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空投参考 / Airdrop Reference

空投参考 / Airdrop Reference

Airdrops I share are verified by myself. 我分享的所有空投项目都亲自验证过了。
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Such High Returns! What's So Magical About dYdX's MegaVault?

In the world of decentralized finance (DeFi), liquidity is the "lifeline." Without sufficient liquidity, the trading experience can become terrible and even disrupt the entire market's operation. In the dYdX ecosystem, the MegaVault has emerged, offering a new solution to liquidity issues. Let's talk about what you’re most concerned with first: MegaVault will bring you new liquidity mining opportunities, with an APR as high as 46%. See the chart below.

收益这么高!dYdX 的 MegaVault 究竟神在哪

在去中心化金融(DeFi)的世界里,流动性就是“生命线”。没有充足的流动性,交易体验会变得糟糕,甚至影响整个市场的运转。而在 dYdX 的生态中,MegaVault 横空出世,为流动性问题带来了全新的解决方案。先说你最关心的,MegaVault 将会给你带来新的流动性挖矿机会,APR 最高达 46%,见下图。

Zero-Cost Airdrop: Nodepay

Did you know that every time you go online, you’re essentially “working for free” for the tech giants’ AI? We contribute data without compensation, while the real profits are pocketed by a handful of corporations. Nodepay is here to change that.


你是否意识到,每次上网时,你都在为科技巨头的人工智能免费“打工”?我们无偿贡献数据,但真正获利的却是少数企业。而 Nodepay,正在改变这一局面。

Quantum Computers Advancing Rapidly: Is Bitcoin in Danger?

What if there were a technology capable of instantly cracking the world’s most secure vaults? Would Bitcoin still have a future?



Zero-Cost Airdrop: Bless

Bless is the world’s first shared computing network powered by everyday devices. It leverages users’ idle computing resources to provide computational power for decentralized applications, websites, and services. By doing so, Bless shifts control and profits of the internet from tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft to the users.


Bless 是全球首个由日常设备驱动的共享计算网络。它利用用户闲置的计算资源,为去中心化的应用、网站和服务提供计算能力。通过这种方式,Bless 将互联网的控制权和收益从大型科技公司(如亚马逊、谷歌和微软)手中转移到用户手中。

狂热与冷血:FBI 还原加密货币“割韭菜”剧本

2024 年,比特币价格一度飙升至 10 万美元附近,创下历史新高,而以太坊等主流代币也借势强劲上涨,市场一片狂热。市场上的狂热情绪让人不禁联想到此前的多轮牛市:财富自由的神话引发无数讨论,新项目层出不穷,每个人都在寻找那个改变命运的“百倍币”。