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Kris Haamer 漢默可 🇪🇪🇺🇦🇹🇼

Kris Haamer 漢默可 🇪🇪🇺🇦🇹🇼

Filmmaker and app developer
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The History of Film3 in Taiwan

In the neon-lit expanse of the year 2050, a young Taiwanese artist named Li Mei found herself adrift in the boundless sea of the Metaverse. Bytes and pixels danced to the rhythm of human consciousness as she navigated through this kaleidoscopic cosmos, her avatar's hand brushed against an object of curiosity - an antiquated, virtual book, its title shimmering in golden pixels: "The Dawn of Film3: A Revolution in Taiwanese Filmmaking."
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在霓虹燈光的2050年,一位名叫李美的年輕台灣藝術家在元宇宙的無邊海洋中漂流。字節和像素隨著人類意識的節奏跳舞,她在這個萬花筒般的宇宙中導航,她的頭像的手觸摸到一個引起好奇的物體 - 一本古老的虛擬書,其標題在金色的像素中閃爍:"電影3的黎明:台灣電影製作的革命。"

One Film From Every Country

When I finished the IMDB Top 250 I thought why not widen my perspective to include a more global selection. This is my personal diary & guidebook. The IMDB list is heavily slanted towards American movies and many of my favorites come from countries like Guinea-Bissau, Japan, Burkina Faso, Argentina, Taiwan, etc.