We've seen incredible growth in our Incentivized Testnet community, and we want to help you optimize your miner to achieve maximum success. Here's everything you need to know about how our system works and how to boost your performance.
We've implemented a sophisticated selection system designed to reward high performers while ensuring fair opportunities for all. Here's how it works:
Eligibility Check: To be considered, your miner must be actively connected to the testnet and capable of fulfilling Twitter data requests.
Performance-Based Pool: Our protocol maintains a dynamic pool of top performers, considering your recent activity, capacity, and reliability.
Fair Distribution: We utilize smart randomization to balance high performance with fair data task distribution - so all miners have a chance to shine.
Comprehensive Evaluation: Selection looks at multiple factors including your successful tweet history, total output, and reliability metrics.
Want to know what really drives success? Focus on these two key factors:
More Twitter accounts = greater mining potential
High-performance nodes help drive increase network capacity
The more data you contribute, the more the network can scale
Consistent online up-time
Quick response times
Low network latency
Reliable node performance
Expand Your Reach: Add more Twitter accounts to your miner (always following Twitter's TOS)
Stay Connected: Maintain consistent online presence - every minute counts
Optimize Your Connection: Strong, stable internet reduces timeouts
Account Management: Regularly check your Twitter credentials for any issues
Stay Updated: Keep your node software current - watch our Discord for updates
Good news: Self-querying doesn't affect other miners' opportunities. Here's why:
Our query selection process ensures fair distribution among all eligible miners
Self-queries don't inflate your node's metrics when connected to testnet
Disconnected miners using their own credentials are excluded from testnet rewards
Remember: Your success contributes to our network's strength. Keep optimizing, stay connected, and watch your performance soar. 🚀
Join our Discord community #nodes-miner for support, updates, and to connect with fellow miners.
Together, we're building a more efficient and powerful network. Thank you for being part of this journey. 🙏