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空投参考 / Airdrop Reference

空投参考 / Airdrop Reference

Airdrops I share are verified by myself. 我分享的所有空投项目都亲自验证过了。
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Orange Finance:流动性挖矿新选择

质押、借贷、流动性挖矿,是 DeFi 产生收入的三大重要来源。
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Orange Finance: A New Option for Liquidity Mining

Staking, lending, and liquidity mining are the three key income sources in DeFi.

CEX也在玩空投:Gate 篇

空投这么好的事情,中心化的交易所(CEX)也都在搞,但是玩法各不相同。Binance 上比较有名的是 Launchpad,需要的资金量比较大,但是投入产出比确实不错,改天我们专门讲。今天讲的 Gate 是真空投,你无需花钱就可以获得空投代币。

认知决定收益:BTC 囤币新策略

今天是 2024 年 9 月 4 日星期三,又到了每月一次的 BTC 囤币复盘的时间了。

Cognition Determines Returns: New BTC HODLing Strategy

Today is Wednesday, September 4, 2024, and it's time for our monthly BTC hodling review.

如何实现 cStone 质押收益最大化

cStone,是 StakeStone 项目质押 ETH 后的流动性代币。有用户在看了《杠杆 + 挖矿 = 再质押最佳策略?》,问我是否可以把 cStone 取出来,以实现再质押收益的最大化?

How to Maximize cStone Staking Rewards

cStone is the liquidity token you receive after staking ETH in the StakeStone project. Recently, after reading the article "Leverage + Mining = The Best Re-Staking Strategy?", some users asked if they could withdraw cStone to maximize their re-staking rewards.
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What to Do if WBTC Becomes Unreliable?

The crypto world has been a bit tumultuous lately, particularly regarding some unsettling news about WBTC (Wrapped Bitcoin).
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WBTC 不靠谱了怎么办?

最近,币圈有点不太平。尤其是关于 WBTC(Wrapped Bitcoin)的一些消息,让不少人开始担心。