What a protocol would look like?

Protocol speaks a language.

A protocol speaks a language. This language will be governed by a set of values/beliefs.

Protocol governs the dynamics of the ecosystem

A protocol is a program. It has a set of rules. It has certain criteria to be followed to be part of the ecosystem. If any action supports the ecosystem you are rewarded and if you go against it, might even be removed from the ecosystem. Examples of protocols written today are

$AUDIO: Audius is a decentralized, community-owned, and artist-controlled music-sharing protocol.

$WOM: An entire ecosystem of creators, authenticators, publishers, and advertisers creates, incentivizes, and rewards word-of-mouth recommendations.

Lens Protocol: Lens Protocol is a composable and decentralized social graph, ready for you to build on so you can focus on creating a great experience, not scaling your users.

The protocol should evoke emotions

Start with why. - Simon Sinek

Following a protocol means you understand what the protocol stands for. It should align with your values and principles. Simon Sinek mentions that all great leaders start with why. It’s a pattern. They all think, act, and execute the same way.

He goes on to ask the question, “Why is apple so innovative? Year after year, after year, they’re more innovative than all their competition, and yet they’re just a computer company.” Mind you this was 13 years ago when Steve Jobs was leading the company.

Why is it that Martin Luther King led the Civil Rights Movement? He wasn’t the only man who suffered in a pre-civil rights America.

Why is it the Wright brothers able to figure out controlled, powered man flight when there were certainly other teams who were better qualified, and better funded and they didn’t achieve powered man flight

The answer’s simple:

Why -> How -> What -> Excuse me
Why -> How -> What -> Excuse me

All the great leaders and organizations think from the inside out. Everyone knows what they do, some know how they do it, and few know why they do it. Great leaders and organizations however start every thought with the why. Then they figure out how to get it done.

This simple change drives people. It motivates them to follow the principles and values. If integrated into work, they end up leading more meaningful lives because they believe they are working for a cause. “It gives lives purpose”.

That is what a protocol should represent. The why

Authors note:

From ancient civilizations, the humans that brought the most value were the most celebrated. We’re just taking quite some time to figure out its not money we should be after, it’s generating value. The more value you bring, the more celebrated you are in any social circle.

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