Lookonchain FAQ

Lookonchain FAQ

1. What is Lookonchain?

Lookonchain is a web3 data analysis tool: we grab the data from Dex and list the valuable data. This page list the most profitable account in Uniswap V2 and V3.

2. What types of transactions do Lookonchain calculate?

We currently only count data for Uniswap V2 and V3. Only when a user swaps one token for another token, we calculate the gain from this transaction.

3. How to get started

Open this page:https://www.lookonchain.com/

You don't need to connect a wallet or register an account to use. It is free!

4. Is the data updated every day?

Of course! The data of the leaderboard is updated every 3 minutes, and the data of the address details page is updated in real time.

🗨️ Contact information

Website: https://www.lookonchain.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/lookonchain

Telegram: http://t.me/lookonchain

Notion: https://mirror.xyz/0x33C2BE23Be84841461e1b60f4284bCD33a73E5B7

Medium: https://medium.com/@lookonchain

📄Two pages of Lookonchain

1. Leaderboard page

You can filter by Swap Times and Time Range.

You can sort by Invest, Return, Profit, ROI and Swap Times to find the addresses that you think make money.

Leaderboard page
Leaderboard page

You can enter an address and find out the money earned by that address in the past 1 day, 7 days, 30 days.

Leaderboard page
Leaderboard page

2. Address details page

On the address details page, you can view the swap transaction records of the address in #uniswap, and you can also view the tokens held by the address.

Address details page
Address details page

You can view the invest, profit rate, profit, and return of each swap transaction. At the same time, you can also know what token in and token out are.

Address details page(Transactions)
Address details page(Transactions)

You can clearly view the type, quantity and value of tokens held by this address.

Address details page(Token Holding)
Address details page(Token Holding)

✳️Terms in the calculation process

1. Invest(USD)

The cost spent on purchasing tokens during the selected time. The purchasing price is the current price at the time you open Lookonchain. Please check the example below for more details.

On Jan 1, address A purchases 1 ETH for 175 LINK when the ETH price is $3,500 and the LINK price is $20. And we assume address A only trades once in the whole of January.

If you open Lookonchain on Jan 1, the “Invest" of address A is $3,500.

On Jan 2, the price of ETH changes to $4,000.

When you open Lookonchain on Jan 2, the "Invest" of address A on Jan 1st is $4,000.

Invest = (1 ETH) * (ETH price on Jan 2) = 1 * $4,000 = $4,000

Because the price of ETH has changed.

2. Return(USD)

The current value of the tokens purchased during the selected time. The token price is the current price at the time you open Lookonchain. Please check the example below for more details.

On Jan 1, address A purchases 1 ETH for 175 LINK when the ETH price is $3,500 and the LINK price is $20. And we assume address A only trades once in the whole of January.

If you open Lookonchain on Jan 1, the “Return" of address A is $3,500.

On Jan 2, the price of LINK changes to $30.

When you open Lookonchain on Jan 2, the "Return" of address A on Jan 1st is $5,250.

Return = (175 LINK) * ( LINK price on Jan 2) =175 * $30 = $5,250

Because the price of LINK has changed.

3. Profit(USD)

The value of the tokens purchased during the selected time minus the cost. The token price and purchasing price is the current price at the time you open Lookonchain. Please check the example below for more details.


On Jan 1, address A purchases 1 ETH for 175 LINK when the ETH price is $3,500 and the LINK price is $20. And we assume address A only trades once in the whole of January.

If you open Lookonchain on Jan 1, the “Profit" of address A is $0.

On Jan 2, the price of ETH changes to $4,000, and the price of LINK changes to $30.

When you open Lookonchain on Jan 2, the “Profit" of address A is $1,250.

Profit = Return - Invest = (175 * $30) - (1 * $4,000) = $5,250 - $4,000 = $1,250

Because the price of ETH and LINK has changed.

4. ROI

Profit(USD)/Invest(USD) * 100%

5. Swap Times

Number of times the account swaps with another account. For example, account A buys 10 ETH from account B. Then the Swap Num of account A is 1.

6. Time Range

We have 3 time frames to choose from. They are "1 day", "7 day" and "30 day".

If you open LOC on Feb 20, Beijing time, and select "1 day" to view the leaderboard, the data calculated by the leaderboard is from 0:00 to 24:00 on Feb 19th.Select "7 day" to view the leaderboard, the data calculated by the leaderboard is from 0:00 on Feb 3 to 24:00 on Feb 19. Select "30 days" to view the leaderboard, the data calculated by the leaderboard is from 0:00 on Jan 21 to 24:00 on Feb 19.

🧮Calculation example

When I open LOC on Feb 20:

address: 0xc26b5977c42c4fa2dd41750f8658f6bd2b67869c


This address has 1 transaction in the past 1day:

Swapped 9,694,560.036706 DAI with 3,505 WETH on Feb 19;

This address has 3 transactions in the past 7 days:

Swapped 1711.404141WETH with 5,100,000 DAI on Feb 13;

Swapped 1874.318304 WETH with 5,582,774 DAI on Feb 15;

Swapped 9,694,560.036706 DAI with 3,505 WETH on Feb 19;

The price of WETH is $2,677 on Feb 20, and the price of DAI is $1 on Feb 20.

Calculate data for the past 1 day:

Time Range : 1 day

Swap Times: 1

Invest(USD) : 3,505*$2,677=$9,382,885

Return(USD): 9,694,560.036706*$1=$9,694,560

Profit(USD): Return(USD)-Invest(USD)=$9,382,885-$9,694,560=$311,675

ROI: Profit(USD)/Invest(USD) * 100% =($311,675/$9,382,885) * 100%=3.32%

Calculate data for the past 7 days:

Time Range : 7 day

Swap Times: 3

Invest(USD) : 5,100,000*$1+5,582,774*$1+3,505*$2,677=$20,065,659

Return(USD): 1711.404141*$2,677+1874.318304**$2,677+9,694,560.036706*$1=$19,293,539

Profit(USD): Return(USD)-Invest(USD)=$19,293,539-$20,065,659=-$772,120

ROI: Profit(USD)/Invest(USD) * 100% =((-$772,120)/$20,065,659)* 100%=-3.85%

💰How to find the most profitable addresses?

If I want to know which is the most profitable address in the past 7 days, what should I do?

On the leaderboard page, select Swap Times as "All", Time Range as "7 day", and sort by Profit. The top address is the most profitable address on #uniswap in the past 7 days.

Let's see how he makes money.

He bought $X2Y2 with 200 $WETH on Feb 15, and sold it on the 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th, received a total of 539 $WETH. He earned 339 $WETH ($926,437)

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