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Liquid Staking post Blast

November 27
Liquid staking has emerged as an innovative mechanism on Ethereum that gives users a way to participate in securing the network through staking while retaining liquidity of their assets. Traditionally, staking Ethereum requires users to lock up their ETH tokens in specialized validator contracts to serve the purpose of block production and verification. In return, stakers receive block rewards and fees. However, the locked tokens lose all liquidity during this process, meaning they cannot be transferred, traded, or utilized elsewhere. Liquid staking protocols solve this by issuing derivative tokens that represent staked ETH and allow stakers to regain liquidity.
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Data Availability in Blockchains

November 07
Data availability refers to the guarantee that the full set of transaction data included in a block is available to all participants in a blockchain network. This concept is critical for maintaining security, especially as blockchain systems scale to higher transaction volumes.
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Stateless Clients: A Path to Decentralization in Ethereum

October 06
As Ethereum usage increases, running a full node becomes more resource intensive and bandwidth intensive. This results in fewer people being able to run full nodes, reducing the decentralization of the network. Additionally, Ethereum struggles to scale as transaction demand increases, leading to network congestion and high gas fees.
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Autonomous Worlds: A Technical Deep Dive

September 25
In recent years, a new paradigm of blockchain-based gaming has emerged that promises to revolutionize the way we build and experience virtual worlds. This paradigm is known as autonomous worlds – persistent, decentralized virtual environments where community ownership and on-chain logic enable new forms of emergent gameplay, economic incentives, and user-generated content.
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Demystifying Intent-Driven Transactions

August 16
Transactions are the fundamental means for users to interact with blockchains like Ethereum today. However, the transaction model as it exists surfaces several core limitations:
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Decentralize Rollup I: Decentralized Sequencing

August 11
Rollups have emerged as a leading technique for scaling Ethereum and blockchain networks more broadly. By offloading transaction data availability and execution off-chain, rollups alleviate the throughput constraints of Layer 1 chains while still inheriting their security guarantees. However, most rollups today rely on centralized sequencer nodes operated by the rollup development teams. Centralized sequencers provide excellent performance in terms of throughput and latency but come with downsides:
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Exploring Protocol-Enforced Proposer Commitments(PEPC)

August 05
In Ethereum's evolution towards scalability via rollups and layer 2 solutions, block creation duties are increasingly outsourced from proposers (validators) to external block "builders." Most designs for formalizing this proposer-builder separation (PBS) focus on enshrining a specific mechanism, such as a full block auction, to facilitate proposer-builder exchanges. However, restricting the protocol to enabling only one type of exchange may not serve proposers optimally across the diverse spectrum of potential duties they could offload.
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Account Abstraction(AA): Link Web3 and Web2

August 02
In the dynamic and evolving world of cryptocurrency, enhancing the user experience in interacting with blockchain applications and making web3 more intuitive and competitive with conventional web2 applications is key. The paradigm shift from "will crypto survive?" to "how can we bring the next billion users into the web3 ecosystem?" is taking center stage. One proposition that has sparked considerable interest is "account abstraction". This post delves into the intricacies of account abstraction, tracing its evolution, present state, and future trajectory, while addressing key questions revolving around this topic.
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Retaking and EigenLayer: Aggregate Security

June 30
Restaking is a process that allows users to stake the same Ethereum (ETH) on both Ethereum and other protocols, securing all these networks simultaneously. EigenLayer, proposed by Sreeram Kannan, on the other hand, is a set of smart contracts on Ethereum that allows consensus layer Ether (ETH) stakers to opt in to validating new software modules built on top of the Ethereum ecosystem. Stakers opt in by granting the EigenLayer smart contracts the ability to impose additional slashing conditions on their staked ETH, allowing an extension of cryptoeconomic security.