Since the launch of Canto, the Plex team has been working on improvements for to provide a better user experience for the community. We've updated all Canto FPI frontends, including the pages for Bridge, LP, Lending, Staking, and Governance. To ensure that these updates meet the needs of the Canto community, we’ve gathered feedback from users and used this feedback to guide our improvements.
The following outlines some of the specific changes we’ve made.
The Convert Coin page has been deprecated.
A transactions tab has been added to track the status of funds that are being bridged.
Capability to bridge directly to the Cosmos Hub.
Bridge In and Bridge Out are now individual tabs.
Supply LP tokens into the Canto Lending Market in the same modal as providing liquidity.
Rewards for supplying assets are now more clear.
Search for validators by name.
Filter between active and inactive validators.
Better overview of current staking positions.
Staking delegation modal includes separate tabs for delegating, undelegating, and redelegating Canto.
Improved proposal voting experience.
Users can now see the impact their vote will have on the governance proposal, as well as an improved pie chart of the current voting status.
Proposal details are easier to view since they are now expanded further after being clicked.
Other than these specific changes, the frontends have also received changes in fonts and overall design for an enhanced experience.
We appreciate all of your feedback and will continue utilizing the community's feedback to improve Canto's FPI on an ongoing basis. Please feel free to report any feedback here.
Plex is a group of builders with backgrounds in HFT, mechanism design, and software development. We are currently exploring the intersection of decentralized finance and social coordination. If interested in collaboration, please reach out at