C.H.I.C. It was born with the purpose of creating an exclusive and elite group of NFTs collectors.
Each owner of at least one Heart gets full access to the "Psicomage Club" discord server, where new collections of NFTs will be periodically published in different modes and platforms.
The original dies in the collection are made up of 12 different types of hearts. Each of these images was dissected into 9 parts to then create the 22,000 NFTs that make up the collection.
The concept behind the creation of every single NFT is related to the idea that each of us, in one form or another, is connected to all the people of this planet.
As if every fragment of all the hearts of the world are connected to each other in one network.
From this follows the idea of creating multiple mosaics with multiple hearts.
Unfortunately it is not possible to expand or modify the collection, let alone publish the original matrices because they were lost due to an accident during an operating system migration.
You have three ways to get one of these NFTs:
Minting from the official site at this temporary link https://chic.typedream.app/ . You need a wallet on the Polygon network and have some Matic, to be safe, use only Metamask;
By purchasing it from the official marketplace at this address https://chic.wlbl.xyz/ or in the other marketplaces indicated on the website https://chic.typedream.app/ | keep in mind that inside you will find NFTs already minted;
By participating in the various daily giveaways and contests that I will publish in my various social networks
Each phase of the project is characterized by the volume of NFTs minted and their relative price.
Prelaunch stage: supply 500 at 1.2 Matic + gas price per minting, 3 NFTs max per wallet;
Launch stage: supply 500 at 2.4 Matic + gas price per minting
Postlaunch stage: supply 1000 at 4.8 Matic + gas price per minting
Latelaunch stage: supply 2000 at 9.16 Matic + gas price per minting
Special stage: supply 4000 at 18.32 Matic + gas price per minting
Preultimate stage: supply 8000 at 36.64 Matic + gas price per minting
Ultimate stage: supply 6000 at 73.28 Matic + gas price per minting
Every time an internship ends, after a few days you move on to the next internship.
Between one stage and another the price, the intermezzo stage, the price is set at 73.28 Matic
NAME: M.C.A. Bagiante
TITLE: Founder, Operation Director, Artist, Marketing Director, Social Media Manager, Discord Manager, Development Advisor, Web Developer (There is only me in this project, the truth).
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mcabagiante/
EXPERIENCE: I had started with NFTs in December 2021.
I was really excited. I thought I could make a lot of money quickly because I saw JPG images that had great financial value.
Of course I was wrong.
Behind every great collection, there is great design.
With each passing day, I learned something new from my many mistakes. I was also forced to make tough decisions, particularly on the scheduling side.
I still face this wonderful journey in the Non-Fungible Tokens with energy and dynamism, always ready to learn a lot from what happens.
Each element of the collection is divided into 9 sections as follows:
Each section can contain an image fragment from the 12 original matrix hearts such as:
Acquamarine, Cold Sweat, Cyberpunk, Green, Blue, Violet, Green Ray, Yellow, Hue, Indigo, Orange and Red.
The matrices were lost in an accident, they are no longer recoverable in any way.
More than an ecosystem, think of obtaining a series of benefits as the owner of a heart such as:
Exclusive access to the Discord server "Psicomage Club"
You will participate in server-internal giveaways where exclusive collections will be made available only to club members
Discounts on the prices of future projects, such as the payment of the gas fee only
Three times the number of copies available to mint for future projects
Last and not least, you will have the right to vote on the internal decisions of the Club when a minimum quota of 1000 members is reached
There will be many more benefits later because so much more is to come.