4.6 About sex

Key points: Sex = good for you. Humans = not monogamous. When not in a relationship, I just hire fashion models to have sex with in order to save time on dating and focus on other priorities. Great sex = biochemistry.

I think of sex as something similar to exercise, meditation, or food. Another physiological need to be addressed in a time-efficient way; another tool to enhance health (talking about safe sex obviously) and intelligence. There are many reasons why sex is useful for intelligence:

  • If we do not get it, we spend a lot of time thinking about it. Pursuing it, watching porn etc. Useless distractions.

  • Society is sexualized and ties the male ego to having sex. Doing so makes the ego content and easier to control.

  • Sex leads to favorable hormone profile changes that enhance mood, and reduce stress [1] and even help sleep [1]. Funnily enough I even noticed a very clear correlation between sex and my own deep sleep levels, and anything that improves deep sleep is very valuable.

  • There is evidence that sex boosts our neurogenesis and neuroplasticity. [1]

Getting great sex takes too much time and energy:

  • Dating takes a lot of time. Much of that time is wasted. On people who are not a good fit. On idiotic things like swiping on Tinder or going to clubs (screws with sleep). Casual dating = trading our time and energy for sex and reassuring our ego that we are desirable.

  • Monogamous long-term relationships can be great if we are together with someone who is a true friend and shares our values — I was in a MLTR that truly made my life better and it might happen again. But MLTRs are a challenging solution for sexual desires. Human biology is not monogamous. I quote: “Overall, of the 1,231 cultures in the Ethnographic Atlas Codebook, 84.6 percent are classified as polygynous [one man many women], 15.1 percent as monogamous, and 0.3 percent as polyandrous [one woman many men].” [1].

  • Just straight up paying for sex in one-time cash meetings off the Internet is frankly emotionally-unpleasant.

  • Masturbation doesn’t deliver the same benefits for some reason. It seems we do trick our brains, but not fully.

Further reading:

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