


今回のタイトルで使用したグラフィックは、io.netの公式ディスコードのGraphic Artist「Lunab⭕y ᯅ」が作成した作品です。公式ディスコードに参加されてる方は彼を探してみてくださいね。





It is a quiet start to a space Which is because we're all the ending people and saying hey, why aren't you in here yet Aaron? You're a muted. Can you hear me? Okay, I Can hear you loud and clear how do I sound beautiful as always Perfect I want it.


I wanna hear your rust that that's really what I'm here. No, let's bring Russ back up here Um, listen to another invite, and then we want to see if we can get ION out of count. You know what? I'm about to, like, storm their discord and let people know that we're in here anyway.


So, I, let me see, what do we got? How are you feeling today? Let me, let, me ask that question first. Is this where you wanna be? You guys hear me? Yeah, loud and clear. Beautiful, yeah, we're waiting for that IO .net account to come in.


I am, without shame, going to storm you guys' discord and your socials and get the word out about what's happening, because, I mean, honestly, you've only been with IO for, like, a little short time, and I don't think people have heard from you enough for us.


That's really the thing here, And I think people need to know what you're all about and what you are doing for the platform. It's been six weeks and it's incredible so far. Yeah, I don't doubt it. That's got to be a heck of a rush coming into this thing head first.


I know you've been in AI and Compute for a long time, but, man, add the blockchain piece to it and all bets are off. Things just go wild, right? yeah I mean I don't know if I've seen this kind of acceleration in a long time it is really it's really incredible oh no whoops invites are currently paused for this server I can what's going on Russ like you guys got too many people you're keeping the riff -raff out of your discord I'm trying to join it we have we We have 500 ,000 in our Discord and we hit a block.


So yeah, it's quite a number of people. Let me see if I can post something out there as well too. That's so amazing. I mean, that's a really good problem to have, right? Like most people in this industry are like grasping ass straws.


And like, I don't want to give out my details of companies that are reaching out for like GPU compute. But man, there's a lot of people out there basically like begging people to kind of join their networks And you guys have done something pretty astonishing with what you're building over there, right?


Yeah, absolutely Every day we we hit new milestones And surpass things we didn't think was capable, you know months and months ago Yeah, it's incredible just how quickly you guys are growing. And what I've noticed is that there is a barrier entry for a lot of different companies.


But those don't really exist with, you know, IO .net. It seems like you just made it so easy to onboard users that everybody's just kind of jumping on. We have. We've made very, very easy and I'm not going to say we underestimated how many people people were gonna join, but there was just a lot of underutilized capacity out there, and it's almost like word of mouth is spreading, like hey, you know, we're the network to put your capacity on to get utilized.


So, one of the things we did is we passed 500 ,000 GPUs or CPUs on our network this week. That's a phenomenal number. I think when we talked last week, I think we were 350, 400 ,000. And I'm probably saying 500 ,00, and if I looked, we'd probably be at 5 ,500.


So we've just passed an incredible amount of GPUs in our network. And we thought it'd be really hard to get carrier enterprise grade H100s and A100. hundreds and we've had a lot of people coming to us.


It's almost like we haven't had to go out and find them, they've definitely come to us and found us, so it's allowed us to really scale up and then we made an announcement recently where we have Apple CPUs on our network and so we're working with some companies to become the first to utilize those Apple CPUs.


So we're really reaching into all the different use types on our community, on out network. All right, let's talk about the ecosystem as a whole because I do have insights that I think most people don't realize.


I know you're talking about H100s and all these different GPUs. I will say probably six months ago, just a group of miners that, I, know, we basically just said, you know what? But GPU prices are gonna go, you know, through the roof.


So let's put our capital to work now and let us buy up as many GPUs as we possibly can for the lowest possible price. And it's been great, man, because people don't realize that there's a need, like a desperate need for compute power out there.


So when you're seeing a lot of the H100s, people might think, oh, it is all sitting in a data center. Not always. Yes, most of them are. but there's a lot of, you know, entry -level users. I consider myself an entry level user because I'm in California and it's not worthwhile doing anything that requires power down here.


But there are so many of us that are all in with GPU compute and are making money. Again, if you're, if got a GPU and its sitting idle, you are losing money every single day, but we're doing the opposite.


We're making with GPUs because we knew this time was coming. We knew the writing was on the wall. Is that something that you saw as well that this was just a desperate, needed infrastructure to get built out.


Because the title of this session is kind of a phrase we use like GPUs or the new oil. It's like the New Commodity, and everyone's trying to buy it off. And then it's, like, you buy up, and then you sell it, or you trade it.


So it almost acts like a commodity that you have it and now you're having it utilized it's making money for you so absolutely we we forecasted this probably back October November if you go back and you look at some of the some early conversations that our founders had they talked about how GPU compute was gonna out that the need for GPU computer was going to Outpaced demand by a factor of about 2 .5 X.


So So we continue to expect demand to outpace it. So even though we're building our network out, we can't slow down. We have to keep going because that's that That demand is gonna keep coming Yeah, I mean I completely agree with you and this is kind of When I say the writing has been on the wall.


It's been in the world for a long time. You just got to like understand where we're going as far as tech is concerned and here's why I say that like one of my favorite articles like from a long time ago you know it's actually back from 2017 from the Economist and it' talking about oil right it the world's most valuable resource is no longer oil but data and people don't realize data is great but you got to process that data for it to be worth anything absolutely I mean people you'll hear them say data is king but when you have massive amounts of data it's useless unless you have the compute power to analyze it run AI machine learning on it so to harness that you need compute our yeah which it which is exactly why you know GPU compute right now is like like this essentially just like oil it is it it a commodity right like it's kind of crazy to look at it that way but we've turned compute into commodity like crazy times are living in now here's the here is the second piece of this whole thing it is not only GPUs but it kind of as you just mentioned Apple CPUs and again I'm a big old nerd so I know way more than I'd like to admit half the time but inside of that you know M1 and into GPUs, CPUs, there is a ton of different kinds of processors, including H .264, a dedicated processing power that people can tap right into, right?


Yes, There is. There it is with the Apples. We support the M1, M2, and M3 and all the variations like the Pro and the Max. So we've onboarded thousands of Apple CPUs down to our network. And we announced a partnership.

はい、その通りです。Appleに関しては、M1、M2、M3およびProやMaxのようなバリエーションをサポートしています。したがって、私たちは何千ものApple CPUをネットワークに搭載しました。そして、パートナーシップを発表しました。

I was either today or yesterday, with one of the companies that's going to be utilizing specifically that Apple CPU compute. So you see where you have niches, right? So here's a community that utilizing, you know, for them, the Apple CPUs, and then you have, a lot of community utilizing the RTX, to consumer grade, then enterprise with a out of heavy AI ML utilizing the H100s and the A100.

それは今日か昨日で、特にそのApple CPUコンピュートを利用することになる企業とのものです。ですから、ニッチがあるところが見えますね?ここには、Apple CPUを利用するコミュニティがあり、そして、RTXを利用する多くの消費者グレードのコミュニティや、重いAI MLを利用する企業がH100やA100を利用しています。

So it's kind of like there's something for everyone. Which is kind awesome, right? It's a one -stop shop for this sort of thing because a lot of people don't realize that most people that are trying to do different things when it comes to compute, they're going all over the place trying to figure out, okay, what's the best platform for these?


Am I gonna go up to AWS? Am gonna to Google, where did they go? right and there is a huge difference as well when it comes to the pricing of it isn't that true there's a there was a huge different for for many different things so the pricing is one right so if I'm a big data center provider right you think about it I have I pay for that happens right so that's an expenditure I had data Center facility cost you know H back to know, flooring, whatever it might be, space.


I have security I had to pay for. I paid for personnel to manage it. So I have all that overhead for cost, right? And so it's really expensive and they need to recoup that cost. so that's one of the things.


The scalability, so if you're an AWS customer today or any of the three big providers and you are running and you say you know what I need three or four or five more nodes and you go and say hey I need three more eight you know eight one hundred they'll come back and said that's great we'll get those to you in you know in two or three weeks so you don't have the ability to really scale up and then you're locked in like you might have a commitment or a lock -in period and you just donít have deflexibility right with with it like with ionic and a decentralized network, I can use what I need.


I could spin up a cluster in as little as 90 seconds, use GPUs I need, and then spin it down. So I'm not paying. And then the other thing you tend to do is when you look at your computing needs, you kind of think I am going to buy my worst case scenario.


I going buy for that instance where I really cranking up, I need so many GPUs and that's what I'm gonna buy, but then if you have smaller projects You're sitting there with all of that extra capacity that you you committed to that You don't need right in our instance.


You could spin up a hey, we're gonna use h100 for this spin it down Hey, and we'll do another project. Do you know what we can use we use a 100 or L 40s or RTX is like you can throttle your demand up and down and as soon as you're done you bring it And then, you know, there's things like, if I go to sign up for a cloud compute, that whole KYC is about, all the information you need to provide to them to get on the system.


And if you're a start -up, then you may not even have all that information. With IONet, permissible, get out of the network, build the cluster right away. Okay, so just think about how frictionless it is to do all of this with IONET as opposed to that heavy burden and the heavy cost of going with a startup provider.


I mean, going in with the cloud provider? No, you're still that on. And the crazy thing is that you guys are not doing anything that different than if we were going to AWS, right? Like, you're still using Envy Lake, which is...

クラウドプロバイダーと契約するのと同じですか?いいえ、まだその状態です。そして驚くべきことに、AWSに行くのと変わらないことをしていますね。つまり、Envy Lake(?)を使用していますが...

You're, still, getting RGP used from tier 3 and tier 4 data centers that have the same speed, the, same interlink capacity, all of the same things. All right? And so, you are not really missing out in terms of the performance.


And, maybe you even get closer to where you are. Not to say, those big cloud providers have facilities all over the world, but so do we. We have facility in like every country, every region, and you might find that we have something in your backyard that you'd be surprised where we'd have capacity.


Yeah, and what I was talking about, the NVLink, that's NVIDIA technology. So it's the same thing that these big providers like AWS that are charging you a normal leg are using, right? So you're taking you know, you were loving to see an exact technology You're gonna be connecting directly to a GPU the same way that you would connect any other way except you are paying a whole lot less Right.


You know we're good. We have we have ray, no working on top of our network We're you no, we build another kubernetes. So still have all of these, ya know robust, Ya know platform features to help you You know utilize your network to build your AI and ML development on top And then you know that with some partners, you we're looking at you know custom integration, right with API so they can access their their platforms directly on top of our network where you don't even realize that you have a GPU connection layer.


Man, there's just so much happening right now with what you guys are building it's incredible and I feel bad, sorry Erin, I get carried away and like I just get giddy over this GPU compute stuff and don't even think about, are there questions?


Would you be asking Russ here? So you have some questions for him that people might benefit from hearing? You are all good. No, first, I wanted to let you touch on your points too. You and Russ had some great chemistry there too and we're feeding off each other.


So I was not about to interrupt, but yeah. I mean, And I do have some questions that I'd love to ask for us, and I think it would be cool. I know next week, we're all gonna be in Dubai, so very excited to meet the team.


I've been reaching out to you personally to see if you wanna meet up or do a sit -down interview, it'd be really fun. I thing we should get some more partners on some upcoming spaces, so maybe we focus on that the following week and have a mega space with IONET, I believe that'd great.


I guess my question for you. So, you guys just hit, I believe, over 500 ,000 GPUs in the network, oh I pinned it up at the top, cool. So you, guys, 560, 000 since launching in November, absolutely insane growth.


This kind of runs into my next question, which maybe for those that don't know, what is the case for decentralizing file storage and compute because you guys have done so well it's a couple of things lower cost which we already talked about and the scalability you know the cost is we know not burdened by significant infrastructure and maintenance rather a leverage in the existing resources incentivizing participants to contribute so that you have the scalabilty we can scale more quickly so what you have seen is we have scaled in five weeks from fifty thousand to five hundred thousand so we've scaled 10x could I do that if I was a centralized compute I definitely could not so as our network grows we can add more nodes very easily I'd definitely think it's more secure centralized systems are vulnerable to single points of failure packing these decentralized systems spread the risk out, making it more difficult.


We are much more resilient and redundant. In a decentralized system, you know, if you're doing storage, files aren't stored in a single location, but distributed across a network of nodes. So it makes the system highly resilient for failures and attacks.


Increased privacy, democratic access, right? decentralizing promotes inclusivity by allowing anyone to participate in the network as a node. So you know there was just you know those are just some of the cases that make you know the use cases for why decentralize and file storage and compute is much more advantageous.


And talking about the the bowl here is or as compute goes how many times are you gonna come live and speak to us because you were saying that every time you speak, we get 20, is it 20 thousand more GPUs onboarded?


Things like that, things like. Our goal is, and one time we thought this was a very lofty goal. Our goals is one million GPUs, and we're gonna hit that very quickly. So we, what people, I'm not gonna say people kind of laughed and stopped and said, well that's great, good luck with you guys when you do that.


Now that we've crossed the half million, There's no doubt anyone's mind that we're going to hit that probably as fast as we want to. We still have people coming to us. It's amazing. We're definitely going hit our goal very soon.


I hate to put you on the spot, but I don't know. I feel like I can talk to you about anything. What happens then? You've reached 1 million? What happened to the network? It doesn't mean we stop growing, but we need to drive utilization, right?


So today, you know, as we're, we had kind of like, the thing was grow the network, build the minimal viable product, get the consumers, know get get to users of the networks. So as, We've been growing the Network, we've also been adding, consumers of those GPUs, people who are, who aren't, and client.


And so as we wrap up then it's going to be you know, and I'm gonna say enterprise grade client clients that you need a higher number of GPUs that maybe we were we weren't comfortable supporting You know You now two months ago if somebody came to us and said I need you Know two three hundred a ones that might have been a challenge for us two month ago That's not gonna be a child for now So now we can go after and have conversations with those companies and say how many GPUs do you need do?


You need secure compliant GPUs. We can offer those as well, too We could offer them all over the world So, now it's going to be driving, you know usage of those GPUs across both web 2 and web 3 companies That's amazing and I'm gonna do something crazy right now Let the whole audience know if you guys got questions drop them down below I would love love to be able to answer any of those.

安全でコンプライアンスを満たしたGPUも提供できます。世界中どこでも提供できます。ですから、今はWeb 2とWeb 3の企業を通じて、それらのGPUの使用を推進することになります。それは素晴らしいことですし、今から少し狂ったことをします。全ての聴衆に知らせます。質問があれば下に投稿してください。それらに答えることができたらと思います。

Oh, I won't answer them I'm just gonna ask for us and have him answer it or if you want to raise your hand and come on stage and ask Those please feel free He is on the hot seat, but he can handle it because he knows what he's talking about I like a lot of people out there that show up on spaces and expect other people to carry the conversation I appreciate you being here covering all the stuff brother Erin keep us on track.


You know, you got me. Yeah more for US here. Well, yeah, just bringing Hans up and sending that request out. Yeah I actually I do have some more questions of course. I guess my next question is like it's more of a point but I want to get your stance on it Russ.


The cost of utilizing centralized cloud services can be pretty expensive. It's also challenging for some companies to scale as their data needs to evolve and the cost to file storage and compute increases.


What are you guys doing at IONET to support this problem? So the whole scalability is kind of like you know the scalable flexibility and cost it's kind how we designed our network. It's very easy for you to spin up a larger cluster right so if you're if your stuck with capacity today right and you need to add more in 90 seconds you can go create a cluster that's larger right?


Some of the things that we're working on are things like auto scaling. So that's going to be a really really important feature for us as we develop that. So, that that stuff something we have today, but think about if you're you know running AI and machine learning models and you know you start to over capacity.


You know the ability to auto scale and, you know, with so much GPUs on our network that can be an amazing feature. That's Very hard and very expensive to do in a data center because it's like it almost like you have to Pre -commit or pre -lock into that so the ability to you know eventually auto scale with Basically not any kind of contract, you Know or upfront commitment.


It's gonna. Is gonna be amazing So that's that one of the things that we're working on You know low no lock in periods no long -term commitments So there's no inhibitor to you creating a larger network or larger cluster if you need so do that.


So let me just make sure everybody else understands what you're saying. So essentially if have a job that you are not 100% sure how much compute you gonna need at the beginning of it, let's say it increases halfway through, when you dealing with data centers, you essentially gonna have to buy the whole block I can say, I need these to be available for me at will.


And you're paying regardless if you were using it or not, right? Yep, absolutely. So you kind of you you making a gamble and you could be overpaying, versus having a network that eventually allows you to auto scale and then you only use what you pay for.


So maybe start up small auto -scale your throttle back. That kind of, let's say, that kind of dynamic behavior is what Iodet gives you what you don't get with a traditional cloud provider. It's very static.


Yeah, this is like the epitome of load balancing, right? Like, it's unheard of in the industry. We all know the problem. Like everybody builds out for their redundant peak times and then they sit there and they look at all this extra capacity sitting there paying for it.


With IONET, you don't do that, right? It's just like, basically you use as you go, consume as your go so you never really have to overpay. That's phenomenal. Now I do see that we have both Zach and Hans up here.


Gentlemen, do you wanna say hello? What's up guys, how's it going? Just enjoying listening to Russ Cook. I gotta say I agree with you there Zach. He is very enjoyable to listen to. Like I actually was looking forward to this space all week.


Sweet. Awesome. Yeah. And I'll be, I'm excited that I am going to be meeting Russ in person. Our whole team will be in Dubai for token 2049. Yes sir. For those listening, booth P26 to P29, we have a the Bonister booth in Dubai, and our company has grown so quickly that this will be the first opportunity for some of us to meet each other because we've about doubled in size since I've joined the company.


So, you know, token 2049 is gonna be a great event, you now, for all of our internally as well. Yeah, that's so exciting. I mean, in this decentralized infrastructure that we're all a part of now like being able to come together and say, Hey, I know you live Europe you look across the world.


We talk on spaces. And we talk them this cord Whatever it is, but this is my real face. This is who I am Awesome we're decentralized we don't we really have like, you know main offices We have we have people working all over the World and it's fantastic There's lots of benefits because with our with her customers We've got it isn't like we've people in one region and I have to wait certain time zones We have people all over the world that can access and help customers in all time zones So even even the decentralized nature over our company set up right like it having a decentralized organization Helps with lower overhead.


You don't have to pay for the AC for everybody to be in everybody's in their own homes It's awesome. Yes Yeah, it's it. It' literally practicing for each like hey We want decentralized compute for and we have decentralized offices all around the World Aaron what's next for us?


I guess it's kind of like us too right like we're we are all over and I absolutely love it when we were able to meet up so excited to meet the IONET team as well I think we should get if you guys post like what booth number you are we'll make sure we share it out and tell it away.


It's so we're gonna have a nice size booth. Okay, perfect, hard to miss. Well, I'm blonde. I'll be bopping up your way, coming to bother everyone at the booth to say hi. So super excited, first time in Dubai.


Definitely excited to meet Angela as well. I've connected with her for a very long time. She's most popular, she knows everyone. And there's a lot going on the entire week. I mean, it's not just the main event, the 18th and 19th.


I think Sunday and Monday, and I'll be there Tuesday through Saturday, and by the time I'm done, I won't be exhausted. I don't have a problem sleeping on the way home. How long is your flight back? Mine is like 21 hours.


It's 12 hours direct from Dubai to JFK and then I have like a two hour flight, one hour flight from JFK so I'm not bad. Okay that's not that bad, I think my flight is a little janky because I've got like four stops but I am eventually going to make it there.


You live in the middle of nowhere, that is why. I got a direct flight form LAX so it's just a matter of where you live. I love Texas but yes it we do I always have to connect to LAX or JFK as well and then make the rest of the trip um let's see I kind of want to talk about security sure I know you guys hit on that a lot and maybe one day we'll we will do a live space I think in person would be cool as well but how how could we how can you be sure a decentralized network of these GPUs and SPs are secure enough to access.


So there's a couple of things that we have to do. First of all, when you reserve a GPU, that node is yours. It's not like there is any kind of multi -tenancy where a GPU is running multiple jobs. So that, node, is 100% yours locked in when reserve it.


And then we run end -to -end encryption. So data transmitted between nodes and start up a network is encrypted to protect it from any unauthorized access. We have auditing and monitoring directly, auditting the network for any vulnerabilities, any anomalous behaviors, those types of things.


And then one of the biggest things that we're doing is, you know, we are really driving to work with tier three, tier four data centers that have SOC 2 compliance. That's going to be especially important for anybody working with sensitive data.

そして、私たちが行っている最大の取り組みの一つは、SOC 2コンプライアンスを持つティア3、ティア4データセンターと協力していることです。これは、機密データを取り扱う人にとって特に重要です。

And then, you know, even as far as HIPAA compliancy, so there's some data centers that will be HIPPA certified if you're working certain types of healthcare. So you can see there are three or four different levels of things that we're doing to provide, you know, protection in the network, in nodes, monitoring, so that the data is very secure.


Because if it's not, people are not gonna work on that. I mean, they're used to having that security working with an AWS or a GCP or an Azure. So we've got to provide the same level of security as well.


Now, Russ, I don't think most people understand what a tier three and tier four data center actually is. Would you be able to give us a little break? I know it, because I'm, again, the nerd in the room.


Yeah, I mean the different tiers of data centers are based on things like having a minimum availability. Like to be a tier three data center, I believe you have to 99 .99% available. And that's basically, that is like two hours of downtime over 20 years, right?


So you have to have some of them will be seismic you know capable that you know can withstand earthquakes, fault tolerant, redundant, failover. So those are the types of things the stock compliance so you know tier 3 and tier 4 have the most stringent types of requirements to achieve that and they're regularly audited right by third -party auditor.


So there's a lot that goes in and that's part of what makes some of those so expensive and really what we're doing is we are tapping in we using a GPU and you know I know that particularly is not paying for that certification to be done but thank you we were using those facilities but there was a lots of goes into making those data centers tier 3 and tier 4 compliant.


And I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that it it's just idle right like a lot of times the GPUs in those data centers are just sitting there not doing anything. That's 100% right. They've either bought the capacity on board and like you know we have we have some that are reaching out to us you know it is like hey we're getting you know, we are getting a thousand you H100s in our network, we're bringing them on in a couple of weeks and they're looking for the first shoppers.


They bought them with really, like they are buying oil, they bought with the prospect of using them and we are getting first dibs to some of these tier 3, tier 4 data centers that are coming in fresh with brand new chips, brand -new GPUs.


yeah that's incredible and like why why not go for the cheap you know tier one where you I mean they can be down for like 30 hours a year or so why not goal that route that you now without redundancy why are you going for the top tier here well it's all based on what people need like we the consumer grade GPUs that people pick up that that is not a 99 .99% availability so it It depends on your needs and your networks.


If you really want to, I mean, we have data centers across all tiers. We have users across both tiers, if you're running something and you are not simply real time intensive and the availability isn't, you may sit there and go, you know what, my level of service can be lower, but there's a price point with it, right?


So we're providing price points across things in the network. But, you know, no one's gonna have an A100, H100 in a tier one, tier two data center. You're just not gonna find that. But you might find some older technology or older things.


And then it's really your choice to what you want to pick and use. Yeah, the crazy thing is that like, even myself here, I think I would probably get to qualify definitely tier 2, almost tier 3, just for with my home set up with the stuff that I try to do on my own it's wild to think about like how many computers how much you know how did you use are in these places like it it is hard enough for me to keep up with this stuff having battery backup and like redundancy like it I can't even imagine the hassle and the cost to spin up one of these data centers it sits it crazy you gotta think about something like you the cooling and battery pack of all of that stuff is so expensive to maintain a tier 3 tier 4 data center so the minute those cards come in they want those cars that we have people saying I want to be signed up by the time these cards you know they're like hey can you commit to a one year of using this block of age 100 like they they wanna know that they've got that capacity kind of like earning money the minute it gets plugged online yeah and and like you're saying before the heavy decentralized a lot of times so these data centers they don't have to be large and what really excites me are the the consumers right having these people who have GPUs sitting idle being able to participate at you know at any point in time is huge you're giving a great opportunity for data centers because they're like you said they are sitting idle they not doing anything with these GPUs and you are like, you know what we can put them to use come on come onboard.


We have entire ecosystems that kind of work off each other so we partner with a lot of gaming communities that are building gaming applications and I have game studios and game developers on our platform and they might not be using H100s, maybe they're using RTX series, so they are using maybe the smaller brand or consumer brand of GPUs, but then they, it's a gaming community building games, then their gamers, they have the ability to put their GPUs on the network so it's kind of like you're building a network, an infrastructure that utilizes maybe consumer grade RTXs and then you are allowing the community to put there own GPUs in it so its almost like they are funding themselves.


So its kind like a great ecosystem of how they add their own nodes that supply the power that their own companies build and develop for gain. Yeah, and they have a much lower cost than these data centers.


I mean, 40% of all the electricity that's consumed by data center goes to cooling. So like, we know for a fact that it's a lot cheaper for you to run an RTX. I know what it is like to work with the commissioner at my house in North Carolina in July.


I can't imagine running a data Center. Exactly. I don't get me started on electricity costs and cooling and heating. I'm in California. I think I have the highest electric with southern california specifically so san diego It's got the high electricity rate in the whole country.


So it hurts. It hurts I'm at 32 solar panels, and I am looking to get another 32 Now aaron are you still with us? Yeah, do you seriously have solar panel in your house? Yeah I've 32 panels and i'm looking for 32 more right now Yeah I mean I guess it's a big thing in texas Um, they're starting to become a bigger thing in texas, but I could see it for sure in california Um I guess i'm trying i was trying to unmute and I failed miserably clicking the unmuted button.


I clicked on something else It's the tech it's a tech and i'll honestly Russell shout out to you for this being your Second space and you being able to navigate Spaces because it it is actually very confusing and uh, we have unfortunately we do have a lot of tech issues that X just sometimes might not support the amount of people in a space or it'll glitch internet connection.


So You know, we're always finger crossed but we love doing these. Thank you Yeah, it was wild yesterday I got kicked off multiple spaces I mean, you know probably cuz you long got on stage and it messed things up But yeah, its it's not as reliable.


They got a hot fix going out today so we'll see if it helps if he makes a difference long term, but uh... yet spaces is about blessing the curse of times you know what i mean uh but as far as lake compute power and having the enough power to make things run that's that like the name of the game now they so i i know for a fact and that people are definitely leveraging uh… solar in texas but a big thing texans actually win right uh..


here in california they just yet they discharge a lot for everything it's it not fun i'll tell you that the only reason i'm still here is that i thought Solar panels early enough and I still still be hundreds a month in electricity.


And yeah, it's it. It's crazy What about can we transition I know we've got like probably 15 minutes before you close out the space we transitioned to a little bit about AI How do you guys maybe approach considerations and potential impacts when developing and deploying some of the AI technologies you guys are using?

さて、そろそろスペースを終了する前に、AIについて少し話しませんか? 皆さんが開発や展開しているAI技術をどのようにアプローチして、どんな影響を考慮していますか?

Sure, I mean the ethical things are very important and societal impact. So one of things that we look at is being fair and unbiased, right? We have a very open community for users. We don't prioritize or prohibit any persons or groups from participating in our network.


If we did, that would be a big problem. So we add GPUs from all over the world, from all of the place. So, we try and have a very fair and unbiased approach into how we conduct our business and bring things on.


Likewise, full transparency. When people come to use our GPUs, you know, But we don't promote one group or one user or over the other. People building a cluster have full transparency of all the knowledge in our network.


They can choose from any location, any GPU, in any country versus being, hey, we built this cluster. We don�t know where it came from. So full transparently into you being able to select it in a very unbiased way.


You know, the data private security, making sure that we prioritize data privacy and security with robust data protection to safeguard against sensitive information. Continuous monitoring and evaluation, that's a huge task for us.


So think about 500 ,000 nodes in the network, right? We have to monitor that. Even we're very diligent in our social channels, our social networks. As you just saw, we have 500 ,000 people in our Discord, right?


We have to monitor that for ethical and social considerations, make sure, you know, very proactive and strict at monitoring behavior and forcing fair participation, all those things. So it's actually becoming a a very big job for us to do that, continuing monitoring and evaluation.


It's not easy, right? To have this many users, just many nodes, and to be fair and just and unbiased, but it's definitely something we have to work at. So when you say it is definitely something that you have work that.


Do the users that jump on your platform understand that you think? I hope they do. I mean that's kind of why we communicate that. You know any user can and that that part of what we will be providing a network which is any users can join any use or can earn right so that what we promote and you know the full transparency the minute you go to spin up a cluster, you see that transparency.


It's inherent in our network, it's inherent our platform. Yeah, I mean that's good when the people that are on the platform itself also understand exactly where you guys stand. That's always a huge win.


We are gonna have the ability, so if you want to build the cluster and you might want say, this is the my compute need. We have to ability to say we'll build a cluster for you, right? In that case, we may go out and choose based on proximity, based upon speed, based a location, based type of we can build that.


But you know, you'll always have the ability to see into that to say, I want to understand what you're building from where. So, that transparency is very important. Yeah, mean, that's a huge thing. I mean even when I'm trying to do compute things like knowing what the latency is going to be, because when we're dealing with GPUs, we are sending a lot of data through, right?


So you want to make sure that you have that nitty gritty, detailed, locked down, knowing exactly where you're going to be sending your data, where things are kind of coming and going from as well. Yeah, another thing, like when you think about being, you know, ethical and fair, and the social impact, if you looked at our Discord channel, I don't even know how many different support languages We support in our channels.


I am French, German, Russian, Spanish, Mandarin, Thai, Indonesian, Malaysian, Vietnamese. I mean, there's at least 40 different languages, so it's not like, hey, unless you speak this language, we're not going to support you.


We've even gone very far out of our way to ensure that our customers all across the globe have an equal chance to receive support from us as a company. That's incredible that you're willing to do all of that for the people that are jumping on the platform.


It's phenomenal. It really, really is. Aaron, I want to make sure that I don't steal Russ for too long here and that he did get all these questions answered. No, I was just going to actually piggyback off of what you guys were just talking about.


What do you have that you can talk about coming down the pipeline over the next few months? I also want to say, guys, everyone go follow Russ. Follow his account. He's up here as a speaker. Make sure you're following Hans.


Make you following Zach. Make your following the Ionette account, we're going get his followers up. He spit an alpha. but he's giving us all of the information that you know about compute power. So I think as far as information goes and wanting to learn from someone who has great educational insights.


That's what we're working on over the next coming months. We're building now, right now in our frameworks, Ray is one of our best for our platform. We are building out the full Kubernetes with Kubeflow.


So that's something we're going to have very shortly. I mentioned things like auto scaling. That's going be a huge thing for our platform. Auto failover, right? Things like if a node drops, another node gets put into the platform, those types of things.


And then things, like building out better APIs and integration. So we have a lot of companies that have communities of users. And so what they want to do is they want integrate to our platform, and they want their community of users to add nodes to their platform.


So they might be a gaming platform and maybe they have a community 500 ,000 users. They like to be able to ad like, hey, a click button from their platforms to added node to the network. So those are the types of things that the features, is we're looking at building out so that those communities have a tighter relationship with their end users and end nodes.


API integration on the end user side, so if they're running an application, if it automatically, some of these enterprise customers, every time they want to build a cluster, they are not going to want a manually go in and build the cluster.


They're going want the ability to have an API that goes in and build the cluster automatically based on the requirements for that particular compute job. So all of those types of things are going to, that's what's going, you know, our secret sauce that we're just going really differentiate our platform and drive usage because we are going make it, it's not just a bare, hey here's 10 bare metal nodes going back yourself out, build on top of it.


We're going to provide a really awesome user experience on our platform that facilitates you using it and where you don't even have to think about compute. It's almost like it becomes automatic. I'm running an instance.


This is what I need. Boom, it drops an API, picks up nodes, and goes do that. So those are the far -reaching things in the next months we're gonna do. And I think also, just for the more crypto and token excited people, our token is launching April 28.


So that's also something that is just less so on the product side, but more so just on the token and degen side. Yeah. And then we're going to continue to incentivize our suppliers. like we we want people to keep their nodes on the network and so we're gonna continue to incentivize them to earn why those nodes stay on their network and that's part of the things that you know our team is working on and how do we do that going forward post our token launch?


We continue to have spaces yeah let's uh we could also do a token launch space like countdown to before it goes live and then you know get everyone to check out the nodes as well so I like that idea yeah I want to do a one million I wanna do it one million count I think we should you know Hans and team I I should have an internal poll on when we think we're gonna hit 1 million nodes a little bit of fun competition internally maybe we shouldn't make it an external thing you maybe we should have an external like game like okay everyone gets to come in and say when do we think I unit's gonna hit one million one million GPUs the winner gets you know three hours or something I don't know I'm just I am laughing out loud but it's it gonna come soon given the the speed of the acceleration of the size of a network it should be yeah should it be quite soon or yeah when maybe win some tokens or something would be cool because that's people love the polls right people like to wait did you say win tokens give me this conversation right there there's a drawing here you do a tokenization space as well no it's so true and it so truly stupid say you know what you're talking about as far as a giveaway or some it moves the community right and the coolest thing about the IO .net community is that they are there they exist if you go in there I mean obviously if you can't go into their discord all the time because it's packed like Russell saying there's just so many people involved it seems credible what you guys have been able to put together but yeah the community does drive a lot a lot of things like bringing more people right when good people join the network they bring more good with them and it is awesome to see this kind of catalyst the event of you know builders bringing builders miners bringing miners you know people that are in that these industries it's very collaborative more than people realize they are always talking to each other so that's a yes right you guys gonna sort it out through a token giveaway million notes.


Yeah, that that would be really, really awesome. What's up, Nick? Good to see you in the audience, brother. Good book that you read to yourself, by the way, to differentiate your posts. It's just awesome all around, guys.


Like, it's really exciting to, you know, GPU compute actually taking main stage and depends. Being the narrative that is the talk of the town, honestly, like I've been preaching deep and for a life. I can't remember when I started and now People are starting to wake up and actually join the networks that are out there and take advantage of existing compute and really Making you know watching truly decentralized not just on the hashing side of things But also on a company in the compute side, which is so so needed And one of the things, since I've spent a lot of my career in the web2 space and coming into the Web3 space, the crypto space.


It's like I seen some amazing things that crypto is going to drive and partnering with AI. I definitely think this concept of tokenized incentives for AI development, I think it's going open up this kind of community or like open source AMI models where you have everyone who can contribute it's gonna it just gonna open up you know development on top of these bottles and I think it is a fantastic concept and you know tokenization and crypto it going to enable that where that's something I didn't see in my old world on web 2.


Well I'm glad you're seeing it now I am glad that you've jumped head first in this crazy crypto world of ours welcome I apologize for any mishaps most of us are pretty cool some of us out there just looking to make a quick buck but when you build community the way you guys are building you weed out all the bad people and you are definitely gonna retain all good ones so you guys they're building in the right way it's really really exciting what you guys that are doing over there and oh I just look at the time it is 256 for me I want to be sure that you kind of give people the the one two on how to get started how to get onboarded onto IO .net and really start not only using the network but also being able to provide GPUs because we've got to to that million number, right?


Yeah, simply go to IO dot net. It's very simple. From there, you can sign up to add your numbers onto the networks. You can be a GPU compute user on there. Don't join our We have like spaces like this, we have weekly AMAs and town halls on our discord.


You know, there's many different ways to participate and learn information of what we're doing. And like you said, come see us, I'll be there and Dubai, come and see is there. Super exciting. I can't wait to meet you face to face for us and everybody else from the IO .net team.


it's gonna be a great time over there in Dubai. If anybody is gonna to be there, let us know, shoot us a DM, I'd love to connect with all of you because, yeah, again, I wanna make sure that I'm part of networks that are doing something good, that they're building things the right way, and you all are definitely, definitely part that.


So thank you for what you guys are building, and we will do this one next week or possibly the following week. I'll do the follow week, I don't even know what time it'll be in the Dubai this time next weekend.


And, uh, I'll probably be stuck somewhere answering a million questions. So, um, yeah, maybe the following week. Awesome. No, I appreciate you Aaron. Go ahead. I think it's 2 AM over there. So hopefully you're sleeping.


I don't know. There's a lot of, there's a lot of side events for us. don think you have into a blockchain thing yet. It's the whole week there is a lot happening. You might be awake from, you know, sun up to sun.


We'll pass sun down. Um, we'll see what happens. We will see what happens will help you navigate the crazy, the crazy blockchain conference life. It's going to be a good time. I can guarantee you that.


Yeah, absolutely. Looking forward to it. Awesome. Phenomenal. Thank you guys so much. All of you, guys in the audience. I got to say that this space would not be possible without you. Thank for showing up.


Wait, wait, go ahead, Zach. No, I just want to thank you guys. Thanks for having us and see you in Dubai. Yeah. I mean, I will definitely see in Dubai, like I do mean this, like, I'm gonna be there making sure checking out exactly what you guys are up to especially if you have a that large of a boot taking up three spots we can't miss you like you'd like Russ said it's gonna be boots it 26 through 29 right and all the people are coming in dabs great to see you I appreciate you guy's I'm gonna follow up with everybody that I see here on the audience because there's a lot of good people and I want to make sure that they learn about what's going on over at IO .net thank you all so much and like Like we said, not this week, not it's coming week but the following one, we're gonna have the space again and now make sure to bring even more people out with great questions so people can learn about this decentralized compute network that you guys are building and how it gonna literally change lives.


Genzio, you are phenomenal. Aaron, I appreciate you being behind that account. If anybody has questions about getting the word out there about your project, your events, anything in regards to marketing inside of Web3, reach out to us.


We'd love to make that sure you, guys, are being found by the right people and getting connected with people like Russ and other companies that are building incredible things in the space. Thank you so much and we'll see you in two weeks.


Take care.


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