Community Call Recap

Time: March 23th, 1PM UTC

Team Representative: Jayden

Jayden: Hey guys how are you doing? Claim your Arb airdrop first,  Then let me answer all the questions one by one.

Jayden: First of all, let’s forget about the old roadmap and plans as we are going to release a new plan very soon regarding to Kono integration with ETH L2 and the token mapping mechanism for Kono.

I think you (Timmynice – a community member) ask about the team before so let me share it first.

Currently, we have four full time members + a few part time members (mainly cm mods)

I am in-charge of the project operation, business development & partnership, marketing, products, fund raising. Basically, everything except coding. I took over the role of CEO.

Timmynice (Community Member): How many devs pls?

Jayden: 2.5 Devs. Let me elaborate on the team composition. then we have a full stack developer, one backend & smart contract developer and one front end. The frontend is also working on UIUX design. Fortunately, we have received a new investment from one of our early investor using our reserve& part of the team token (myself + members who choose to stay with the project). We will disclose more detail next week regarding to the investment. So we will use part of the new funding to recover the dev and marketing team. But we won’t do it aggressively. Since we are having a shortage of manpower, we really welcome any sorts of help from the community.

杰克 黑(Community Member):  How to receive airdrops in kono on the exchange?

Jayden: This is the question which causes most attention.

Unfortunately, there is no way we can track the token holders in CEX. All CEXs will not give us the statistics of Kono holder on the exchange due to privacy issue. So you need to transfer your tokens to a decentralized wallet and participate in the upcoming staking events in order to get airdrop for the new tokens.

Let me get it clear, the new project is going to be a 100% fair launch. Only Kono holders will get the tokens and there won’t be any forms of token sale.

We are thinking a fair way to distribute the airdrop as I understand some people bought it at very high price and hold it for long time but they had less tokens compare to those who bought the dip, But it’s impossible to be 100% fair as we can’t tract the trade record for each holder especially most people bought it on CEXs.

I hope I answer your question.

Jayden: I think we have some questions from Twitter right?

MOD: Yes, let me represent our community on Twitter.

First question from Twitter: Since the new project (Asset Backed Token) is a separate entity, how will you ensure that the two projects can coexist and work together seamlessly?

Jayden: First of all, there is no competition between our new project and Konomi itself, as the new project can be considered a derivative of Konomi. The investment in Konomi's technology has laid a solid foundation for the development of our new project, such as the integration of Konomi's oracle technology in the new project. Secondly, in the early stage of the new project, the only way to obtain the project's tokens is by staking Kono, so the more participants in the new project, the higher the value of Kono. Finally, after the official launch of the new project, when users realize that many technologies in the new project are derived from Konomi, they will in turn pay attention to Konomi, which will also lead to an increase in Kono's attention.

Second question from Twitter: Can you explain in more detail the mechanism behind Asset Backed Tokens and how it can revolutionise liquidity solutions in the decentralised space?

Jayden: Firstly, let me explain the concept of Asset Backed Token (ABT) to everyone. An Asset Backed Token is a token generated from a bundle of crypto assets, with its value endorsement being more explicit compared to other tokens. Moreover, due to the diverse composition methods, each ABT Token can be considered unique. Secondly, in terms of risk control, since the new project has achieved complete decentralization in its issuance, we will adopt a decentralized governance approach to grade the Asset Backed Tokens issued by users on our platform, with a total of twelve levels from high to low: AAA, AA, A, BBB, BB, B, CCC, CC, C, DDD, DD, and D. This grading system will help retail investors understand risks in a simple and clear way, thereby assisting them in avoiding risks. Finally, the main reasons why ABTs can improve the liquidity of many tokens are as follows: (1) When users combine assets with low liquidity and those with high liquidity, it can enhance the credit of the assets with low liquidity. (2) For high-quality assets, many users want to purchase multiple tokens on different chains simultaneously, but cross-chain operations are still cumbersome for many users, so combining these tokens can reduce the complexity of operations and increase token liquidity. (3) Many users want to invest in specific sectors, like the NFT sector or algorithmic stablecoin sector, similar to traditional financial markets. However, most users do not possess the ability to research, and they are unaware of which projects on different chains within these sectors can be invested in. Therefore, combining these projects into ABTs and offering them to users can increase the token liquidity of these projects. The ABT tokens could be integrated with Konomi Ocean Lending so user could create lending pool that can use approved ABT as collateral.

Third question from Twitter: What role do you see community governance playing in the development and ongoing management of Konomi and the ABT project, and how will you encourage community involvement in decision-making processes?

Jayden: As I mentioned in my previous answer, in the new project, we will adopt a decentralized governance approach to determine the issuance level of ABT Token. Community members who hold the new project Token and have staked it can participate in the issuance voting. At the same time, we will also reserve a portion of the new project's token economics to incentivize community members to participate in governance.

Jayden: Now we are opening to the community.

Timmynice (Community Member): Thank you @JaydenYYI , you guys are doing exactly what the community wants, transparency. Pls i will like to ask if konomi network has given up totally on being a parachain, if yes, is there any possibility of $KONO operating on it own chain.

I also want to know if it's possible for kono to have its own multi-chain bridge, the multichain(anyswap) bridge is too expensive.

Lastly, is the upcoming staking going to be multichain?

Jayden: We will not go for Parachain auction and we will bridge Kono to other chains via ANYSWAP. The staking will be on ETH.

Zhaolong8888: A big problem for many Defi projects seems to be that when you start farming, the price goes down because people are emptying to put liquidity into the farm. Will there be an incentive to retain and not just farm and dump?

Jayden: Have good staking mechanism will help to ease the selling pressure

MOD: Today's AMA is end, but the conversation will never end between team and community 😄

Jayden: I will have more conversation with you guys from now onwards

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