Title: A Tale of Two Comebacks: Lagaan and Quantum Computing India
On June 15th, 2001, an iconic film titled "Lagaan" was released, making history and leaving an indelible mark on Indian cinema. This year, June 15th marks not only the 22nd anniversary of that iconic film but also the rebirth of our Quantum Computing India (QCI) community​1​. A fascinating parallel is the story of the film's director, Ashutosh Gowariker, and our own journey at QCI.
Gowariker's first two directorial ventures, "Pehla Nasha" and "Baazi", though considered "safe", had not fared well at the box office. This dealt a blow to his confidence, and he yearned to create something completely different​. Similarly, QCI started with great enthusiasm and ambition. We embarked on a journey to explore the enthralling world of Quantum, and together we learned and built. But, just like Gowariker after his initial setbacks, we needed a moment to recompose...
Drawing inspiration from this tale, QCI is ready to relaunch on a grander scale, to explore and create in new and exciting ways. We've been working diligently behind the scenes, planning something revolutionary that combines the past, the present, and the future of Quantum Computing.
Just as Gowariker had a vision for a unique storyline where a crucial battle is resolved through a cricket match, we too have envisioned a unique way to reignite our journey. We are introducing a familiar figure from our shared love of Quantum, but in a new avatar, an AI ambassador who will guide us into this new era​.
As Gowariker pitched his unconventional idea to Aamir Khan, the actor was drawn in by the compelling narrative, deciding to act in the film if a suitable producer could be found​. The search for a producer was challenging, leading Khan to take the plunge and produce the film himself, bringing on board his then-wife, Reena Dutta, a novice in film-making​. Similarly, our community has faced its challenges but has remained resilient and innovative.
So, what's common between "Lagaan" and QCI? It's the spirit of resilience, the courage to innovate, and the determination to succeed against all odds.
As we mark the date, June 15th, we invite you to join us in this exciting phase of our journey. Stay tuned for more updates as we slowly unveil our plans for the grand relaunch on July 15th, 2023. Get ready for a resurgence of our community and a leap into a new era. Can you guess who's stepping into the spotlight?
Stay tuned... #QuantumRevolution #ComingSoon #QCI3point0