Introducing the Governance Steering Council Dashboard
May 20th, 2022

We are happy to introduce the Governance Steering Council (GSC) dashboard.

The GSC is a group of delegates, each of whom has reached a pre-established threshold of delegated voting power, giving them additional governance powers within the Element governance system and, as a result, additional responsibilities.

Since the launch of the Element DAO, fourteen community members have become eligible to join the GSC (one of which joined before the dashboard was even launched), and many more have submitted applications, as you can see here. The members of the GSC are elected on a continuous, rolling basis and in real-time, so new members might join in the future if the current ones go below 0.9% of the total circulating votes delegated to them (currently 110k votes). In a way, this acts as if the GSC members are elected in real-time by the governance community, reflecting the most current state of political dynamics within the DAO.

The GSC’s Role in the Voting Process

The GSC will have the ability to propose votes directly on-chain without the typical proposal threshold that all governance members will be subject to. For a detailed description of the difference between the typical governance process and the GSC governance process, check out the Element Governance Proposal Framework post here.

The authority to propose votes directly on-chain without the typical proposal threshold is enabled through the custom GSC voting vault, which gives one vote to each GSC member. An example of this in the wild is the first proposal that came from a GSC member (here), which was for increasing the current GSC quorum threshold from 1 to 3. The result being that now it will take 3 GSC members to pass a proposal on-chain instead of the launch default of 1. This proposal was pushed forward and passed by the GSC.

Additionally, since the GSC will have significant voting power delegated to it, the GSC may also propose votes with their own delegated power through the main core voting contract. However, it is important to note that, because of the minimum voting period, the GSC cannot make proposals directly on-chain and then pass them immediately without the input and support of the governance community. This failsafe prevents potential abuse by the GSC.

GSC Dashboard Overview

Users can access the GSC dashboard on the left menu from the Element governance dashboard.

It allows members of the GSC to:

  • Join and formally accept their role in the GSC
  • Push proposals to an on-chain vote (bypassing the off-chain sentiment poll)
  • Vote on proposals
  • Leave the GSC voluntarily
  • Kick other members that have fallen under the current threshold: 0.9% of the total circulating votes delegated to them (currently 110k votes)

It allows members of the Element community to:

  • View GSC eligibility

  • View activity and hold GSC members accountable

  • Track the GSC members assigned voting power

  • View a list of “Rising Delegates” who are close to the GSC eligibility threshold but not already eligible

  • Kick members that have fallen under the current threshold: 0.9% of the total circulating votes delegated to them (currently 110k votes)

    If you are an elected member of the GSC, please head on to the GSC dashboard and start participating in the governance of the Element DAO today!

A Walkthrough of the GSC Dashboard

Users can access the GSC dashboard by clicking on the left menu of the Element's governance dashboard and then connecting their wallet in the top right-hand corner. Keep in mind that elected members of the GSC will have access to extra features that won't be visible to the rest of the governance community.

The main sections of the dashboard are:

  1. Governance Portfolio
  2. Overview, Current Members, and Rising Delegates
  3. GSC On-Chain Proposals

You can see each section highlighted in the screenshots below:

GSC Dashboard Sections

1. Governance Portfolio

The Governance Portfolio section displays

  • Your voting power: the amount of voting power that has been delegated to the logged user
  • Your GSC Eligibility
    • Displays if the logged user is eligible to become a member of the GSC. If the user is available, the "Join" option will become visible, and the user will be able to join the GSC by clicking on it.
  • Displays when the logged user has lost eligibility as a member of the GSC.
  • Your GSC Status: displays the GSC status.
  • Leave Button: it allows an elected member of the GSC to voluntarily quit as a member of the GSC if he wishes to do so.

2. GSC Overview, Current GSC Members and Rising Delegates

2.1 GSC Overview

The overview section displays a GSC FAQ.

2.2 Current Members

The Current Members section displays the current GSC members and the amount of voting power delegated to them.

If the voting power delegated to a member of the GSC goes below 0.9% of the total circulating votes (currently 110k votes), the Kick Member option will become visible in red. Any community member can kick the GSC member who’s no longer eligible.

2.3 Rising Delegates

The rising delegates’ section displays the community members close to becoming eligible as new members of the GSC.

3. GSC Governance Proposals

The GSC Proposals section displays

  • The user’s voting history
  • The current proposals being voted
  • The current state of a proposal, in progress, active or past
  • Vote for, against, or abstain (only visible for GSC members)

We’re excited about launching the GSC dashboard and can’t wait for the elected members to start voting on proposals.

If you are an elected member of the GSC, head on to the GSC dashboard and start participating in the governance of the Element DAO today.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, we believe that scaling governance is not necessarily just about getting more participation or more direct democratic control of the system, but about scaling the number of decisions that can occur per period of time, given that decisions are representative of the Element community. The GSC and the GSC Dashboard will help mitigate the need for individual voters to actively participate in governance and only require their attention when it truly matters, thus reducing the risk of community members feeling voter fatigue and apathy.

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