Atherosclerosis is the buildup of substances in the arteries. When you eat sugar/carbs you are causing damage to your arteries via glycation. This increases its permeability to all substances. Cholesterol is often thought to be what’s causing the blockage but that is not true. Cholesterol is actually involved in repairing the arteries. Artery blocking plaque is made up of primarily Fibrous plaque which is a buildup of smooth muscle cells and fibrous tissue. So that theory is disproven right there, how can cholesterol be causing heart attacks when it’s involved in artery repair and not even the main substance found in clogged arteries?
Why you should never eat sugar/carbs. Entry 11: Impaired Water Absorption
When you eat or drink sugar you’ll exceed the body’s physiological limit of 4 grams in the bloodstream. This puts a lot of sugar in the blood and causes your body to dehydrate itself by making water move out of cells.
Why you should never eat sugar/carbs. Entry 10: Is cholesterol harmful?
No Cholesterol is not at all harmful. If you’re on Twitter and in carnivore/keto/low-carb circles you’ll see quite often the long list of what cholesterol does but I’ll reiterate some of the many things here.
Why you should never eat sugar/carbs. Entry 9: Dopamine
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which is a chemical released by neurons to send signals to other nerve cells. It is a chemical perceived as motivating individuals towards pleasure. Sugar/Carbs causes the brain to release huge surges of dopamine up to 200% higher than normal in the striatum. This is why individuals have a hard time moderating sugar intake because they are chasing this dopamine high all day every day. This is how individuals are drawn to eating sugar/carbs. They are ravenous for sugar, eating more than 3 times a day, constantly snacking and consuming multiple sugary beverages.
Why you should never eat sugar/carbs. Entry 8: What is Ketosis?
Ketosis is our natural metabolic state, it is a state in which humans utilize ketones/fat for energy. Ketones produce more ATP per molecule and are the preferred substrate throughout the body. Unlike dietary sugar, they also cause zero inflammation and readily enter all our cells.
Why you should never eat sugar/carbs. Entry 7: Why all Plants and Sugar are bad.
Tumor cells use up to more than 200x the sugar than normal cells. Tumor cells easily metabolize carbohydrates/sugar as opposed to animal fats. Once cancer cells grow in the body they require a steady supply of sugar for energy. Tumor cells notably use all carbohydrates including fructose and sugar as their fuel.
Why you should never eat sugar/carbs. Entry 5: Insulin Spiking
Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to regulate blood sugar levels. When we eat carbohydrates we disturb homeostasis by dramatically raising our blood glucose levels. High amounts of insulin are released by the pancreas to combat this. Insulin directs excess glucose to be converted into fatty acids and transported to fat cells to be stored as triglycerides(fat). When insulin levels are high, it suppresses ketones and the release of fatty acids from fat cells as well. This dramatically reduces the capability of the body to use ketones/stored fat as energy.
Why you should never eat sugar/carbs. Entry 4: Artery Damage
When you ingest sugar/carbs you raise your glucose levels too high and under these conditions protein combines with sugars and the Maillard reaction takes place. It leads to the subsequent inflammation of every tissue, artery and organ in the body (Glycation).