BitoEX教學文:一鍵買幣 業界最方便Cardano: ADA Potential for 2022 and beyond

BitoEX 一鍵買幣流程為業界之最,只要完成 A 等級會員申請,即可一鍵買幣、秒換虛擬貨幣。透過綁定銀行匯款至自己在 BitoEX 的個人專屬帳號,(想兌換不同虛擬貨幣,即匯款至相對應的幣種帳號,想換比特幣即匯款至比特幣帳號,換以太幣就匯至以太幣帳號)。匯款後,即刻將台幣轉換成等值的虛擬貨幣。Cardano (ADA) is the native coin of the same-named proof-of-stake blockchain. Charles Hoskinson, the co-founder of Ethereum, founded the Cardano network in 2015. According to the Cardano Foundation, its ultimate purpose is to provide a platform for innovators and visionaries to assist them in making the world a better place. Cardano’s team is creating an interoperable and scalable multi-asset ledger with a platform for verifiable smart contracts.

ADA is now ranked sixth in terms of market value, indicating that it is a cryptocurrency many people are interested in and has significant growth potential. Let’s have a look at Cardano ADA price predictions for the next several years.

Before looking at some price predictions, let us address the current question:-

Why is Cardano seemly on sale right now?

Cardano’s price is low, but its supply is plentiful, allowing it to have the market cap that it does. Market capitalization is an accurate indicator of worth, so it is more important than the price of a single currency — and Cardano has a large market cap. The total amount of ADA coins created is 45B. You need to own more ADA to have $1000 in your wallet — but the value will remain the same whether you obtained it by purchasing 10 ADA or 100 ADA.

Obviously, as with any other cryptocurrency, making a 100 percent accurate Cardano price forecast is tricky. But with all the information we have on ADA, we can certainly look at some possible price points.

Cardano Price Forecast for 2022

Cardano’s maximum price in 2022 depends on factors, including the overall status of the crypto market and the global economy and the state of other cryptocurrencies that can be looked at as ADA’s significant competitors as QTUM or WAVES.

Some analysts believe that ADA will be around $2.5 for most of 2022, which is very optimistic given that the coin is presently trading around $1.9.

Cardano Price Forecast for the End of 2022

Several experts predict that the price of ADA will reach $4 by the end of 2022. While we believe this is overly optimistic, we cannot rule it out.

According to CoinDesk, ADA might surpass its previous ATH and hit $5.17, especially if environmental concerns become a more prevalent topic in the crypto community. However, they warn that usability concerns may push some investors away from the coin, causing its price to remain below $3.99 in 2022.

The most bullish Coinquora experts estimate that if ADA continues to rise throughout 2022, Cardano’s projected price might reach $12-$15 by the end of the year.

Price Prediction for Cardano in 2030

While we cannot forecast the exact Cardano cryptocurrency price in 2030 and beyond, we believe it is a wise long-term investment. The longer the acquisition, the more difficult it is to anticipate its outcome. Cardano, on the other hand, has a lot going for it. It is adaptable to change, has a strong roadmap, a motivated and competent staff behind it, and is environmentally friendly. All of these facts indicate that it is here to stay.

Cardano Price Forecast 2040

Long-term Cardano price predictions again are difficult to make. We believe that the price of ADA will continue to climb and may reach $15 by 2030 — that is, if cryptocurrencies do not become outdated by then and new technology takes its place. Overall, ADA can re-establish its historical high price and set a new all-time high.

Will Cardano ever reach $20 or $100?

Everything is technically feasible, and there is at least one Cardano price prediction suggests $100 will be the coin’s lowest price in the next five years, rather than the unachievable maximum price.

In actuality, however, it is exceedingly doubtful that the price of ADA will ever reach that level.

If Cardano’s price reached $20 and everything else remained constant, it may have surpassed Bitcoin in terms of market capitalization. To achieve such high levels, either the entire market must experience an astronomical rise, or the coin itself must receive a one-way ticket to the moon by being officially recognized as a currency by an economically powerful country such as the United States or China. Even the most bullish Cardano price prediction will never foresee something like this.

Is there a future for Cardano?

Cardano’s team intends to incorporate all of the best features of previous cryptocurrencies. That tells us two things: first, this blockchain is unlikely to become obsolete and so fade into obscurity; second, both its staff and the chain itself are adaptable to change, which is an outstanding characteristic to have in such a rapidly evolving and expanding business as crypto. All of this gives us reason to be enthusiastic about the ADA Cardano price prediction and suggests that the currency has long-term earning potential.

Is Cardano a Good Investment?

Cardano may not be as popular as other cryptocurrencies like DOGE or BTC. However, it is still one of the most aggressive cryptocurrencies, with a strong team behind it that has remained on top despite numerous hurdles that the sector has encountered in recent years. It has shown consistent growth in recent years and, as previously said, is expected to rise much further. On this basis, it is a decent investment.

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完成帳號申請,擁有了自己的加密貨幣錢包之後,就可開始買幣,持有虛擬貨幣。以下將示範如何拿新臺幣換成比特幣,並存入 BitoEX 幣託錢包中。


另一項 BitoEX 服務流程便利性在「現金帳戶」,用戶賣出的價金會暫時存放在現金帳戶中,可於下次進場時使用,省去提領、加值以及手續費。幣託在這兩大服務設計上頗受好評,為用戶使用增加便利性與減少交易成本。


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