

Liu Zi was a professional, shrewd sale manager in the famous real estate company 'Wan Ke'. She was 35 years old, a family with a single son. She was a resolute, determined female on outlook from her colleagues' sight. Her husband, Frank Feng was a senior software engineer in a telecom Joint venture, who was a shy and reticent guy. Apparently they were totally different in term of personality.

这位大姐名叫"刘孜",5年前,她可是赫赫有名的万科房地产集团的一位干练的销售经理。 她以行事果断,为客户着想而著称。 她有一个乖巧的儿子和在一家通信公司做软件工程师的丈夫叫做冯科,他老公冯科跟刘孜截然不同,属于那种非常内秀的男人。

Liu Zi was arrogant and bossy at home, she always verbally abused her husband and belittled him. Frank was aware of this, but due to his generosity, he just neglected it in the first place. However, his generosity was interpreted as coward, ignorance of her existence. This made Liu become contemptuous of her husband for not putting her in her place and started acting up even more. All these created a downward spiral where sex dropped off, arguments flared up, and both sides were increasingly miserable. It looked their marriage was going to snap.

刘孜这个娘们在家里可是非常横的,经常言语上对她老公冯科进行侮辱,冯科这个人呢,比较宽容,一般对此就是一笑了之。 但是这种宽容,在刘孜眼里,变成了懦弱和无视她的存在,这让她觉得非常没有存在感,于是她变得更加恼火,对她丈夫的恶劣态度就变本加厉。 这一切使得两人性生活也变得不和谐,怒气一触即发,双方都考虑要分开,但是因为孩子得在一起,于是彼此都很痛苦,他们的婚姻变得非常脆弱,一折就断。

Liu Zi did think of divorce, however this would have a huge negative effect on their son, who once tried to leave the home while they were quarrelling. Actually Frank was a very good husband and father, he affectionated them so much. He took almost all the responsibility of the family. In China it is too difficult to find a man who can always take children to play outside and take care of their daily life. She did not like most of the males around her, who only went out drinking or fucking whores. She did not want to give up Frank but she did want him to put her on track while she behaved like a brat.

是的,刘孜考虑过离婚,但是这对孩子会是一个非常大的打击,要知道,这个小孩子曾经在他们夫妻吵架的时候离家出走,找了很久才找回来。 而且,冯科是个很好的丈夫和父亲,他是如此关爱这个家庭,这个家里几乎大大小小的事情都是他一个人在操心。 在中国很少能找到像冯科这样的男人,还能经常带小孩出去玩并且照料小孩的生活。 刘孜一点也不喜欢她周围那些男性,他们除了在外吃喝,就是玩女人。 她不想放弃冯科,但是她真的很希望冯科能在她像个顽劣的小孩的时候,把她拉回正轨。

Human being is such a weird creature that most of us are wearing a mask outside as a identity of our daily role in this society. Someone is opposite between inside and outside. Liu Zi was a resolute and energetic figure in her subordinates' view, but she actually wanted an authority to take hold of her, to discipline her when she was misbehaving and overacting, she needed someone who can gave her a sound spanking to put her on the right trail.


She planned to express her deep desire to her husband, but how. It would be so embarrassing if Frank took her as a psychopath! then one day, while she was surfing the internet, she found an ads appealing to her, it was about lap dance, people would think lap dance only appeared in sex club or erotic movies, but it can also be used as a powerful way to seduce man! 'Would it be fantastic if I try this way guiding him to spank me?' she said to herself. Then she ordered one and secretly practiced how to swap her hips, thrust hips forwards and back, how to move ass in circle. In the meanwhile, when her husband was at home, she opened some spank photos in the computer then pretended forgetting close it and being overseen by her husband. This occurred several times and Frank felt quite confused actually.

她想把这内心潜藏多年的欲望告诉她的丈夫,但是怎么开口呢? 如果她的丈夫不是同好呢? 那是多么令人窘迫的局面啊,冯科肯定要以为她是神经病了。 然后有一天,正在她上网,突然跳出来一个广告,是关于跳大腿舞的,人们总以为大腿舞只出现在成人俱乐部或者色情电影里,但是它可以作为一种强大的武器来诱惑男人。 “如果我用这种方法来诱导他打我屁股,这该是多棒的一个主意啊。” 刘孜突然想到。 然后她偷偷订了份教程,练习如何转腰扭臀。 同时,当她老公冯科在家的时候,她会故意在网上打开一些sp的图片和视频,然后忘记关掉,然后这些图片视频又被冯科“不小心”看到。 这种情况发生多次,冯科感到很奇怪。

Their son's daily school would organize a four days camping outside, which was a great opportunity for the couple to enjoy privacy. Liu Zi booked a cottage which was about 3 hours driving distance from their home. The cottage was not in a popular touring place so there would be few people living there. In addition, it was a dependant unit which was metres away from neighbours. There were a wooden table and chairs in the dinning room in the website. All the elements are relevant to spanking.

机会终于来了,她儿子学校组织了4天的露营活动,于是刘孜提前订了一个野外的小木屋,距离自己家是3小时车程。 而且,这屋子 是一个独立的房子,邻居之间都有好几米距离。 屋里有实木桌子和椅子,这一切,都暗示着sp的元素。

Before they set off, Liu Zi had prepared sexy G string, lace stockings, some romantic music CD and a wooden brush with short bristles.


Frank drove them to the cottage Liu Zi had booked. The room was quite clean and spacious, the furnitures were in classical wooden style. After settling down, they went to visit some attractions nearby and took an earlier dinner outside. While they were heading towards their accommodation, Liu Zi whispered near her husband's ear, 'Darling, I got a special occasion for you.' On arrival, She guided her husband to sit down in one of the wooden chairs, then placed CD in a sterio, the melody was rather slow and blue, she began to wriggle her waist and took off her coat. She stripped herself until only underwears were remained. Now she was a hot lady in lace knickers, black stockings and bra. She swayed her ass according to the rhythm of the melody, looking like a real hot stripgirl. Frank got almost fully erected while watching her wife playing lap dance. Liu Zi cat walked to her husband in the chair and thrusted her bottom towards her husband, speaking in a very low voice in a submissive manner, 'please spank this naughty ass as its owner was such a bad wife.' Frank got so excited that he began some attempt taps on her right and left cheeks alternatively, seeing Liu Zi was quite enjoying it, he slapped the bottom a bit hard. In his subconcious, he did want to give Liu Zi a good lesson for her disrespecting her man before. 'Why not now?!' A voice floated out his mind.

夫妻俩来到刘孜订好的小木屋里,屋子里空间宽敞,非常干净,所有家具都是非常古典的木制家具。 安顿好之后,他们先是开车游览了一下附近的景点,一起在外面用了顿丰盛的晚餐。 在回木屋的途中,刘孜在冯科耳边悄悄说,"老公,今晚给你的惊喜喔。" 回到屋子里后,她让她老公坐到木头椅子上,然后打开音乐,房间里荡漾着一种暧昧的空气,她缓缓脱掉外套,裤子,仅仅留下小吊带和T型内裤。 她随着音乐慢慢地摇摆,像个俱乐部里脱衣舞娘,随着刘孜的臀部,胸部在冯科面前扭动,他那里已经完全直立起来了,刘孜低下头,轻轻对冯科说,“亲爱的,请狠狠惩戒这调皮的屁股吧,因为它的主人曾经对你那么无礼。“ 冯科慢慢地,轻轻地试探着左右拍打着那两瓣臀肉,看到刘孜那么享受,他于是加大了力量。 这样感觉刺激着一个男人复仇的欲望,他突然想到,我早该狠狠教训这个无礼的妻子,履行我丈夫的责任了,为什么现在不呢?

So Frank dragged Liu Zi over his lap, with some pretending struggle, Liu Zi put both her hands to the ground to support herself and gasped. Frank placed her in a comfortable position and lectured, 'Naughty lady, for what you have said to your husband, I need to teach you how to respect your man!' With this, he tugged her panties down to show her full buttocks. Oh what a beautiful ass, it looked so tender and inviting. But he needed to give this full moon enough punishment so that its owner can learn how to respect her husband! He raised his hand and brought it down hard. Smack!

想到这里,他一把把刘孜拽到自己面前,刘孜假意挣扎了几下,就顺从了,她双手撑着地面,大口地喘气。 冯科大声说,”我早该狠狠教训你一顿了,让你知道应该尊重你的男人,今天我一定要狠狠地打你一顿屁股!“ 刘孜知道接下来会发生什么了,对这种打屁股的期待让她的私处慢慢潮湿了。 她感觉自己的短裤被一把扯下,吊带也会高高撩起,她整个丰满的臀部裸露在空气当中,这,真是她内心期待的sp的感觉,随后,巴掌如雨点一般重重地在左右两瓣屁股上响起,啪啪啪啪,没有给她一点喘息的时间。

Liu Zi jerked but didn't cry out. There was a pink mark on her cheek. Then spank! Another pink mark and another wordless jerk. Frank's hand raised and fell. Each time with a loud spank. Soon Liu Zi's bottom turned a bright pink. Then red. She couldn't help but cry out and soon was sobbing. Legs kicked slightly but Frank smacked her thighs now and then admonishing her, "no kicking!" This was exactly what Liu Zi wanted, for the first time in her life, she perceived the tremendous power of her man, the spank blew her stress away with her cries and gave her absolution. Hot bottom, romantic melody, utterly submissive to her man and being spanked, all of these turned her on...

虽然内心是期待和喜欢的,但是巴掌打在屁股上,毕竟是疼痛的,于是她本能开始扭动起来,但是她没有哭泣求饶,而是忍受每一记屁股的责罚。 随着强壮有力的手臂起落,刘孜原本白皙的臀部呈现绯红一片,犹如少妇秀红的脸。 疼痛使她本能开始挣扎扭动,大声喊叫减轻痛苦,但是巴掌还是那么有力,一点没有变轻的趋势。 她开始踢腿来减缓屁股的痛苦,但是冯科大声呵斥,”不许踢腿“。 这个场景正是刘孜梦寐以求的打屁股的感觉,她第一次感觉到冯科是一个真正的男人,一个可以把调皮的妻子拉上正轨的男人,她扭动着,痛并快乐着,体验着这个男人每一次强健有力的巴掌落在自己臀部那爆炸式的感觉。 火热的臀肉,浪漫的音乐和完全顺服自己男人的姿势,这一切,让刘孜私处水不停地流出,她高潮了。

Frank continued spanking Liu Zi. He was loving every bit of this. The feel of her skin, the redness, the sound of the smacks. Soon her bottom was quite red and her cries had turned to sobs.

惩罚还在继续,冯科享受用力痛打自己太太屁股的感觉,他喜欢这个过程的每个部分。 触摸她丰满的臀肉,看到臀部慢慢变红,享受着巴掌落在佳人屁股上的脆响。 她的哭声慢慢变成啜泣。 冯科的巴掌也渐渐慢了下来。

With countless smashes, Frank stopped and smoothed his hand on this red apple, caressing each part of both her cheeks, felt the curve of her waist and bottom, the slimmer of her thigh... Both of them got sexually aroused. He placed her stand, pushed her to the edge of the wooden table and took her from behind...

经过数不清的巴掌后,冯科停了下来,他慢慢抚摸这红色的苹果,轻抚两瓣臀肉的每一个部分,感受她那腰臀曲线,感受她修长的大腿。 而刘孜,趴在那里,经过暴风雨的洗礼,那火辣辣的痛觉让她感觉到自己男人的力量,感受到犯错后被像一个真正成熟女人一样被惩戒,被狠狠打屁股。所有这些,让他们俩被性唤起。 他把她放直,推到桌边,从后面进入了她的身体。。。

What about the wooden brush? Oh, fortunately it was not used in this time. From then on, whenever Liu Zi brought her bossy attitude from office to home, Frank would leverage that wooden brush to take care of her bare bottom until she could calm down and a rational talk could be carried out.

那个木头发刷呢? 这次其实根本没用到。 但是,从那以后,每次刘孜把自己在办公室里那种蛮横的态度带到家里的时候,冯科就会用到这个家法来伺候她的屁股,直到她能平静下来,两个人可以进行理性的对话。

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