What do I believe in?

What’s the purpose of our lives? Why are we here today? Why are you reading this article? Why do some events in our life feel right and some others don’t? How do we explain such feelings?

Looks like I turned Aristotle for this article 😂

The questions above are normally very difficult to answer. Which is why most of the time we avoid them. What I can tell you though is what I believe in. I feel it should help you answer the above questions yourself.

I believe that each one of us has a purpose to be fulfilled in life. We’ve been put on this Earth for some reason. Maybe it’s to take care of our kids. Maybe it’s to grow the next billion-dollar idea. Maybe it’s to protect our loved ones. You know best.

The question of our life purpose is something that can be answered only by each individual. What others can do is give suggestions on how they found the answer themselves. It’s however impossible to answer the question for someone else.

Why I believe web3 is the future…

As I said before, the question of our purpose in life can only be answered by ourselves. But we humans can help each other figure it out. I believe blockchain and web3 can give us the tools to further ease the process. Let me explain how.

Imagine the following scenario.

Hmm, little bland I guess. Let’s add a gradient background!
Hmm, little bland I guess. Let’s add a gradient background!

You are one person out of the billions of people out there.

A very raw representation of the world xD
A very raw representation of the world xD

Our goal is to figure out our purpose in life. What it is we need to find in life. What information do we need to find to share with the rest of the world?

We can use money here as a sort of indicator. If you are going towards your purpose, you’ll see that money is no longer something you need to worry about. Because you’ll start earning so much of it(with the added peace of mind). Else there will be a nagging feeling at the back of your head that something isn’t right.

An attempt to draw a book
An attempt to draw a book

This is knowledge. Please forgive my attempt at drawing 🤣🥲

This is can be used as a state. The world’s knowledge is the current state we as humanity are in.

Knowledge is power
Knowledge is power

Knowledge sheds light on humanity. It’s our guiding book. It has all the rights, and all the wrongs. Basically, everything that we humans have done to date. What process was successful, What process was not? It’s a guide we all can use in our lives. Something we can refer to whenever we feel stuck. Maybe someone else was at the same point and they found a piece of knowledge that would probably help us grow. That’s why I feel knowledge should be free to everyone. No wonder Wikipedia is so famous.

Our goal is to add to this book. Our purpose is to find a piece of knowledge to contribute to this.

If you see this is what everyone gets paid for at the end of the day. What value you are adding to your company? You’re basically bringing in knowledge from outside to add value to your company. In turn, your company pays you. Sometimes you feel you’re worth more than what the company pays you. Maybe it’s because the company doesn’t value you for the knowledge you have.

That’s why I feel it’s best to work for ourselves. It’s better to work on ourselves rather than for someone else. Maybe our paths cross. Maybe some ideologies match and we end up working towards the same cause. After we achieve it, it’s time to move on to the next source of truth. This way we grow and create more meaningful social bonds.

Blockchain is that book. That knowledge. It’s nothing but a digital ledger. It keeps track of everything. No one can go and change it for their own benefit. The one who adds new knowledge gets due credit. The one who adds new processes gets due credit. I believe this is how the world should function.

Authors note:
Try telling something new to someone today. Observe how your value increases in their eyes!

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