Why do we need decentralisation?

Barter system. This was the oldest form of value transfer known to man. Between then to now, humans invented various ways to transfer value between each other. For the first time in the history of humanity, we have found a way to do this at peak efficiency XD.

Yea this was me when I realized it... (Oh my god! Unbelievable! XD)
Yea this was me when I realized it... (Oh my god! Unbelievable! XD)

On the blockchain ecosystem today, you can showcase your novelty, innovation, and uniqueness to the entire world. There’s a whole different reason why this is a necessity for humanity which I’ll cover in a later article. However, it’s very easy to see the result of this in today’s world.

Some of the most famous Instagram/Twitter/TikTok/Facebook, social media platforms basically, have shown that people who can generate good content consistently in their own unique way are most valuable to the platform.

These companies use your talent and make way more money than you can imagine for themselves. Well in fact the true innovation was a product of yours. It’s someone that you own, but due to the current network architecture of today’s world, it’s tough to understand why this issue of privacy is important.

Decentralization is a tool. It helps us achieve a much larger vision. Collective consciousness

Yea you read that right...
Yea you read that right...

“I came to the conclusion that we should aspire to increase the scope and scale of human consciousness in order to better understand what questions to ask. Really, the only thing that makes sense is to strive for greater collective enlightenment.” - Elon Musk

We’ve reached a stage in humanity where data transfer between two people can be done almost instantaneously. A person in the United States could send a message to a person in India in milliseconds. That’s how advanced technology has grown. That’s how advanced the connectivity between people has grown.

Yet we don’t have flying cars you ask.

It's ok, we're almost there
It's ok, we're almost there

We’re pretty close to flying cars than you may think actually. I predict we’ll have them by the end of 2027.

For collective consciousness to increase, we need everyone to get smarter, and happier. Everyone needs to contribute to humanity in their own unique way. That’s how we’ll all grow together better. It’s Karma but look at it from the good light. The more good you do, the “good“ comes back to you(in multi-folds if I may add). We’ve figured out a way to be happier automatically. You don’t need to get Dopamine from any external sources. You won’t need to drown your sorrows in various excuses. You can be happy all the time xD.

Yea, the future's good
Yea, the future's good

Anyway coming back to the point, with decentralization and blockchain, we can build the tools needed to help you grow better as a human. It’s like the tool that’ll help you succeed in life. You just need to use it for your own personal gain and share any new information you learn in the process with the rest of the world. This is a world where there are no more walls.

So if you’re now convinced why we need decentralization, please read on!!!

With this much information available to humanity today, we’ve flipped the equation. We’ve started to reduce chaos more and more.

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