What do we all need to aim to achieve?

As I mentioned in a previous article, the main goal of humanity is to achieve greater collective enlightenment.

Why do we need this?

Let’s start with trust.
The biggest problem in today’s society is trust. The game below gives a perfect representation of the issue in today’s society.

There are a few takeaways from the above game.

Basically, there's a lot of mistrust in today's world
Basically, there's a lot of mistrust in today's world

And the biggest lesson is: In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game.

When I first played this game I felt very depressed. To realize that we’re merely products of the environment. This is along the lines that “our fate is already written for us”. We lose faith that we don’t have any control in this world and end up letting the world control us in its game.

However a recent epiphany I had changed everything. It made me see everything differently. It made me see the world differently. How people behave. Why do they behave the way they do? It all became very clear.

Let me try breaking it down for you.

In the game, the main medium of exchange was money. The end goal was to earn as much money as possible. To win basically. But at what cost? The downfall of others? What if we changed the dynamics of the game a bit? Instead of having characters who have certain behaviors, what if we have characters who believe in a single cause? This single cause is “finding the true reason as to why we exist”.

If you see closely, that is what everyone is trying to achieve, one way or the other.
What does Apple believe in?

We believe that we're on the face of the Earth to make great products. We believe in the simple, not the complex. We believe that we need to own and control the primary technologies behind the products we make. We participate only in markets where we can make a significant contribution. What are they trying to do? Advance the human race. It’s deeply rooted in their values. That’s why they are the best company today. They consistently try to find the technology that adds more value to our lives.

What does Microsoft believe in?

We fundamentally believe that we need a culture founded on a growth mindset. It starts with the belief that everyone can grow and develop; that potential is nurtured, not pre-determined; and that anyone can change their mindset. ​​​​​​​We need to be always learning and insatiably curious. Why do we need to be learning? In order to improve humanity’s knowledge again. It’s to attain greater collective consciousness.

Almost all successful companies either create value or are one of the main ingredients required in creating value(for example oil. You need oil to power industries to generate value).

The problem is money.

Every material item in today’s world needs money. Somewhere along the way, humans forgot that value creation is more important than money. The end goal became to earn as much as possible rather than grow together and create as much value as possible.

You can explain all problems in today’s society when you’re able to see the above fact. This was the epiphany I had. If somehow we are able to transfer value directly without the need for money, I think we will move in the right direction.

How do we do this?

Create the conditions necessary to evolve trust. Build relationships. Find win-wins. Communicate clearly.

All the items that makeup blockchain!

Bitcoin showed us that we don’t need trust to know how much bitcoin each person owns. Bitcoin however was again about money. What if we could transfer value directly without the need for Bitcoin or Ether? Let’s figure this out in future articles!

Authors Note:

The world is one big company. We are all its employees trying to figure out that one common truth.

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