(即将到来)
    - 可穿戴应用程序:除了可在移动设备(iOS 和 Android 操作系统)上使用外,我们还将在可穿戴设备(一种佩戴在手腕上的跟踪设备)上进行展示
  • 社交网络功能:分享结果、相机 AR 帖子、为内容创作者捐款
  • 游戏模式:像往常一样,我们有单人模式,但也有组队和宠物系统。组队游戏模式将是我们的关键功能,我们旨在提高用户的参与动力。想象一下,在一天的忙碌工作或学习之后,与您的朋友和您所爱的人一起跑步,这不是很温馨吗?

5.Where are beFITTER now in its roadmap? What will be your upcoming plans? beFITTER 现在在其路线图中的哪个位置?你们接下来的计划是什么?

答:So, first, this is our roadmap from now to quarter 2, 2023. 首先,这是我们从现在到 2023 年第二季度的路线图。

Last month, we released our testnet with the goal of attracting the earliest players of every age to experience the beFITTER app. 
上个月,我们发布了项目的测试网,旨在吸引各个年龄段的最早玩家来体验 beFITTER 应用。

In our testnet from June 6 to July 7, we got:
✅ 218,782 register users
✅ MAU (Monthly Active Users): 27,300 total unique users
✅ DAU (Daily Active Users): around 4-5k

在 6 月 6 日到 7 月 7 日的测试网中,我们吸引了:
✅ 218,782 名注册用户
✅ MAU(每月活跃用户):27,300 名独立用户
✅ DAU(每日活跃用户):大约 4-5k

These are the efforts of the product team from business analysts, developers, and testers working at full capacity for many months. In the testnet, we expect to get users and community feedback and improve the app, so that in the mainnet we hope to get a high level of user satisfaction with the in-app experience. 

Our target is that within this year, the mainnet can get the 10,000 DAU (Daily Active Users). 
我们的目标是在今年内,主网上线时获得10,000 DAU(每日活跃用户)。

6.I would like to ask about the utilities of your tokens. What role does $FIU, $HEE play in your ecosystem, and what will investors benefit from holding this token?

我想问一下你们代币的用途。 $FIU、$HEE 在您的生态系统中扮演什么角色,投资者将从持有该代币中获得什么好处?

答:Sure. We introduce two utility tokens to incentivise users to use the app. 


$HEE (Health token) rewards healthy activities.  $FIU (Social token) rewards activities involving social interaction such as challenges and SocialFi; in the future, it will become a governance token when DAO is established.

$HEE(健康代币)用于奖励健康活动。 $FIU (社交 token) 用于奖励挑战和SocialFi等涉及社交互动的活动;未来,当DAO成立时,它将成为治理代币。

The two tokens have crucial roles in In-app activities.

Users need $HEE to repair NFTs, mint NFTs and level up NFTs at most levels. So any investors who want to use the app should hold a certain amount of $HEE and use it to sustain or increase their earning.

Users need $FIU to mint NFTs, level up NFTs at some levels, pay rental commission fee, pay for some in-app purchases and join challenges. And most importantly, you can hold and stake $FIU to earn interest and Fitter Pass which is the NFT represent many exclusive perks in the beFITTER ecosystem. We will release the staking roadmap for $FIU soon, stay tuned on our official channels. Sneak peek is the staking pools to earn Fitter Pass will be opened right away IDO and listing, the more and longer you stake, the more Fitter Pass you can get. With the Fitter Pass, you can get whitelisted in our upcoming sale for the reserved Diamond Box of Genesis Shoe NFT and other limited collections. You know, Diamond Box is very desirable. As I mentioned above, we recently hosted an NFT Sale on our website. Diamond Box at the price almost $500/each, are sold out in less than 3 minutes, the price in the secondary marketplace now reaching $1,000 after a few days.

用户需要 $HEE 来修复 NFT、铸造 NFT 并(在大多数级别)升级 NFT。因此,任何想要使用该应用程序的投资者都应该持有一定数量的 $HEE 并用它来维持或增加他们的收入。

用户需要 $FIU 来铸造 NFT、在一定程度上升级 NFT、支付租金佣金、支付一些应用内购买和加入挑战。

最重要的是,您可以持有并质押 $FIU 以赚取利息,而作为 NFT 的 Fitter Pass 代表了 beFITTER 生态系统中的许多独家特权。我们将很快发布 $FIU 的质押路线图,请关注我们的官方频道。

获得Fitter Pass的质押池将在IDO和上市活动后开放,您质押的时间越长,您获得的Fitter Pass就越多。使用 Fitter Pass,您可以在我们即将举行的 Genesis Shoe NFT Diamond Box和其他限量的预售中获得白名单。你知道,Diamond Box是非常受欢迎的。

正如我上面提到的,我们最近在网站上举办了一次 NFT 销售。 Diamond Box 价格近 500 美元/个,不到 3 分钟就售罄,几天后在二级市场上的价格达到 1,000 美元。

7.Earning in the game is important, but having fun while earning is also important. To what extent does beFITTER focus on the entertaining aspects of the game?

在游戏中赚钱很重要,但在赚钱的同时玩得开心也很重要。 beFITTER 在多大程度上关注游戏的娱乐性?

答:I totally agree with you. Looking at the move-to-earn projects now, you can see there are two types of projects:

  1. Movement-based games like Genopets (they are mostly inspired by Pokemon Go)
  2. Gamified fitness app like StepN. (beFITTER belongs to this category)


  1. Genopets 等基于动作的游戏(它们的灵感主要来自 Pokemon Go)
  2. StepN 等游戏化健身应用。 (beFITTER 属于这一类)

No matter what category, they all have some gamification element. However, the gamification element in fitness apps like StepN is still lacking. There is not much to show or play there.

In beFITTER, our game designers really emphasized the gamification element via Pet mode and system to make the normally boring activities like walking, running, cycling more fun.

We aim to release the Pet mode at the end of quarter 3, 2022. Users can collect and take care of cute pets with different “Active” attributes. The more active it is, the more likely it will fetch bonus tokens while working out with you. Of course, users need to take care of the Pet by feeding it at least. You can also customize your pet with various clothes. Some costumes can also boost the Pet’s Active attributes or its fetching tokens habit, hence enhancing the earning of the pet’s owner.

不管是哪种类别,都有一定的游戏化元素。然而,像 StepN 这样的健身应用中的游戏化元素相对较低,人们在那里没有什么可以展示或玩的。


我们的目标是在 2022 年第三季度末发布宠物模式。用户可以收集和照顾具有不同“活跃”属性的可爱宠物。它越活跃,就越有可能在与您一起锻炼时获取奖励代币。当然,用户至少需要通过喂食来照顾宠物。您还可以为您的宠物定制各种衣服。一些服装还可以提升宠物的活跃属性或获取代币的习惯,从而提高宠物主人的收入。

8.Besides the shoe NFT, are there any plans for other types of NFTs

除了鞋类 NFT,你们还有其他类型的 NFT 计划吗?

答:Yes. From the mainnet release, we will have shoe NFT and Fitter Pass. Then at the end of quarter 3, we aim to introduce Pet NFTs.

I would tell more about Fitter Pass.

Fitter Pass is a digital asset representing many benefits in the beFITTER ecosystem. Note that Fitter Pass is a non-tradable NFT that can only be used within the beFITTER app.

By burning a certain number of Fitter Pass, users will have the following perks:

  • Be whitelisted in exclusive events such as Reserved Diamond Box Shoe NFT or Pet NFT sale
  • Use exclusive features in a period of time such as creating challenge, leasing NFTs
  • Skip cooldown in Minting
  • Other special benefits in beFITTER

是的。从主网发布开始,我们将有鞋子 NFT 和 Fitter Pass。然后在第三季度末,我们的目标是引入 Pet NFT。

我会告诉各位更多关于 Fitter Pass 的信息。

Fitter Pass 是一种数字资产,代表了 beFITTER 生态系统中的许多好处。请注意,Fitter Pass 是一种不可交易的 NFT,只能在 beFITTER 应用程序中使用。

通过燃烧一定数量的Fitter Pass,用户将获得以下特权:

  • 在预留钻石盒鞋 NFT 或宠物 NFT 销售等独家活动中被列入白名单
  • 在一段时间内使用独家功能,例如创建挑战,租用NFT
  • 在mint中跳过冷却时间
  • beFITTER其他特别福利

A user can get Fitter Pass via:

  • Staking. The more you stake, the more Fitter Pass you can get.

  • 1,030 Genesis box sale from beFITTER Hub (already sold out sorry)

  • Free-to-entry events (social, referral)

    用户可以通过以下方式获得 Fitter Pass:

  • 质押。您质押的越多,您可以获得的 Fitter Pass 就越多。

  • beFITTER Hub 1,030 创世盒子特卖(已经售罄,抱歉)

  • 免费活动(社交、推荐)

9.I think M2E is the most suitable field not only for those familiar with cryptocurrency, but also for the general public. Do you have a strategy that will make it easier to reach the general public?


答:I agree with you. That is why we think M2E is really potential and why we develop beFITTER the way it is.

We aim to also have non-crypto users. But I don't non-crypto would pay to buy NFT to get started. Therefore on August, we will release Renting System including fixed rent and share profits to offer a low to zero cost way to start using the application.

我同意你的看法。这就是为什么我们认为 M2E 确实具有潜力,以及为什么我们以它的方式发展得更好。

我们的目标是包含非加密用户。但我不认为非加密用户会从花钱购买 NFT 开始。因此,在 8 月,我们将发布包含固定租金和分享利润的租赁系统,以提供一种低成本的方式让人们开始使用该应用。

The renting system in beFITTER includes two types:

  • Leasing feature: the lessor posts and finds people who want to rent NFT on the message board, the lessee will have full ownership of the NFT for the specified period of time upon mutual agreement.
  • Profit sharing feature: The lessor posts and finds people who want to rent the NFT. The revenue earned from using NFT will be divided between the lessor and the lessee according to the percentage agreed beforehand.

A little about our go-to-market strategy.

Non-crypto users: we will get these customers from Footwear and Sport Brand reach through Co-branding Campaign. Besides, we are already talking to Runner Clubs, Trainers Communities with Health-Savvy fanbase.


  • 租赁功能:出租人在留言板发布并找到想要租用 NFT 的人,承租人将在双方同意的指定期限内拥有 NFT 的全部所有权。
  • 利润分享功能:出租人发布并找到想要租用NFT的人。使用 NFT 获得的收入将根据事先约定的百分比在出租人和承租人之间进行分配。



10.Who is your partner and investors? Also let me know about the sale and listing plans as well


答:We have some of the top backers at this market: Icetea Labs and DAO Maker. We have partnership with Red Kite, GameFi, other crypto projects, kols and communities. Thi Truong, co-founder of Icetea Labs and Hatu, co-founder and the one in charge of marketing & strategy at DAO Maker are our advisors. They work closely with us in the last few weeks on the listing and mainnet strategy.

beFITTER will have its IDO on Red Kite, GameFi.org and DAO Maker on July 15th. We are talking to some top centralized exchanges for the listing, and will reveal once it is allowed. After the listing, as I mentioned earlier, there would be a staking program to get Fitter Pass within one day. The mainnet will be launched after IDO 2-3 days, tentatively on July 18th.

我们有一些顶级支持者:Icetea Labs 和 DAO Maker。我们与 Red Kite、GameFi、其他加密项目、kol 和社区建立了合作伙伴关系。

Icetea Labs 的联合创始人 Thi Truong 和 DAO Maker 的联合创始人兼营销和战略负责人 Hatu 是我们的顾问。在过去的几周里,他们与我们就上市和主网战略密切合作。

beFITTER 将于 7 月 15 日在 Red Kite、GameFi.org 和 DAO Maker 上发布其 IDO。我们正在与一些顶级中心化交易所商谈上市事宜,一旦获准将予以披露。

上市后,正如我之前提到的,会有一个 Staking 计划,可以在一天内获得 Fitter Pass。主网将在IDO 2-3天后上线,暂定7月18日。


电报:<https://t.me/befitter_chinese ](https://t.me/befitter_chinese)


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