Dear #DeCats community,
some of you always ask: “what’s next?” - and you are right as we didn’t publish a official roadmap until now.
We as a team would like to give you some answers today, a official roadmap and explain a little bit the plans and thoughts of the team.
As you might understand, we started #DeCats as meme on DeBank and afterwards the idea of a community memecoin, $DECATS was born and realized. Unplanned and spontaneous.
But in the time after the launch of the $DECATS coin we’ve put already a lot of effort and work in a real project and ecosystem, always with the goal in mind to be sustainable, transparent and trustworthy and not “only” a any single-day fly memecoin which will be forgotten after some days or weeks.
And the team is having a clear idea and vision: Setting up the #DeCats coin and ecosystem is not “fire and forget” for us - it is a marathon which we are willing to go as a team together with a strong, enthusiastic and continously growing community!
Until now we released and worked as a team on several bigger and smaller #DeCats projects like:
X/Twitter (incl. initial influencer posts)
Discord Server
initial 100% team liquidity locking
Zealy campaign
official token audit (99,9%!)
second liqudity pool and official listing on QuickSwap
Coingecko listing
NFT project ready to launch (launch in December 2023, NFT art preview here)
… and many other small things like other listings, some smaller marketing campaigns, meme contest etc.
We think we achieved a lot, including a market cap of >260k $ mainly only out of the DeBank community. But of course we want more. To achieve this, we need to go out of the very strong, but still relatively small DeBank community, which is really a challenge.
So we are working currently on some projects and even on the website to be expanded to show our full potential. The clear target is to build an web3 ecosystem around the #DeCats community and to fill the $DECATS coin with utility. Some of the next steps we are evaluating or working on it currently:
funding a DAO (stake $DECATS and $DECATS liquidity for DAO voting rights)
expanded website not only for the coin, but also for the NFT project and the DAO
there are planned more NFT collections (like a community collection or other official collection from other artist collaborations) in 2024
Advertising campaigns in several related crypto media
Evaluation of possible #DeCats GameFi and DeFi projects with experienced external teams
…and many other ideas will follow to form a community ecosystem and fill $DECATS with utility
Official roadmap
By today we released finally our official roadmap which is thought to show our ongoing projects and ideas until end of 2024. You can find the official roadmap on our website:
About the planned DAO
Especially to form a DAO will bring #DeCats to a real community web3 project.
What we have in mind is that the DAO makes all important decisions such as using the existing $DECATS team budget (currently still ~23% of total supply), airdrop, CEX listing (when we reach 1M market cap) and so on.
We want to replace the "non-binding" polls on various channels such as DeBank or in the Telegram group and force binding decisions by the community and especially of course the $DECATS investors and liquidity providers.
The technical DAO implementation will still take some time, as we have to consider various aspects including LP-providing/-staking in two different DEX’s, but we wanted to inform you about the rough plans and ideas and encourage a discussion.
In any case, the #DeCats team will continue to work hard on a complete #DeCats ecosystem and also develop new ideas under the #DeCats “brand”.
Yours sincerely,
Chairman Meow and the #DeCats team