SNS v1.3.2 Important improvements and features

Due to the service layer program temporary detection of bugs need to be urgently fixed, sns v1.3.2 version will be delayed a few hours release, is expected to 2022.3.31 online.

Domain name registration with KEY and allocation adjustment

We have recently collected the community's opinions on the use of KEY to pay for domain name registration, and have adopted a pricing strategy that has a high level of community support.

The pricing is set at 15 KEY for a domain name registration, and the number of KEY tokens allocated to the registrant has been adjusted upwards.

Registrants will be allocated 10 KEY and the remaining 65 KEY will be divided equally across the network.

The reason for this adjustment is that our investors and community advocates believe that the current registrant allotment of 1 KEY is still not attractive enough to drive new users to register SNS domains. For this reason we have made a significant increase in the registrant token allocation and we may increase it further in the future in order to balance the benefits for new and existing users.

Linkkey Introduces Aragon DAO

We have built Linkkey DAO with the support and assistance of Aragon platform.

Linkkey DAO will be mainly used for project asset management (including KEY tokens, registration fee income, INO income, etc.), voting resolution, etc. in the future.

At present, it has supported 100% deposit of registration fees into DAO, and core team members enter DAO to participate & initiate voting.

April feature launch schedule

In April we will have a number of features online in succession, the plans that have been included are as follows.

  1. INO holders to become DAO members and enjoy a 30% share of the registration fee.
  2. 40% of the registration fee will be used to support DEX as a liquidity provider.
  3. 20% of the registration fee as team income and 10% as project reserve funds.
  4. the logic of registration fee increase is adjusted, with shorter period of increase and smaller increase.
  5. Invitation rebate mechanism on line, inviters will receive 10% of registration fee as invitation rebate, registrants will receive 10% registration discount, more detailed features will be released later.
  6. Official website upgrade, white paper upgrade to v1.3.


因服务层程序临时检测出BUG需要紧急修复,sns v1.3.2版本将延迟几个小时发布,预计2022.3.31上线。





Linkkey 引入Aragon DAO

我们在Aragon平台的技术支持及协助下构建了Linkkey DAO:

Linkkey DAO未来主要用于项目资产管理(包括KEY代币、注册费收入、INO收入等)、投票决议等;




  1. INO持有者成为DAO成员,并享受注册费分红,分红比例为30%;
  2. 注册费40%将用于支持DEX,作为流动性提供者;
  3. 注册费20%作为团队收入,10%作为项目储备资金;
  4. 注册费上涨逻辑调整,上涨周期更短,上涨幅度更小;
  5. 邀请返佣机制上线,邀请者将获得注册费的10%作为邀请返利,注册者将获得10%注册折扣,更详细的功能后续将发布;
  6. 官网升级,白皮书升级至v1.3;
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