银河任务之salada 考试的教程和答案






以下是Happy Land Basics的答案,更多答案请填表哦,之后我们会把答案发到你的邮箱里~

Question:What are the benefits of owning more Land?

Answer:All of the above

Question:What can you purchase with HPL?


Question:What are the 2 tokens to be used in HappyLand?

Answer:HPL & HPW

Question:What happens to your harvest when you fail to water them on time?

Answer:The Crop may yield less harvest

Question:Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Answer:Crops can be fertilized with no limit or cooldown whatsoever

Question:How much will it cost you to feed 4 chickens?

Answer:16 HPW

Question:How do you add HPW from your Rewards bag to your in-game wallet?

Answer:First, claim HPW under rewards on your Dashboard. Then synchronize to your in-game wallet balance

Question:Seeds for one Crop of Sugarcane costs 70 HPW. You fertilize it once with a 15% Fertilizer 3 bag along with watering and removing bugs twice. You then fertilize it again with a 40% Fertilizer 5 bag. You yield 51 Sugarcane that sells for 3.25 HPW each. You harvest 12 Crops of Sugarcane with identical costs. How much profit have you made in total?

Answer:813 HPW

Question:What happens after you harvest a Crop?

Answer:The harvest is immediately deposited into your Barn

Question:What is the most basic harvest you can grow?


Question:Seeds for 1 Crop of Corn costs 58 HPW. You fertilize it once with a 40% Mythical bag along with watering and removing bugs twice. You yield 56 Corn from that crop and it sells for 2 HPW each. How much HPW in profit do you make from that Crop of Corn?

Answer:36 HPW

Question:Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Answer:Fertilizers help to reduce the time taken to harvest your Crops

Question:How many types of Plots are available for purchase?


Question:What chain is the upcoming HappyLand testnet going to be on?

Answer:Binance Smart Chain Testnet

Question:What else can you do with HPL besides purchasing Plots?

Answer:You can stake HPL tokens to earn more

Question:What is the purpose of completing orders?

Answer:To gain more HPW as compared to selling it from the Barn

Question:One Pig costs 200 HPW to purchase. Over it’s growth period, you manage to only feed it twice. It then yields 60 Pork Chops that sell for 3 HPW each. How much HPW in profit do you make from that Pig?

Answer:You make a loss of 28 HPW instead

Question:What are the 2 basic steps to maintain your Crops?

Answer:Watering them and removing of Caterpillars


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