Happiness Habits: The Book

Concepts of Happiness Across Time and Cultures

Philosophers and historians have studied various cultures' interest in the concept of happiness dating back to ancient times. Chinese texts compiled between the 1st and 5th centuries BC show that the word for happiness—fú (福)—was used to mean “fortunate, lucky, smooth and free of obstacles.” Greek philosophers heavily debated and studied happiness around the 3rd century BC primarily using the word “eudaimonia,” which contained a notion of fortune—meaning that having a good “daimon,” a guiding spirit, on your side was considered fortunate or good luck. Eudaimonia, however, also involved human agency, in that it required one to live a good and virtuous life. The perceived role of behavior and habits in influencing happiness increased during The Enlightenment, with its emphasis on individual autonomy.

Personal Agency and Good Fortune

The Enlightenment idea of happiness is epitomized in the American Declaration of Independence, which defines the pursuit of happiness as a fundamental right. This is still not the worldwide norm, however. In 2013, researchers studied the definition of happiness across the world and found that about 80% of the world’s nations define happiness with some element of luck. However, the places that defined happiness as luck or fortune experienced less happiness than the places where happiness is defined with an emphasis on human agency or responsibility.

Positive Psychology and Happiness

During the time after the second world war, the discipline of psychology focused heavily on healing and repairing damage in human functioning rather than boosting individual strengths. As psychology began to increase its focus on what goes right in people and not just what goes wrong, the field of positive psychology was born and began to grow. Positive psychology is the study of human thriving. It is about valued subjective experiences like well-being and satisfaction as well as positive individual traits like interpersonal skill, courage, and responsibility.

Approximately 50% of your happiness is inherited. 25% out of your control so what happens to you and 25% in your control.

Happiness equals enjoyment plus satisfaction plus meaning. Are you satisfied with what you have? Wanting what you have leads to satisfaction.

Two Greek philosophers who lived between the 3rd century BC and the first century AD rose to prominence with differing views on happiness. Epicurus (341–270 BC) established a school of thought called Epicureanism, which believed a happy life requires: ataraxia (freedom from mental disturbance) and aponia (the absence of physical pain). His philosophy might be characterized as “If it is scary or painful, work to avoid it.” However, Epictetus (c. 50–c. 135 AD) was one of the most prominent Stoic philosophers, who believed happiness comes from finding life’s purpose, accepting one’s fate, and behaving morally regardless of the personal cost. His philosophy could be summarized as “happiness is earned by doing your duty.”

Epicurus emphasized the concept of hedonia while Epictetus emphasized eudaimonia. In simplest terms, hedonia is related to pleasure and eudaimonia is related to meaning. In modern culture we tend to think of hedonia as the drive to feel good and eudaimonia as the drive to feel purpose. Both Greek words, hedonia and eudaimonia, were concepts of pleasure and meaning in service to what the Greeks debated most—the life worth living.

Both ancient philosophers and modern researchers have found that happiness is neither all pleasure nor all meaning. In practice, pleasure and meaning are complementary and contribute significantly to happiness. We lose the benefits of the balance between pleasure and meaning when we pursue one to the exclusion of the other. Becoming deficient in meaning will have negative impacts on happiness, as will having an excess of pleasure without meaning.

Focus: helping you learn new strategies and ways to balance pleasure, meaning, and happiness for a life well-lived.

Eudaimonia is a Greek concept reflecting both meaning and purpose.

Epicureanism held that happiness was life free from mental disturbance and physical pain.

Our emotions are complex phenomena that can arise suddenly and surprise us, or stay with us for long periods of time. The network in our brain that is at the center of regulating our emotions is called the limbic system. We know a lot about it today from modern neuroscience, but dating as far back as Ancient Greece, people have been interested in the existence and nature of a controlling center of our emotions.

Aristotle (384–322 BC) believed that the center of intelligence and emotions was the heart.

Years later, the medical scientist Galen (130–200 AD) and theologian Saint Augustine (500 AD) each proposed a ventricular theory of mind and emotions in which the brain and mind, not the heart, was at the center of emotional life.

Leonardo Da Vinci (1452–1519) was the most significant figure in the Middle Ages and Renaissance period to link emotions with physical processes and the physical senses.

Modern research shows us that our emotions are under our control—but only partly. Some of our feelings are subconscious, occurring in reaction to outside circumstances and to our genetic makeup. But we can get better at managing our emotions with effort and discipline. As former UK Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli wrote, “Action may not always lead to happiness…but there is no happiness without action.”

What are the skills that lead to more well-being?

Although baseline happiness is influenced by uncontrollable factors, our lived experience of happiness is significantly influenced by our habits and behaviors.

Happiness can be measured and improved.

We have agency to improve our own happiness.

Happiness is strengthened when we share it and teach it to others.

“In the USA we believe achieving a certain amount of success will lead to happiness. Our culture shows wealth. This mentality has led to a mental health problem. Happiness is success. There are skills we can all learn to increase our happiness and improve our quality of life, and a great way to start the new year for improved mental health.” Alexia



Cultivating happiness is a lifelong journey, and there are many habits and practices that can contribute to a happier and more fulfilling life.

Happiness Habits are a great way to improve your mental, spiritual, and physical health.

Cultivating happiness is a lifelong journey, and there are many habits and practices that can contribute to a happier and more fulfilling life. Happiness Habits are a great way to improve your mental, spiritual, and physical health.

You may be asking, how is that?

Well, when we practice one of these habits, there are chemicals that are released in our brain. So if you want more motivation in your life, you want more dopamine.

This is accomplished through goal setting. Dopamine helps us feel good, there's reward, there's pleasure when we practice a habit, so we naturally want to repeat it because we feel good.

Dopamine is often referred to as the "feel-good" neurotransmitter, dopamine is associated with reward and pleasure. When you accomplish a goal, engage in enjoyable activities, or experience a sense of accomplishment, your brain releases dopamine. This release is what makes you feel happy and motivated to repeat the behaviors that triggered it.

Then there's serotonin. Low levels of serotonin can lead to depression and anxiety. And serotonin increases our happiness and well-being. So we accomplish this through exercise and social bonding. And this will promote more contentment in our lives. We all need to work towards increasing our serotonin.


Serotonin is another neurotransmitter that is closely tied to feelings of well-being and happiness. Low levels of serotonin are often associated with mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Engaging in certain habits, like exercise and social bonding, can increase serotonin production and promote a sense of contentment. We all need to work towards increasing our serotonin.

So think happiness habits and how can I just feel better naturally. We want that natural high. Just think of times when you're really stressed or really excited and you're pushing yourself whether it's intentional or not and what's released is endorphins. Natural opioids, natural painkillers, euphoria, the runner's high, reduced pain perception. And so don't be afraid of a stressful circumstance.


Endorphins are natural painkillers that our body releases during strenuous physical activities, stress, or excitement. These endogenous opioids are responsible for the "runner's high" and the euphoria experienced after a good laugh or enjoyable hobbies. They can create a sense of happiness and reduce pain perception.

Researchers now, we can look at the brain and it's the same part of the brain when we're anxious and afraid versus excited. How can I turn this situation to positive? That's not denial. It's not sticking our head in the sand. It's acknowledging the pain and the fear and pushing through it.


That's what happy people do. We push through, we keep going, we don't give up. And so I'd like to ask you a few questions.

  • What happiness habits are you focused on?

  • What goals are you going to set?

  • How are you going to increase your social bonding and your exercise?

  • What activities are you going to do to just get excited? We get excited about events in our lives.

What are you working towards?

It kind of all works together once you start writing it down and thinking about it and practicing it. And then you create flow, where you don't have to think about it. You're just flowing in this and the natural chemicals are being released as you practice the happiness habits and naturally those feelings of depression and anxiety will lessen as the feelings of happiness and glee increase.

You're just flowing in this and the natural chemicals are being released as you practice the happiness habits and naturally those feelings of depression and anxiety will lessen as the feelings of happiness and glee increase.

The pursuit of happiness is not just an abstract concept; it's deeply rooted in our brain's chemistry and the habits we cultivate. While each individual's experience of happiness is unique, the science of happiness shows that certain habits, such as exercise, gratitude, social connections, mindfulness, and acts of kindness, can trigger the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins.

By understanding the chemical basis of happiness, we can actively incorporate these habits into our lives and take steps to boost our overall well-being. Incorporating these habits into your daily routine can lead to a happier and more fulfilling life. So, go ahead and take that jog, write down what you're thankful for, connect with loved ones, meditate, and engage in random acts of kindness. Your brain will thank you with a flood of the "feel-good" chemicals that make happiness a tangible reality.


Today we're going to talk about a really powerful stress management tool that releases neurochemicals in our brain. And you probably haven't thought of this, but there has been research on gratitude. When we feel stressed and we stop, then we practice gratitude our brain lights up.

There's the technology of an fMRI that can actually scan the brain and look at our emotions and our emotional states and the reactions that we have.

And so studies have shown that just taking a few moments to step away from that stressor and to say, okay, I'm going to think on I'm going to speak. I'm going to write what I'm grateful for and then you go back to that task that the performance is just better and that people self-report that they're able to get through the stressful task better once they practice gratitude.

Also, researchers look at the brain and they say, oh, okay, so neurons that fire together wire together.

What that means is the next time you're in a stressful circumstance, and you practice gratitude your brain goes, 'oh I remember this it feels good,' and there you get those chemicals and then you're feeling good and the brain is like; 'oh this is a habit forming,' and that's when the neurons that are firing begin to wire because you're practicing it over and over and over again and it gets to the point there's a stressor, you've trained yourself just like going to the gym when we train and we do reps. You've trained yourself and so naturally you step away.

You think, ‘what am I grateful for?’ Just one minute.

You write it down. You say it. And then you go back to the task and it's easier. Then you eventually will find your flow. This is a process. It can take up to 60 days according to cognitive neuroscientists for this to really become a habit that is well-formed in the brain. So 60 days in a row of practicing gratitude.

So what are you grateful for today? And just think about three things every day that you didn't think of the previous day. Write them down. Repeat them.

Talk about them. Get people around you also thinking, oh what is there to be grateful for?

What's something positive that's happening?

And then you'll realize it's not in the big things and you'll start to break things down, because the rule is you cannot use the things that you listed yesterday or even a week ago.

So you really have to break it down and then the small things you just find just appreciation and noticing the small things and taking life one step at a time will really help with our stress reduction and increase our happiness. So gratitude is a gateway to happiness.

You may be saying, yeah right! I have no time for this. Let’s begin with a structured process that will give you a nudge to practice gratitude increasingly daily disrupting those stressors. In our fast-paced world, where the pursuit of more often overshadows appreciation for what we have, cultivating gratitude can be a transformative force. Implementing gratitude into your daily routine involves three essential steps that can have a profound impact on your well-being and overall happiness.

Step 1: Reflect Daily

The first step in practicing gratitude is to dedicate a few minutes each day to intentional reflection. Pause amid life's hustle and bustle to consider specific things you're grateful for. It could be the unwavering support of a friend, a moment of serenity in the midst of chaos, or the simple joys embedded in your daily life. This practice is about consciously shifting your focus from what you lack to the abundance that surrounds you.

By integrating this reflective moment into your routine, you allow yourself the opportunity to rewire your cognitive focus. Recognizing and savoring positive experiences on a daily basis can lead to a more optimistic outlook on life. It becomes a tool for fostering resilience, helping you navigate challenges with a mindset that acknowledges and appreciates the good, even in difficult circumstances.

Step 2: Express Appreciation

Gratitude goes beyond personal reflection; it gains strength when expressed to others. Take the time to acknowledge and appreciate the people in your life who contribute to your well-being. This can take various forms, from a simple thank-you note to a heartfelt conversation or acts of kindness. Expressing gratitude creates a positive feedback loop, strengthening social bonds and contributing to a more positive and supportive environment.

When you actively engage in appreciating others, you become part of a cycle that uplifts both you and those around you. It enhances relationships, creating a sense of connection and shared positivity. By making the expression of gratitude a part of your interactions, you contribute to a culture of appreciation that can have a ripple effect on your community.

Step 3: Create a Gratitude Journal

To deepen your gratitude practice, consider maintaining a gratitude journal. This involves regularly documenting the things you're thankful for, whether on a daily or weekly basis. Writing down your reflections provides a tangible record of positivity. Over time, this practice can cultivate a lasting sense of contentment and fulfillment.

A gratitude journal serves as a personal repository of the positive moments in your life. It becomes a reservoir of resilience during challenging times, allowing you to revisit and draw strength from the recorded instances of gratitude. As you review your entries, you gain a clearer perspective on the richness of your life, reinforcing the idea that happiness is not always found in the pursuit of more but often resides in appreciating the present moment.

Incorporating these three steps—daily reflection, expressing appreciation, and maintaining a gratitude journal—into your routine doesn't require grand gestures. The cumulative impact, however, can be transformative. Consistently practicing gratitude becomes a daily investment in your well-being, leading to increased happiness, improved relationships, and a deeper sense of fulfillment. It's a conscious choice to shift your focus from what you lack to the richness of what you already have, fostering a mindset that embraces the power of gratitude in shaping a fulfilling life.

Chapter 3 Social Connections

Nurturing Social Connections: Cultivating Support, Love, and Belonging

In the intricate tapestry of our lives, social connections weave a vital thread, creating a fabric of support, love, and a profound sense of belonging. Today we explore the importance of maintaining and nurturing relationships with friends and family, delving into the myriad ways strong social connections contribute to our well-being.

Summarizing Social Connection for it’s argument as a key factor in our happiness

We are social beings more than we realize. From what happens in our brain with mirror neurons, to fads, to words that catch and are phrases that we use, to our behaviors in an elevator. So social norms are something that we follow because we're social beings and we value connection. It's really important to talk about social connection and happiness because the main happiness study that lasted eight decades pointed to that one thing that's the main contributor of happiness.

It's not money. Yes, we need money to be comfortable. We need a certain amount to be able to comfortably live and pay bills. But then on above that, it really doesn't add to our happiness, is what the research shows. So Harvard, back in 1938, they conducted a study. And so they had a diverse cohort of 724 participants and 268 were Harvard College undergraduate students and 456 14-year-old boys from economically challenged neighborhoods in Boston, Massachusetts.

They continued this study. Okay, so initially what they had were interviews, medical examinations, just of the participants. Then as they aged and they had families, they also included 1300 direct descendants from three generations. And this really enriched the study, gave a broader perspective. They looked at genetics, environment, choices, and how the trajectory of life happened. And they gave them questionnaires about happiness. What they found shocked them.

And you may have heard of the loneliness epidemic that's happening. It's been around for a while. It started at 11% before the pandemic in 2020, and it's slowly increasing to about 13% in the latest World Happiness Report. This means people worldwide, at least one in 10, are saying, ‘I feel alone.’ Now, it doesn't mean if you're single that you're alone. And it doesn't mean if you're in a relationship, in a community gathering, that you're not going to be alone. Because you can feel very lonely in a group, or you can feel very supported living a solo life.

What determines this is, do I have a support system? Are there coping skills that involve my friends, my chosen family, my colleagues, my place of work? Something just to interject here. The younger generations, they're looking for their place of work to take care of all of these needs, where in the past, we have not looked to work for this.

We historically would go to work. And what would happen after work? Like everybody was at home together having family dinner, and there were activities in the community. And people may go bowling, people may go to a house of worship, and there were certain days for these activities. We didn't have social media, cell phones, TV, all these distractions and there may have been radio and then when there was TV it was three channels and you had to get up to turn that knob. I remember that when I was a child in the 70s. So, look how quickly we have progressed and what I'm saying is, we didn't have so much loneliness back then, because there was a sense of community.

I remember in the 80s a movie would come out. The community would see the movie and we had something to talk about. Now there's so many movies, there's so much streaming, what are you talking about? People have different preferences, there's different platforms. I may never know someone because they're not on the same platform as me and I've chosen other platforms socially.

So going back to happiness!

What we've seen with the evolution of our technology and social media is we're not as connected, and there are higher levels of loneliness and what this Harvard study found was connection is the key.

So it didn't matter whether they were in a different socioeconomic class or Harvard educated, they have the same report and the same similar results of just reporting that, yes, I can be going through a really difficult circumstance. And maybe it's not economic. Maybe I have an illness with chronic pain. And yet I'm going to report high levels of happiness because I have so much support and love in my life. And I'm not alone.

Another person might say, okay, so I'm not a person of means financially and yet I have land and I built this house and I craft things and I have made houses for my children and they live around me and we farm and we have community.There's happiness.

So how is happiness defined? According to research, people from all socioeconomic levels, and I'm going to say it was all men back in 1938. So they said it's connection. That is really powerful. This is a really important talk that we're having today.

How do people support one another? Just that emotional support, knowing that someone cares about us. And if we don't have that, there are support groups that we can find. There are therapists where we can go and we can have someone listen to us. And it really doesn't have to be a therapist. If we listened to one another, a lot of our unhappiness would just resolve naturally because we would feel hurt, so you can find emotional support. You may say, ‘okay I feel lonely and I don't really talk about it,’ and that may be what's coming up in you right now and you're in a really good space to be feeling and experiencing and acknowledging that to yourself. That's the first step and so don't be afraid of those emotions.

You be the emotional supportive person and you become what you want to have around you and be that person. Lead your life with what you want in your life.

Okay, so practical support. I mean, daily tasks. If I have a flat tire on the road, who am I going to call? Now, I'm probably going to call, in the U.S., AAA. I have AAA. I've had it for decades. But also, who am I going to call to come help me? Who is that person that I know I can depend on? We all need someone like that, and we need to be that person to someone.

Family, the family knows us the best. There are times when we lose loved ones, when there are rifts, when we don't feel that supported by biological family. Who is our chosen family that we have in our lives, that we say, you're my family, and they say the same to us, it's very endearing, and meaningful to find. So we would call this the chosen family or friendships.

We all need a sense of belonging, so community and identity. When I was in the 80s, I was a teenager, and I remember we were being taught rugged individualism. You can achieve, you can do it on your own. Leadership at that time was one person at the top, and it was top-down leadership.

What are your interests? Just start doing something that maybe you thought, I don't have time for this. I'll do it when I retire. Start doing it today. Something that you may be a little bit out of your comfort zone. You're going to meet people and you're going to form connections around that interest, around that hobby. You don't know what opportunities may arise for connection.

Social well-being. You know, we have an effect on each other. Just think about when you see someone hurt. When you're watching sports and you see someone and they get hit really hard, what's the response? You can hear the crowd go, ouch! Now that is a biological response. It's called mirror neurons. And that is happening in our brain. It's involuntary.

So with one another, when we look into someone's eyes and connect and say, hello, how are you today in a sincere manner, that has a profound impact. The little things when we're standing in the grocery store and people are just standing in line waiting to check out. That's the great part about not doing self-checkout. If you're still standing waiting for that cashier, look at one another, give eye contact, see if someone looks at you back and sparks a conversation. I know when I travel and I'm solo, much easier to spark conversations. I'm out and about a lot. I remind myself of that in the moments in my community to be as open as when I'm traveling and taking public transportation and exploring museums and gardens and, okay, I need to do that in my own town, in my own backyard.

We need to maintain and nurture our connections for happiness to be achieved. And it takes work. Relationships take work. They don't come easy, but they are worthwhile. Anytime that we get close to someone, there's going to be conflict.

Knowing how to communicate our needs versus our wants, knowing how to listen, knowing how to be an active listener; keys to successful, continued connection. We have a garden and we are pulling the weeds out of the garden. We're watering the garden. Fruit and vegetables are growing and herbs, but it takes work. Think about it, your social connections like a garden.

What are you grateful for in your relationships today?

How can you express that to someone?

Could you see them in person and let them know, with just a sentence, ‘I appreciate you. I am so glad you're in my life.’ Now, if they're far, you could make a phone call, you could text, you could email, you could use social media. The best is always going to be in person. The second best is going to be that phone call. Do your best to you know, you could write a handwritten letter, even if they are close by a handwritten note, hide it somewhere where you know they're going to look and let it be a surprise for them or send it to them.

Just think for a minute what you could do to show appreciation, because we forget.We forget to say I love you. We forget to say I appreciate you from the sincerity of our heart. Those who are closest is who we take the most for granted. Today, that's your assignment. Journal, write about what that felt like, what the response was, how that fostered connection. That's going to rewire your brain. It's going to release those happy chemicals. Serotonin, endorphins, dopamine, and those neurons that fire are going to wire together around that activity.

The next time you're reminded of a relationship and you show gratitude, then the brain's going to light up again and you're just going to get that natural high and it's going to positively reinforce this. Not that it's going to become easy because sometimes we think, oh but they said this, oh but they did that, but they didn't do that.

We're living in a real polarized society and you know I suggest take a break from social media. Dig down into your values. What are your values? Live them out. Read books. Actually, pick up books and read them on topics of your values so you can grow roots into them, so you can be grounded and you know who you are and you're not swayed by other people or by the fad.

Stay away from the drama that's on the social media. Don't get into arguments that I mean, where are they going to go? Because I don't know if I can change your mind about a topic. I'm not too sure you're going to change my mind.

I can guarantee I'll listen to you. I'll reflect back respectfully what you're saying.

That'll mean so much to each person when that's happening. It doesn't mean agreement. It doesn't need to.

If you need to fast from social media I mean even if you can do it for an hour start with an hour go to a day as much as you can turn off the notifications on the phone just so you can focus on social connection that's with real people in real time. Research proves happiness will only increase as we practice this habit. Now let’s take a deeper dive into social connection from that research.


The Harvard Study of Adult Development began on its groundbreaking journey in 1938, featuring a diverse cohort of 724 participants. This initial group comprised 268 Harvard College undergraduate students and 456 14 year old boys from economically challenged neighborhoods in Boston, Massachusetts. The study, initiated by Dr. Arlie Bock, aimed to unravel the mysteries of a fulfilling and content life.

Upon enrollment, participants underwent thorough interviews and medical examinations, laying the foundation for a longitudinal exploration into the factors influencing human well-being. Over the ensuing eight decades, these individuals became the focus of a unique and comprehensive study that involved regular brain scans, blood tests, and ongoing interviews.

The researchers' quest was to decipher the elements contributing to happiness and meaning in life. The longitudinal nature of the study allowed investigators to track the participants through various life stages, capturing the intricacies of their experiences, relationships, and overall health.

Fast forward to the present day, and the Harvard Study of Adult Development has evolved into a multigenerational endeavor. It now encompasses not only the original participants but also includes over 1300 direct descendants from three generations. This expansion has significantly enriched the study, providing a broader perspective on the interplay between genetics, environment, and individual choices in shaping one's life trajectory.

The richness of data gathered over more than eight decades has enabled researchers to draw correlations between various life factors and well-being. Insights gained from the study have touched upon the significance of social connections, the impact of early life experiences, and the role of genetics in determining overall life satisfaction.

Moreover, the Harvard Study of Adult Development’s longevity and continuity have positioned it as an invaluable resource for understanding aging processes and the dynamic nature of human development. The inclusion of multiple generations facilitates the exploration of how patterns and influences transcend familial lines, shedding light on the complex intergenerational dynamics at play.

In essence, the Harvard Study of Adult Development stands as a testament to the enduring pursuit of knowledge regarding the essence of a happy and meaningful life. As it continues to unravel the intricacies of human existence across generations, the study remains a beacon in the scientific exploration of well-being, offering insights that resonate far beyond the confines of its original cohort.

The Essence of Social Connections

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, the significance of social connections often takes a back seat. However, these connections form the backbone of our emotional and mental well-being. We unfold the layers of maintaining and nurturing relationships, shedding light on how they provide a robust foundation for a fulfilling life.

The Power of Supportive Networks

  • Emotional Support

At the core of social connections lies the invaluable currency of emotional support. Friends and family become pillars during challenging times, offering a safe space to share concerns, fears, and triumphs. Exploring the dynamics of emotional support highlights the mutual benefit derived from being there for one another.

  • Practical Support

Beyond emotional sustenance, strong social connections manifest in practical support. Whether it's helping with daily tasks, providing advice, or offering a lending hand, these connections create a network that acts as a safety net in times of need.

Love as the Glue

  • Familial Bonds

Family, often the cornerstone of our social structure, provides a unique blend of unconditional love and understanding. The dynamics of familial bonds, emphasizing the importance of fostering and cherishing these relationships is integral for happiness.

  • Friendships: The Chosen Family

In addition to blood ties, friendships emerge as powerful connections. Expanding on the idea that friends are the family we choose, we explore the qualities that make friendships enduring and delve into the reciprocal nature of these chosen connections.

A Sense of Belonging

  • Community and Identity

Social connections extend beyond individual relationships to encompass communities. The role of community in shaping identity, fostering a sense of belonging that goes beyond the immediate circle of friends and family is key for happiness.

  • Social Well-being

A sense of belonging contributes significantly to overall social well-being. Examining the impact on mental health, and how feeling connected and accepted positively influences our self-esteem and emotional resilience.

The Ongoing Tapestry of Connection

The ongoing nature of maintaining and nurturing social connections is imperative for happiness to be achieved. It serves as a call to action, encouraging us to invest time and energy into the relationships that form the bedrock of their lives. By understanding the profound impact of strong social connections, we can weave a richer, more fulfilling tapestry of life.

Through exploring the multifaceted aspects of emotional support, practical assistance, love within families and friendships, and the sense of belonging to a broader community, we aim to inspire a renewed appreciation for the significance of social connections. In a world that often emphasizes individual achievement, recognizing and prioritizing the bonds we share can lead to a more enriching and harmonious life.

Practical Corner

Here are three actionable steps you can take today to enhance your happiness through connections with friends, family, and community:

  1. Express Gratitude:

    Reach out to a friend, family member, or community member today and express your gratitude for something specific. It could be a quality you appreciate about them, a recent act of kindness, or simply the joy they bring into your life. Sharing your appreciation strengthens your bond and contributes to a positive atmosphere.

  2. Quality Time Over Quantity:

    Prioritize quality time over quantity. Instead of spreading yourself thin trying to connect with everyone, choose one or two individuals to spend meaningful time with. Engage in activities that foster genuine conversations and shared experiences. Quality connections have a more profound impact on well-being than sheer volume.

  3. Contribute to Your Community:

    Take a proactive step to contribute to your community today. This could involve volunteering for a local organization, joining a community event, or even initiating a small, positive change within your neighborhood. Acts of service and community involvement not only benefit others but also create a sense of purpose and fulfillment for yourself.

By incorporating these actions into your day, you'll actively nurture your relationships, creating a positive ripple effect that enhances both your well-being and the well-being of those around you.

Chapter 4 GOALS

Every day I choose to live in the present moment. I choose to find happiness, and do what I can, what's within my control and let go of the rest because happy people know when to let go. I just gave you a nugget there.

When we're talking about goal setting, we need something to be working towards.

Just think about when things shut down in 2020 and it happened in varying degrees depending where you were in the world. Many of us did not have that same routine. It did get adjusted. Many of us did not have events, holidays, family gatherings to look forward to. That had an effect on all of us.

What happened with goal setting during that time?

How has that shifted? Did we forget about the importance of setting goals? There used to be a question that we would ask in job interviews. Where do you see yourself in five years? That was one of the questions that we all knew we were going to be asked. So you had to have a prepared answer.

Let's break it down because we're not really thinking about five years from now. Can you imagine five years ago how different life was? Could you have imagined the world being the way it is today? Because I couldn't have. There's so much that's unpredictable and that's okay. That's the world that we live in. We accept it because we cannot control that.

We can control the goals that we set. There needs to be a tenacity about them as well. Happy people don't give up.

Yes, we get discouraged.

Yes, we get dismayed.

Yes, we get disrupted.

You know what? We're going to pick ourselves back up and dust ourselves off and we're going to keep going. We may need to adjust the goals and the ways to meet those goals. We need to break it down a little bit, not five years from now. What about our goal for the day?

Can you imagine waking up and saying, my goal for today is, what's your goal? What are you working on?

And you write it down you put a sticky note, whether it's a virtual sticky or a real sticky somewhere, and you remind yourself and you even tell your support you say remind me please because this is my goal for today.

Then accomplish it and you're going to feel really good because you accomplished something. As human beings, we need that. We need to feel like there's purpose in our life. This is all part of positive psychology that teaches us a model of regulating our emotions to positive meaning.

PERMA M. Seligman's Model of Well-Being/Happiness
PERMA M. Seligman's Model of Well-Being/Happiness

Yes, I may feel really discouraged and dismayed.I'm going to set a goal and I'm going to create the steps to meet that goal to counteract those feelings. Then I'm going to experience positive emotions because of my actions.

So that's P, Positive Emotions.

Then, E, we engage in something we need to be engaged and with goal setting moving towards something that's for our mental health these are researched concepts.

Then there are relationships,R, and we talk about social connection and how important our relationships are.

Then there's meaning, M, finding that meaning and purpose in what we do. You may say, okay, my job is repetitive. My job is in a factory. My job is not meaningful. It may or may not be to a degree. That's work. You are not your work. You are not defined by your profession. You are so much more.

Work on that identity of ‘who am I? and what am I working towards, and what brings me meaning in my life?’

Then we're going to accomplish, A. That's the final step of PERMA. We're accomplishing purposefully. We're headed in a specific direction. What you want to do is to choose that goal for your life. Is it with family, friends, community, social connection? Is it with education, work, financial?

Do you need a vacation just to focus on planning something? What is it that you would like to focus on?

You can look at each one of these areas and say, I'm not so happy in this area, but I choose to be content. I'm not going to do so much about it right now because I'm going to give more priority to this other area.

For example, you might say, ‘I could take some actions to make more money that would lessen the financial stress.

However, I choose to go without certain things.

Maybe I'm not going to eat out as much. I'm going to cook at home.’

That's going to give me more space and quality time to work on this other goal. I have my children. I have my grandchildren. I want to play with those kids and grandkids. I'm developing a new hobby. Whatever your goal is, it's going to improve the happiness. It's going to improve your mental health, which it just spills over into the physical health. It's all intertwined.

So goals, what just gets you excited? It may be something that has not come in your mind before, and you're just going to try it. Think about the happiness habits. Talk to people. Ask them, what are your goals? I probably think they're gonna look at you kind of funny.

A lot of us, we're in a survival kind of mode. We get up and we work and we come home and we have family time and we eat and we sleep and then we repeat. We wanna get out of that because that's not happiness. We can get up maybe a little early, and think about this goal and how we're going to achieve the goal of the day and how we achieved our goal the previous day or made progress towards it.  See how that's giving meaning? That’s giving more of a momentum than: Go to work, come home…the repetition…watch TV, stream, play a video game…whatever we do.

Break it up a little bit and set a goal and make it something that you can accomplish easily so you can feel success and celebrate it. If no one else is recognizing it or celebrating it with you, it's okay. Have a little party by yourself and then set another goal.

PERMA, is the positive psychology model of happiness, which is also called well-being. We just want to increase happiness. As we naturally increase our happiness, it's going to spill over to areas of our life, to other people in our life, to other environments, because emotions are contagious. Just think about it. Think about how someone can be in a really bad mood and you're in the room with them and it affects you or it affects what you're thinking, or the leader may come in and you're like, oh, this is not a good day for this person.

Emotions have an effect on the whole milieu where everybody starts feeling a little down. Or it could be the opposite. Someone's really upbeat, they're optimistic, and they bring the energy up of everyone to say, oh, it's not as bad as we thought. Oh, we can do this. Mindset is so important.

Fear will just paralyze us. We want to break out of the fear, acknowledge it, feel it, talk about it. What are the things that are leading to that fear and what is out of our control is normally what causes that? We want to look at what is in my control and I would say goal setting. Set some goals today, have conversations about goals.

Now let’s deep dive into the goal setting process step by step!

The Power of Setting Meaningful Goals: A Blueprint for Happiness and Success

Setting and working towards meaningful goals is a cornerstone of personal and professional development, and it has a profound impact on one's happiness. Whether you're striving for personal growth, career advancement, or self-improvement, the process of goal-setting provides a roadmap to success. Today we explore the importance of setting meaningful goals and breaking them down into manageable steps to cultivate a sense of purpose, accomplishment, and ultimately, happiness.

Clarity and Direction

Goals serve as a compass, providing clarity and direction in the often chaotic journey of life. By defining what you want to achieve, you create a roadmap that guides your actions and decisions. This clarity helps you stay focused and motivated, preventing aimless wandering and ensuring that your efforts are purposeful.

Sense of Purpose

Meaningful goals infuse your actions with purpose. They give you a reason to wake up in the morning, energizing your endeavors with a sense of meaning. Whether it's personal fitness milestones, career aspirations, or educational pursuits, setting goals aligns your actions with your values, fostering a profound sense of purpose.

Breaking Down Goals

Large, ambitious goals can be overwhelming, leading to frustration and demotivation. Breaking them down into smaller, achievable steps is a crucial strategy. This approach transforms the seemingly insurmountable into manageable tasks, providing a sense of progress at each stage. Celebrating these small victories reinforces your commitment to the larger goal.

Progress and Motivation

The step-by-step approach to goal-setting ensures a continuous sense of progress. Each completed task becomes a building block, propelling you forward. This consistent progress is a powerful motivator, fueling your determination to overcome challenges and setbacks. The momentum gained from achieving smaller goals propels you towards the larger ones.

Adaptability and Adjustments

Life is dynamic, and circumstances change. Meaningful goals are not set in stone; they allow for adaptability. Regularly reassessing and adjusting your goals in response to changing circumstances ensures that you stay on a realistic and achievable path. This flexibility enhances your ability to navigate challenges and seize new opportunities.

Celebrating Achievements

Acknowledging and celebrating achievements, no matter how small, is vital for maintaining motivation. Take the time to recognize your progress and the effort you've invested. Celebrating achievements reinforces the positive aspects of your journey, fostering a sense of accomplishment that propels you towards the next set of goals.

The process of setting and working towards meaningful goals contributes significantly to happiness. It provides a sense of purpose, direction, and accomplishment, creating a fulfilling journey towards personal and professional success. Embrace the journey, celebrate the milestones, and let your goals be the guiding stars on your path to happiness and fulfillment.

Chapter 5 The Happiness Journey of Lifelong Learning

One of the most powerful happiness habits is the value of learning and growing. We don't just stop learning because we completed school. There's a term called lifelong learner. It's catchy, it's popular, and it's extremely relevant.

Now, personally, I just naturally am a lifelong learner

because there's so much change happening with technology. I do so much on my own that there's such a learning curve that I have the mindset, okay, I'm a lifelong learner.

When I was in high school and I was 17 years old and it was the last year it was offered in school on actual typewriters, I took typing on a typewriter. It was a semester and I learned how to type on the keyboard. After that, I don't know what happened. I know the next year I was in word processing.

I had a word processor. That was the first gadget that I bought. I went through college with a word processor.

Imagine since then, everything that's occurred. In 2020, when a lot of us suddenly found ourselves on Zoom or Teams, video conferencing, there was a learning curve for many of us and we were in the same boat together. So thinking of it that way, unintentionally, the mindset is I roll with it and I continually learn.

And boy, do I wish with technology that it would just calm down a little bit and I would just stay a little simple, which I try to do just for my own peace. But you know, it really is, it feels empowering to work through something and figure it out and learn, and then apply it and say, oh, I didn't realize it wouldn't be that hard or that was really challenging. And wow, I was able to figure that out.

When I graduated school, I earned a bachelor's in social work and a master's in counseling. And that was by 1996.

During that time, we were taught the brain can't change.

Now, we know due to the technology that the brain can change. Imagine being taught to counsel people to be their therapist, just with that mindset of, well, people don't change. Their brains won't change. What you see is what you get. Wow, we have come a long way.

When we're talking about personal and professional development, we have skills, we have abilities, and guess what? We can enhance ourselves as human beings and we don't realize our potential. What we need to do is take steps out of our comfort zone, push ourselves, learn something new.

With technology, you know, with artificial intelligence, what we're hearing now is to stay relevant, you have to learn how to work with it. This is so new for us. So how do I do that? It takes a lot of courage to step out and just ask questions and to learn. That's how we learn is by asking questions.

Take some online classes, read some books, watch some videos, some tutorials, and practice it. Just see life as a time that, okay, I haven't arrived and I won't arrive.

I'll just continuously learn and improve. Have you noticed the feedback? The more connected we are with technology that you can get really quick feedback through multiple outlets, whether it's comments or reviews that are online.

People have a voice and they're looking at that phone or that screen. They're not looking at another human being's face. They can type things that they may not normally say to a person to their face. So we're in that time where we're getting the real feedback. We don't need to be afraid of it.

Just integrate what is constructive and make adjustments and have the mindset of, oh, I'm going to continually improve. I have blind spots. I can't see the forest from the trees. Others that are giving me this feedback can. They have a different perspective. They have different preferences. So what adjustments and corrections and revisions and improvements could I make? Should I make?

And do it.

Just be really open and don't let it insult your ego or your ability. This really helps our self-esteem that people, they're going to have likes and dislikes and feedback. It's really important for us to focus on that self-esteem, not to make it personal, but to take a step back and to say, ‘if I were in their shoes from their perspective, huh, I didn't think about this, I can see where they're coming from. Now, they could have communicated it better.

I would have been more receptive. It seemed a little harsh to me.’

You know, with words and email and text were missing

over 75% of communication, because at least 75% of communication is nonverbal.

And when you leave that out, something is going to be missing; it’s going to be lost in translation. So it's important to have the mindset of I'm learning, I'm growing, I'm continuously improving. I'm not going to say it right always, I'm not going to get it right always, but that's what I'm aspiring to and that's part of my happiness journey because

I'm learning and I'm growing and I want to be around people that have that mindset as well and who are going to be right there with me and they are learning and growing.

They don't think they know everything. It's not part of my identity that I think I'm perfect or I should know everything because we really don’t. And we think we do. We think we've accomplished and achieved.

Okay, maybe in one area, we've really excelled in our lives.And that's fantastic.There's so many other areas that we can work on developing and improving. We want to provide mentorship in that area that we're excelling, we want to give back so we can help others achieve the success that we have and to help them learn and grow because we are connected. We are in a community. We are in a world together and to increase happiness in our own lives.

You know, we're connected as human beings, we're having a positive impact on our world by working on our own happiness and by being open to learning and growing continually and improving and fostering that mindset in others through our role modeling and perspective taking.

So I encourage you today, what is one thing that you would like to learn more about? Think about it and start.

Pick up a book, do a Google search, read, you know, an article, some research, start, begin on that journey today.

It may be a class. It may be a podcast. It may be a conversation, some questions. Start today. You're going to increase that curiosity and that flame for living.

That's what happiness is.

Now let’s dive deep into some guidance on how to increase our lifelong learning!

Embrace Growth: The Transformative Power of Continuous Learning and Personal Development

In the journey of life, the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth is a beacon that illuminates the path to self-discovery and fulfillment. Continuous learning, coupled with personal development, not only expands your horizons but also contributes significantly to enhancing self-esteem and fostering a profound sense of accomplishment. This article delves into the transformative power of embracing continuous learning, exploring new interests, acquiring new skills, and how this journey amplifies happiness.

Continuous Learning as a Catalyst for Growth

Engaging in continuous learning is akin to nurturing the soil of your mind. It provides the nutrients necessary for intellectual and emotional growth. The world is ever-evolving, and those who embrace a mindset of continuous learning are better equipped to adapt to change, face challenges, and navigate the complexities of life. Each new piece of knowledge becomes a building block, constructing a foundation of wisdom and resilience.

Personal Development: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Personal development is a holistic approach to enhancing various aspects of your life. It involves a conscious effort to improve your emotional, physical, and psychological well-being. Setting and achieving personal development goals can lead to a profound sense of accomplishment, as each step forward represents a triumph over challenges and a commitment to becoming the best version of yourself.

Enhancing Self-Esteem Through Achievement

Learning and growing contribute significantly to building and bolstering self-esteem. As you acquire new knowledge or master a new skill, a genuine sense of accomplishment emerges. These accomplishments, whether big or small, act as affirmations of your capabilities, fostering confidence in your ability to face and overcome challenges. This positive reinforcement becomes a self-perpetuating cycle, continually elevating your self-esteem.

Exploring New Interests: A Gateway to Passion and Purpose

The pursuit of knowledge often leads to the discovery of new interests. Whether it's delving into a new subject, hobby, or skill, exploring fresh avenues broadens your perspective and invigorates your enthusiasm for life. Finding passion in what you do not only brings joy but also adds purpose and meaning to your journey.

Acquiring New Skills: Empowering Your Journey

Skill acquisition is a tangible outcome of continuous learning and personal development. Whether it's mastering a musical instrument, honing a craft, or developing proficiency in a professional field, acquiring new skills empowers you to take on challenges with confidence. The mastery of skills is a testament to your dedication and perseverance, reinforcing a sense of accomplishment.

Enhancing Happiness: The Ripple Effect of Growth

As you embark on the journey of continuous learning and personal development, happiness becomes a natural byproduct. The sense of achievement, the joy of discovering new passions, and the empowerment gained through acquiring skills create a harmonious symphony of positive emotions. This happiness is not fleeting but becomes a foundational element of your well-being, impacting your relationships, work, and overall quality of life.

In the grand tapestry of life, continuous learning and personal development are the threads that weave a story of growth, resilience, and self-discovery. Embrace the opportunity to expand your knowledge, explore new interests, and acquire new skills. This journey not only enhances your self-esteem but provides you with a profound sense of accomplishment that resonates through every facet of your life. As you learn and grow, happiness becomes an integral part of your narrative, creating a ripple effect of inspiration and transformation for yourself and those around you.

Chapter 6 OPTIMISM

Martin Seligman is the founder of the Modern Positive

Psychology Movement at the University of Pennsylvania.

And in the 80s, he conducted a study with MetLife.There

were salespeople, and they had to pass the test to get the

job in a sales position.He said to MetLife, I will take the

applicants that fail that test, the sales test.So they didn't

qualify for the job.

He said, ‘I'm going to teach them optimism.

Then you have your sales force who was hired.

They passed the test.

They know all about sales.’

Guess what happened? The cohort that Martin Seligman

taught optimism outperformed the salespeople who had no optimism, positive psychology, concept training. This

was phenomenal at the time and it continues to be.

So think about it.

What qualities in optimism improve sales?

Since then, we have seen repeated studies.

One book to read is, The Happiness Advantage, by Shawn

Achor, where he researches a lot of these concepts of the

benefits of being an optimist.

So we don't give up. We don't focus on the failures.

We look at solutions. We're not afraid to make quick

decisions when we're optimistic because we have a level of confidence and we're gonna learn from our mistakes and

we're not gonna let falling down keep us down.

We're gonna get back up. That's how the optimist thinks.

Now, do you say when you see the glass halfway filled with water, Half Full or It's Half Empty? Catch yourself.

Because all of us want to say, ‘oh, for sure, I say it's half full.’

Think about the times, and it may not be about that glass ofwater, other situations where we say, ‘oh, it's half empty’

and someone else brings to our attention, ‘no, it's actually

half full.’

We say, ‘oh.’ We need accountability partners when it

comes to optimism, because we cannot hear ourselves


As much as I work on my happiness habits and optimism,

and I think I'm naturally optimistic and happy, wow, when people point out, ‘oh, you see it that way, well, I see it this

way.’ I so appreciate that.

We need one another with our optimism.

Definitely, we have an increase in happiness and in our

optimism, from our optimism, it all works together. You know, it fosters hope that there's always going to be a


Have you ever just been so overwhelmed emotionally and

you couldn't see yourself solving this problem?

It just overwhelmed you?

And you slept on it.

You talked about it.

You thought about it some more.

Then solutions came.

Not that it was easy.

Not that it was immediate.

Or an easy pathway to solve that problem.

Do you see the perspective that we have? Have you ever felt really afraid and it seemed worse than

what it actually was, and you just needed to calm yourself

down so you could see the reality of the situation?

That's what optimism does.

It gives us hope, reminding us, ‘hey, take a break.’

‘Hey, don't make a decision, calm yourself, separate


That's the optimistic mindset right there.

So if you've ever given up hope and felt despair, then work on the optimistic aspects and increase your self-awareness.

That's the first step.

Really listen to what you're thinking.

Really listen to what you're speaking intentionally.

Just set that for your goal for the day.

We've talked about goals and just say, okay, today I'm going to listen to what I'm thinking.

‘I'm going to listen to what I'm speaking.

I'm going to listen for the optimism versus the pessimism.

Oh, I had so many negative statements and so many

positive statements.’

What you want to do is you want to increase the positive

and decrease the negative because that will affect your

outcome and your performance.

We saw that with the salespeople that didn't have the skills.

They just were optimistic.

Maybe they just didn't know what they didn't know and they couldn't take no for the answer.

They didn't know any better.

They just did the best they could do and they kept putting

their best out there.

You know, when you're persistent and you're positive and

you believe in something,

That's power right there.

That goes back to our values and the space that we're in

and we can be the best at any skill.

Now let’s take a deep dive into the steps to naturally increase optimism!

The Power of Optimism: A Path to Increased Happiness

Optimism, often defined as the tendency to expect favorable outcomes, is not merely a disposition but a powerful tool that can significantly enhance one's overall sense of well-being.

The relationship between optimism and happiness is profound, with numerous studies highlighting the positive impact of cultivating a positive outlook on life. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of optimism, how it can be nurtured, and the transformative effect it can have on our happiness.

Understanding Optimism

Optimism involves viewing the world through a lens of hope and positive expectation. It's not about denying the existence of challenges or difficult situations but rather approaching them with the belief that solutions can be found and positive outcomes can be achieved. Optimistic individuals tend to focus on possibilities, opportunities, and the potential for growth, even in the face of adversity.

Reframing Negative Thoughts

One fundamental aspect of fostering optimism is the ability

to reframe negative thoughts. Instead of dwelling on setbacks or problems, optimistic individuals actively seek alternative perspectives. They see challenges as opportunities for personal development and problem-solving. For instance, a setback at work can be reframed as a chance to learn and improve, paving the way for future success.

Focus on Solutions

Optimistic thinking is inherently solution-oriented. Rather than getting bogged down by problems, individuals with an optimistic outlook direct their energy toward finding solutions. This proactive approach not only increases a sense of control but also fosters resilience in the face of life’s inevitable challenges. By focusing on what can be done rather than what cannot, individuals create a positive momentum that contributes to their overall happiness.

Optimism and Emotional Well-being

Numerous scientific studies have established a clear link between optimism and increased happiness. Optimistic individuals tend to experience lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. This positive mindset is associated with better emotional regulation, improved coping mechanisms, and a greater overall sense of life satisfaction. Embracing optimism becomes a valuable asset in navigating life's ups and downs.

Cultivating Optimism

The good news is that optimism can be cultivated and strengthened over time. Developing self-awareness is a crucial first step—acknowledging negative thoughts and consciously working to reframe them. Practicing gratitude is another effective strategy; focusing on what we appreciate in our lives shifts attention away from what may be lacking.

The power of optimism in increasing happiness cannot be overstated. By adopting an optimistic mindset, individuals can navigate life's challenges with resilience and embrace a positive outlook on the future. Reframing negative thoughts, focusing on solutions, and cultivating gratitude are practical steps that contribute to the development of optimism. As we actively nurture this positive mindset, we pave the way for a happier and more fulfilling life.


There's joy in giving. We're talking about volunteering.

Have you ever volunteered your time, and you felt really good doing it?

What happened that you stopped?

Are you still volunteering?

How can you influence other people to volunteer?

Share your story.

Tell people.

Because we want to increase happiness in ourselves and let it spill onto others & teach them through role modeling & sharing how it's helpful to us so they will follow because we’re social beings and we do influence one another.

All of us have leadership in a certain arena and influence.

We don't realize how much we affect one another.

Words affect one another.

Attitudes affect one another.

Our emotions and our expression of them has an affect on one another.

Just think about it in your daily life.

So when we volunteer our time, that will naturally increase our happiness in ourselves and those around us.

What is something that you enjoy doing or that your community needs?

Who could go with you to be your volunteer buddy?

Start putting that in motion to increase your happiness.

Think about areas to volunteer in.

Are you passionate about nature, about animals?

Do you want to help feed people or work at a food bank?

These are all notable things to do.

You could go to a nursing home and read to the patients.

You could go sing to the patients there or play your instrument, or just read if you can’t sing or play an instrument well enough.

Just think of the talents and the gifts that you have.

There's so many people that are lonely.

You could sign up to go in the hospital and just sit by people and listen to them.

Take a therapeutic animal for people to pet the animal and to feel that bonding and connection. That will increase their happiness and because you are offering that to them, you're going to feel good. It's not something that we can teach. We need to experience it.

So that is your assignment is to volunteer doing something.

It does not have to be a big commitment.

It could just be one day.

It doesn't have to be on a holiday, but make your commitment today to volunteer & do something.

Get out of your comfort zone and journal and talk about what that felt like.

Now let’s take a deep dive into steps to find that volunteer opportunity that works best for you!

Enhancing Happiness through Volunteerism: Aligning Passion with Purpose

In the pursuit of happiness, one often discovers that the path to personal fulfillment is intricately connected to serving others. Volunteerism provides a unique avenue for individuals to channel their skills and passions towards meaningful contributions to society. This article explores the profound impact of volunteerism on happiness and encourages finding opportunities that align with personal interests, such as volunteering at a wildlife sanctuary or animal rescue organization.

The Joy of Giving

Volunteering is a powerful catalyst for happiness, offering a sense of purpose and accomplishment derived from making a positive impact on the lives of others. Beyond the tangible benefits to the community, the act of giving, whether time, skills, or resources, has been consistently linked to increased levels of well-being and life satisfaction.

Aligning Passion with Purpose

One key to maximizing the happiness derived from volunteerism is aligning one's passion with purpose. By identifying volunteer opportunities that resonate with personal interests and skills, individuals can experience a deeper connection to their service, making the experience more fulfilling and enjoyable. For animal lovers, this might involve volunteering at a wildlife sanctuary or animal rescue organization.

Volunteering with Animals

Volunteering at a wildlife sanctuary or animal rescue organization provides a unique and rewarding experience for those with a passion for animals. Such opportunities allow individuals to leverage their love for creatures great and small while contributing to the well-being and conservation efforts of diverse species. Tasks may include caring for animals, assisting with rehabilitation, or participating in educational outreach programs.

The Therapeutic Effect

The act of volunteering, especially with animals, often comes with inherent therapeutic benefits. Interacting with animals has been shown to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and elevate mood. The unconditional love and appreciation received from animals create a positive feedback loop, enhancing the volunteer's sense of happiness and well-being.

Building a Community of Like-Minded Individuals

Volunteer opportunities centered around shared passions create a community of like-minded individuals. The camaraderie formed with fellow volunteers fosters a sense of belonging and social connection, further contributing to overall happiness. The shared commitment to a common cause amplifies the impact of individual efforts and strengthens the sense of community.

Finding the Right Opportunity

To embark on a fulfilling volunteer journey, individuals can explore local organizations, wildlife sanctuaries, or animal rescue groups that align with their interests. Whether it's contributing to the conservation of endangered species, helping care for rescued animals, or participating in community education programs, there are diverse avenues for making a positive impact while finding joy in the process.

Volunteerism, when aligned with personal passions, has the power to elevate happiness and create a profound sense of purpose. For those who cherish animals, volunteering at a wildlife sanctuary or animal rescue organization offers a fulfilling and joyous way to give back to the community. As individuals discover the happiness that stems from selfless service, they not only contribute to the well-being of others but also embark on a journey towards personal fulfillment and a more meaningful life.


Have you ever done something that was really adventurous and you surprised yourself that you were actually courageous enough to do it and you felt this thrill and maybe even a high?

I mean, it's because it kicked up the endorphin production naturally in your body & that is where that high came from?

Or you completed a task, and it pushed you in a level of excitement that it just felt really adventurous because it was an unknown territory?

That's what we're talking about today is increasing happiness through adventure, and it may be a little risky and we want to pay attention to safety, but this will really transform our life and our brain and increase happiness and it'll give us that wow factor.

There is power in setting a goal and it may be something you need to work towards.

You may say, ‘however, I'm not physically in shape to do it, so I'm going to set some goals to get in shape.

That's part of the safety.

I'm going to have a partner with me, I'm going to have a trainer, and I'm going to follow exactly what they say. Then I'm going to accomplish this. And wow, you worked really hard for it. We're adventurous and set goals. There's this real power in that.

You may feel fear.

Fear is normal.

It does not mean weakness.

Fear is just an alarm system to us to let us know something's going on.

It doesn't matter if it's a loud sound of the night.

You may say, ‘I feel so secure.’

‘I feel so safe.’

But if the loud sound woke you up at night, you would feel fear and it would be involuntary, a biological response.

That's what we're talking about.

That you're just going to naturally feel fear doing something adventurous, especially if you haven't done it before.

So expect that.

Anticipate it.

Talk about it.

Process it.

Ask other people, ‘When you did this, tell me about the fear that you experienced?’ And just listen and learn because it's common to all of us.

Okay, pushing boundaries.

This is part of growth, that if we just stay in the status quo, we may feel a little bored. However, it's safe, the status quo.

How can we push that boundary just a little bit?

For one person adventure may not seem too risky for another person, so stay in your lane. Do what's best for you within a comfort zone that you're just pushing a little bit out from. Then the next time you can push a little. Like right now, I don't want to go skydiving. That would be too huge for me. But I might go up in a hot air balloon.

Actually, I'm planning to do that on my next trip to Mexico City. So that's my next step to going up in the sky other than an airplane. And then I'll progress after that. So I'm pushing a boundary and that feels adventurous to me.

There's joy in the journey.

So if you're not experiencing happiness along the way as you're preparing and talking about it, and you're just too overcome by fear, then that's not a happiness exercise for you.

It's not adventure that's going to bring you excitement.

It's going to bring you down.

You definitely want to feel that joy, even as you plan and think about it with excitement.

This is a great opportunity to meet people who are outside of your circles, who actually enjoy these adventurous activities.

Maybe it's their normal and making friends and connections like that just expounds our brain and it will increase happiness because we're learning and growing through that experience.

So afterwards, just think about the adventure and how you felt and what you experienced and what you learned and write about it, talk about it, sing about it, tell people about it, because you're going to inspire other people. And that's the point of happiness.

We want to increase our happiness and let it spill over naturally in our environments.

So I want to tie this back in that we're going to experience an increase in endorphins. That's going to help us feel better. That is temporary, but then our brain's going to say, ‘oh, I really enjoyed that.’

And when we think about it, we're going to feel happy for our next adventure.

So it's not a one-time thing.

That's why we don't want to start too big.

Like for me, I'm not going to jump out of the plane and do skydiving.

But I'm going to start incremental and push myself a little bit.

And then the next one, maybe something a little different.

Then I'll just go from there.

It may not be going up in the air, but it may be a little more challenging than just being  in a hot air balloon.

And that's for each one of us to figure out because we're on a unique pathway.

I wish you the best on your adventure journey.

Now let’s take a deep dive into the steps to find that adventure!

Elevate Your Happiness: Embrace Adventure Challenges to Transform Your Life

In the pursuit of happiness, one often discovers that the most fulfilling moments arise from stepping outside of one's comfort zone. Adventure challenges, encompassing activities like rock climbing, skydiving, or conquering a demanding hiking trail, provide a unique avenue for self-discovery, personal growth, and an exhilarating sense of accomplishment. This article explores the transformative power of adventure challenges in enhancing happiness and well-being.

The Power of Setting Goals

Embarking on an adventure challenge begins with setting a tangible goal – a summit to reach, a sky to dive into, or a trail to conquer. This clear objective not only provides focus but also instills a sense of purpose and excitement. The anticipation of the upcoming challenge creates a positive mindset and sets the stage for a journey that goes beyond mere physical activity.

Overcoming Fears

Adventure challenges inherently involve an element of fear – the fear of heights, the fear of the unknown, or the fear of pushing one's limits. Confronting and conquering these fears is a transformative process. As individuals overcome their anxieties, they not only gain a newfound sense of courage but also experience a surge in confidence that extends beyond the adventure itself.

Pushing Boundaries

Pushing one's boundaries is a key component of personal growth. Adventure challenges demand participants to stretch their limits physically, mentally, and emotionally. The process of pushing boundaries fosters resilience and adaptability, teaching individuals that they are capable of more than they might have initially believed. This realization is a powerful catalyst for increased happiness and self-esteem.

The Joy of the Journey

Adventure challenges are not solely about reaching the summit or completing a daredevil feat; they are about relishing the entire journey. The process of preparation, the moments of struggle, and the eventual triumph all contribute to a holistic and fulfilling experience. Each step of the adventure becomes a metaphor for life, emphasizing the importance of resilience, patience, and perseverance.

Building Connections

Embarking on adventure challenges often involves joining a community of like-minded individuals who share similar goals. This sense of camaraderie and shared purpose can foster lasting connections and friendships. The support from others undergoing similar challenges can be a powerful motivator, enhancing the overall happiness derived from the adventure.

The Aftermath

A Lasting Impact: Completing an adventure challenge leaves a lasting impact on an individual's mindset and perspective. The confidence gained, the fears overcome, and the boundaries pushed contribute to an enhanced sense of self-worth and accomplishment. These positive feelings extend into everyday life, influencing how individuals approach challenges and setbacks, ultimately leading to increased happiness.

Increasing Endorphins through Adventure Excitement: A Natural Boost for Happiness

Engaging in adventure challenges triggers a cascade of physiological responses that contribute to an elevated sense of happiness. The excitement and thrill associated with activities like rock climbing, skydiving, or navigating challenging trails stimulate the release of endorphins, the body's natural mood enhancers. These neurotransmitters act as natural painkillers and stress relievers, creating a euphoric sensation commonly known as the "runner's high." The surge of endorphins not only reduces stress and anxiety but also fosters a positive mental state. This biochemical response to adventure not only enhances the overall experience but also leaves individuals with a sense of exhilaration that can persist long after the adventure concludes. By embracing activities that induce excitement, individuals can tap into this natural source of happiness, creating a sustainable and uplifting impact on their well-being.

Adventure challenges offer a unique and transformative pathway to increased happiness. By setting goals, overcoming fears, pushing boundaries, enjoying the journey, and building connections, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. So, dare to take that leap, climb that peak, or trek that challenging trail – the rewards extend far beyond the adventure itself, shaping a happier and more fulfilling life.


There's joy in giving and there are random acts of kindness that we can do. So we want to think really small and then we want to spread big. What's something year-round that we could do that could bring kindness to a situation?It might be a little thank you text, or might be a thank you words. Just remembering to say thank you to people for the small things that they do and to  show appreciation with our words.

Then what's the next thing we could do? We could write a note. We could give a small gift and it does not have to be something that we spend money on. What matters is that it comes sincerely from the heart. It could be a seasonal thing that we can do.

So if you have winter where you live, you could do something kind for your neighbor when it snows.

If you have some extra salt, you could say, hey, do you want me to salt your steps so you don't slip?


If they're going out of town, you could say, Oh, I could watch your house. I could water your plants for you. T

hese are some ideas that you could just offer to them.

There's the greatest gift is time.

I mean, do you have a lot of time?

People are so busy these days.

If there's a situation where somebody says, ‘I just don't have time for that,’ you could  get really creative on how you could offer just a little bit of your time. So you're not making a huge commitment, because then if we make too big of a commitment, then we might step back from it because we didn't really count the cost that's why we start really small  and then we can add  more to it as we're able and as it brings us happiness remember that happiness factor that if we're not feeling happy about it we really need to examine it and just take a step back.

So that's why you make a small commitment that whether you're happy or not doing it, that you could follow through and then reassess. ‘Oh, that did really bring me happiness, or I wasn't too happy doing that. I wasn't  happy with the response.' Let me readjust.’ That's a whole learning curve.

Don't you just love to be surprised if you've been going through a drive-thru and someone paid for your meal and then you pay it forward?It's that kind of concept and you don't expect that you're going to be paid forward.

That's the random act.

That's the happiness part. That's the adjustment that a lot of us need to make is expectations. When we do something kind for someone else, we expect it to be given back to us. It'll come back to us in many ways.

We let go of that expectation specifically from that person or that situation, and we just trust, and we do it because we want to.

It's from the inside that we're giving and it's increasing our happiness.

It's increasing the happiness of others and sometimes you think of the world, and how can I make it a better place? We feel like it's out of our control, that things just seem a little confusing or chaotic at times. This is what is in our control. We with humanity can connect with one another. Through Random Acts of Kindness.

We definitely want to get family involved. So if you have children, if you have nieces  and nephews, just think of them and how they can participate in this and get  them excited about it. This can be a fun activity that you do together and  you're teaching them a powerful concept about happiness, their mental health  development; they're going to reap the rewards in many ways.

You're not going to realize that until you start experiencing it. Then you see the people  around you experiencing it. And if you teach children how to do it, you see them  increasing happiness and getting excited. Then it's just a reciprocal process.

You find that flow in it, because you want to, because it brings happiness.

I wish you the best.

What's the one small act that you're going to start with today?

Let’s take a deep dive with the steps to take to increase acts of kindness.

Elevate Your Happiness Year-Round with Random Acts of Kindness

In the pursuit of happiness, the power of kindness should never be underestimated. Random Acts of Kindness have the incredible ability to uplift not only the recipient but also the giver. Making kindness a habit can significantly contribute to a more joyful and fulfilling life. Here's a guide to implementing Random Acts of Kindness throughout the year, spreading positivity one gesture at a time.

Start Small, Spread Big

Begin with simple acts that require minimal effort but can create a ripple effect of positivity. Hold the door open for someone, offer a genuine compliment, or smile at a stranger. These small gestures can have a big impact on both you and the people around you.

Seasonal Surprises

Tailor your acts of kindness to the seasons. In winter, shovel a neighbor's driveway or leave a warm beverage on their doorstep. During the warmer months, share a refreshing drink or offer to water someone's plants. Aligning your kindness with the season adds a thoughtful touch.

The Gift of Time

Sometimes, the most valuable thing you can give is your time. Offer to help a friend with errands, volunteer at a local charity, or spend quality time with a loved one. Acts of kindness that involve personal investment often yield the most profound and lasting impact.

Surprise Strangers

Extend your kindness to strangers by paying it forward. Whether it's covering someone's coffee at the café, leaving a positive note on a car windshield, or participating in a pay it forward chain, these acts create a sense of connection and warmth within your community.

Celebrate Special Days

Embrace holidays and special occasions as opportunities to spread joy. Send handwritten cards on Valentine's Day, deliver a surprise treat on a colleague's birthday, or leave a thoughtful gift during the festive season. Integrating kindness into celebrations enhances the overall joy of these occasions.

Anonymous Acts

Consider performing anonymous acts of kindness to add an element of mystery and delight. Leave a small gift on a coworker's desk without revealing your identity or donate to a charity anonymously. The element of surprise amplifies the positive impact.

Incorporate Family and Friends

Encourage your loved ones to join in on the kindness journey. Plan a family day dedicated to helping others, organize a neighborhood cleanup with friends, or initiate a kindness challenge to see who can perform the most acts of kindness in a week. Collective efforts amplify the positive energy.

Random Acts of Kindness are a powerful tool for increasing happiness and creating a positive atmosphere year-round. By incorporating simple, thoughtful gestures into your daily life, you not only bring joy to others but also cultivate a sense of fulfillment within yourself. In a world where kindness can sometimes be in short supply, be the beacon that lights up someone else's day.

Chapter 10 Creativity

The right side of the brain is more intuitive, engages creativity, and we do not engage this part of our brain as much as the traditional left brain processing, cognitive training we get in our schools. Think about it.

How do we increase happiness with creativity? That's our topic today. We're lopsided. We're very heavy on the left side of the brain and the right side has been neglected. There's a whole part of us that needs to be engaged and enhanced and for our  brain to be used. We're not using the full part of our brain and potential.

Neurologically, what happens with creative expression activities? It lights up various regions of the brain, such as a prefrontal cortex and limbic system. Okay, so these areas associate with emotion, decision making, and pleasure.

Do you have a hard time making decisions?

Do you experience brain fog?

Would you like more pleasure in your life?

What about regulating those emotions?

You know, a lot of times we don't feel the emotions. You're not going to feel happiness  unless you feel the rest of the emotions. Stop avoiding them. Stop being afraid of them. They're not bad. They may feel intense if you have been distracted and stuffed them  down and ignored them, and they may be coming out in parts of your body  and there's not a physical reason for the ailments that you have, start looking at, ‘oh, amI feeling my emotions?’

You may not be feeling happiness and that could be the very reason because emotions just are. Getting in touch with this right side of the brain may be painful at first. That's just because we're not used to it and there's a wide array of emotions and again there's no good or bad emotions so we are sad about something or we have fear.

We do what we can about the situation and let go of the rest. Happy people know when to let go. That's when we choose happiness.

Now, why creativity? It's going to light up the same part of the brain  with those emotions and it's going to enhance our ability to cope  with that stress and to regulate the emotions back to happy. This is something that you have to do and experience. You also have to trust the science here that there is brain chemistry involved.

How can you activate creativity today? Maybe you've never learned how to read music. Don't start with an instrument yet. Learn how to read music and then think,  'was there an instrument that you always wanted to play or would you like to sing?It does not matter what your skill level is. This is between you and your brain,  you and your happiness. It's not for anyone else. If you have a desire to do something,  do it and be happy doing it. Consider painting. You may say, ‘oh I'm not artistic.’

We all are artistic. Now maybe we can't sell the art, but in some way  we can create something. Crafts or with paint or sculpt something. Just think about what you could do. You could make jewelry with beads.

So think about that. You could write poetry. It does not have to look any way  that is formal because again, we're not left-brained cognitive  education system with tapping into creativity. Tapping into that right side  of the brain just lets it flow. You create poetry like a song and it comes from your heart.

That's what we're talking about here. Creative expression has power. It has  power to increase happiness and it will get you in touch with emotions. As human beings, we are equal emotion as cognition. We're just not taught  and we're in a society where the value is more on the left brain, on the cognitive, on theeducation system, on the hard skills.

We need to balance that out. It will relax you, it will get you in touch, it will help you see  that happiness truly is success, finding that space that you're comfortable with yourself. If you've been feeling like something's missing, check this out, try it out and  happy exploring with your creativity.

Now let’s deep dive into the steps to increase your creativity to engage that right side of the brain. You must look so funny with that lopsided brain, and it’s time to balance it out!

Boost Your Happiness Unleashing the Power of Creative Expression

Discovering happiness is an achievable feat, and one effective way to elevate your joy is through creative expression. Engaging in activities like painting, playing a musical instrument, or experimenting with poetry can be a practical path to happiness. The process of creating something new taps into the power of creativity, offering a therapeutic and uplifting experience.

For those not naturally inclined towards creativity, the key lies in the transformative effects of the activity. Creative expression provides an outlet for emotions and allows individuals to explore a different facet of their personality. It's not about perfection; rather, it's about the joy found in the act of creation itself.

So, why should the non-creative care about incorporating creative expression into their lives? The answer lies in the tangible benefits experienced afterward. Creative endeavors offer a break from routine, fostering a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. It's an opportunity to break free from the monotony, injecting a dose of excitement and novelty into daily life.

Here are some examples of how to get in touch with your creativity:

Start Small Begin with simple activities like doodling, humming a tune, or writing a few lines of poetry. Small steps can lead to big creative breakthroughs.

Explore Different Mediums Don't limit yourself to one form of expression. Try your hand at various creative outlets, whether it's photography, sculpture, or even dance.

Join a Creative Community Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share a passion for creativity. Whether online or in person, being part of a community can inspire and motivate.

Embrace Mistakes Creativity often involves taking risks. Don't be afraid to make mistakes; they can be stepping stones to unexpected and exciting outcomes.

Set Aside Time Designate specific time in your schedule for creative pursuits. Consistency fosters a habit, making it easier to incorporate creativity into your routine.

From a neurological perspective, engaging in creative expression activates various regions of the brain, such as the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system. These areas are associated with emotion, decision-making, and pleasure. The stimulation of these brain regions during creative activities contributes to an enhanced sense of well-being and happiness.

In essence, when individuals delve into painting, playing a musical instrument, or trying their hand at poetry, they are not merely engaging in a hobby. They are activating brain regions that contribute to emotional fulfillment. The process of creation becomes a catalyst for happiness, making it a practical and accessible tool for anyone seeking to elevate their overall well-being.

The journey toward happiness doesn't always require grand gestures. Something as simple as exploring a new form of creative expression can be a practical and effective means to boost joy. For the non-creative, it's an opportunity to break free from routine, experience a sense of accomplishment, and, most importantly, tap into the neurological pathways that lead to increased happiness. So, why wait? Unleash your creativity and embark on a fulfilling journey towards a happier you.


Research has shown that our time online, social media, is not good for our mental health. Watching TV is a little different, that we can watch  TV and fall asleep to it, but when we want to go to sleep, separate ourselves from  those devices and even separate at least an hour before you go to bed. We're talking about digital detox. Have you taken some  time away from your devices?

Consider going to a cabin somewhere remote where there isn't a signal for a set amount of days. You could do a formal retreat. They are a little bit expensive though, but the benefit of that is that  you have community where you can talk about how you're experiencing  that digital detox and you may need a professional coach or therapist or psychologist there  with you if you have those intense emotions. It may not be something that you want to do alone if you rented a cabin.

Get a group of friends together and focus on some nature activities because we don't just take something away, we add something.

That's very important for psychology and it's something that experts in the fields of  positive psychology tell us that when we remove something, we're adding something.

So it's not smoking cessation. It's, ‘oh, I'm adding so many activities in my life that are helping me calm down and reduce my stress.’ So I don't really want that cigarette. It's the same thing with anything  that we could be addicted to. You might say, ‘I'm not addicted.’ Okay, go outside right now. Sit in nature. Now, if it's cold or dangerous, don't do it. But you know what I'm saying? Go and sit somewhere unplugged for 20 minutes.

No devices, nothing to read, no stimulus. You're just sitting there. How did you do?That will help you gauge if you're addicted. That will help you gauge  how much of a detox that you might need. 20 minutes might be too much for you. You're really going to pick a group to be with that you feel psychologically and physically safe with. You can process, you're going to consider having a professional there, and you're going to have really structured time with activities that have nothing to do with anything digital. No TV, no electronics.

If you want to read a real book, you can have a book with you, but not a reader as that's electronic. You're getting away from all of that.

The benefits are you're going to sleep better, you're going to wake up refreshed, you're going to have enhanced emotional well-being, and we're talking  about happiness, and you're going to reduce the level of stress and anxiety.

Do you feel the need to check the email if you have text to check the text?


Timers of do not disturb when you come back from this detox. You get to decide that and that's why I recommend the  guidance of professionals on how to do this because the notifications going out constantly on the phone are anxiety provoking and setting time every day to check email three times a day is reasonable.

What about those texts?

What about those group chats?

What is reasonable within the culture of the teams, of your family, of your friends?

Have those conversations and just be very honest.

‘Hey, I'm working on my happiness and part of increasing my happiness is giving more structure to my notifications and when I check and respond. Explain to them what you're doing so they understand.

You will become a role model because they will naturally see the benefits in your life and they'll want to ask you questions and learn so they can apply it for their life because we're so socially connected with one another we have such influence on one another. Having those conversations there's a level of vulnerability, but really if you think about it, if everybody just took a second and stopped and thought about this, how inconvenienced we are, but also the drain that it takes on us.

If you're on an app, social media, and you're arguing with strangers over issues, take a day off and really reduce that.

Reduce it.

Could you only do it 30 minutes a day?

Because this constant, it really has an effect and it's draining us. If you have brain fog, if you're physically tired, if you don't have energy, if you have a depressed mood or you get nervous really easy, that's the first thing I would look at.

Always go to your doctor, have your labs, but if there's no physical reason, think about this. This is a really important topic to reduce our stress, and increase our happiness.

What is the one thing that you're going to start detoxing from today?

What are you going to focus on?

Those notifications on the phone, reducing the time on social media,  having conversations with strangers on topics and going outside or sitting somewhere quiet for 20 minutes.

So three big ones to consider.

And the biggest to plan is a detox retreat.

How are you going to do that?

Who's going to be with you?

When are you going to do that?

Make sure you communicate that you're doing that because you are  going to be off grid for a certain amount of days and people who are hearing from you a lot aren't going to hear from you and they may get worried.

So happy exploring in this area.

It's a big one and I feel like it's imperative that we do this.

Thank you for the consideration.

Now let’s take a deep dive into taking a Digital Detox Retreat!

Embracing Happiness Through a Digital Detox Retreat

In our fast-paced, digitally driven world, finding true happiness can often feel like a distant goal. The constant barrage of notifications, the pressure to stay connected, and the never-ending stream of information can leave us feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from our inner selves. However, there is a transformative solution that promises to elevate your happiness levels – the Digital Detox Retreat.

Practical Steps to Take

Choose the Right Retreat

Begin your journey by selecting a retreat that aligns with your preferences. Whether it's a secluded nature retreat or a wellness resort, finding the right setting is crucial. Alternatively, you could go camping, rent a cabin; just think of a remote space where you can unplug.

Inform Loved Ones

Let friends and family know about your digital detox plans to manage expectations. Informing them in advance will reduce stress and allow you to fully immerse yourself in the experience.

Set Clear Intentions

Identify specific goals for your retreat, whether it's reconnecting with nature, deepening mindfulness, or simply taking a break from screens. Clear intentions will guide your experience.

Unplug Gradually

Ease into the digital detox by gradually reducing screen time in the days leading up to the retreat. This helps minimize withdrawal symptoms and sets a smoother transition.

Embrace Mindfulness Practices

Incorporate mindfulness activities such as meditation, yoga, or nature walks into your retreat schedule. These practices cultivate a heightened awareness of the present moment, fostering a sense of inner peace.

Engage in Offline Hobbies

Rediscover offline hobbies that bring you joy – whether it's reading, painting, or playing a musical instrument. Engaging in these activities enhances creativity and fulfillment.

Connect with Fellow Detox Participants

Build meaningful connections with others on the same journey. Shared experiences and support can amplify the positive effects of the retreat.

Why Readers Should Care

In a world dominated by screens and notifications, a Digital Detox Retreat offers a unique opportunity to reclaim your happiness and well-being. By stepping away from the digital noise, you create space for self-reflection, connection, and rejuvenation.

Mental and Physical Benefits

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Detaching from the constant digital stimuli allows the mind to unwind, reducing stress and anxiety levels. The retreat provides a mental reset, fostering a calmer and more centered mindset.

Improved Sleep Quality

Breaking free from the blue light emitted by screens contributes to better sleep quality. A digital detox retreat can help regulate sleep patterns, leading to more restful nights.

Enhanced Emotional Well-being

Disconnecting from social media comparisons and information overload allows for a focus on personal well-being. This, in turn, promotes emotional resilience and a more positive outlook on life.

Physical Rejuvenation

The retreat offers a break from sedentary screen time, encouraging physical activity and outdoor exploration. This contributes to improved physical health and vitality.

A Digital Detox Retreat is not just a temporary escape; it's a profound investment in your happiness and overall well-being. By unplugging from the digital realm, you create space for genuine connection – with yourself, others, and the beauty of the real world. The mental and physical benefits extend far beyond the retreat, providing a lasting foundation for a happier, more fulfilling life.



Laughter is like medicine.

It releases endorphins and can even relieve pain, and it increases a sense of well-being. We want to intentionally laugh. How do we do that?

Well, first, we need to sit in a real relaxing space.

Then we need to take deep breaths.

And when we take deep breaths, we take them from deep in our diaphragm and we breathe in and we breathe out.

Now I'm breathing in with my nose and breathing out with my mouth.

Now do this five or six times in your comfortable space and you slowly begin to smile.

This is a gradual transition, letting your smile widen, engaging your facial muscles. This simple act, your brain is already responding with endorphins and it's setting  the stage for laughter with the oxygen, with the facial muscles and we're going to fake it until we make it.

Sometimes it's not funny and you don't feel like laughing and that's why we're breathingand we're relaxing in a good space that's quiet and we're beginning that  intentional smile and now we're just going to laugh and we don't feel like it.

And guess what's going to happen? More endorphins are going to be  released because the brain just doesn't know how to tell the difference. Then we're going to see our stress decrease.

It's like when you are very stressed and you're thinking about a situation and you can't  really think clearly, it's wise to take a break. Before you make that big decision, right?That's what we're talking about.

What helps you relax in that moment?

We're adding laughter to the arsenal.

And yes, you want to go somewhere private and quiet because if people just see you laughing, they don't know why you're laughing and that might be uncomfortable. Find a safe space where you can laugh. You may want to go to your car. Close your office door. If you work from home and there are people around,  there's your car, you could go for a walk, you could be somewhere in nature.

Incorporate the laughter exercise and find a group.

Find at least one person that will laugh with you and that will increase their  understanding as well. That'll make it so much more pleasant  for you to have  someone that you could encourage each other and remind each other, well, why don't you just laugh about it and see what the perspective is after you have a good laugh.

We are talking about getting to the point of belly laughter.

Is there something that makes you laugh?

We want to find this in any way and every way. Go for amusement rides if that causes laughter. We want to increase the happiness. That's the point of all of this. Why wouldn't we talk about laughter?Be mindful when you do get in that flow and when you start that belly laugh, what's  going on? How long did it take you to get there? Do you feel like you have a sense of control?

Have you ever laughed and you felt like it was out of control?

Let go to that point and then think about what that experience was like.

Write about it.

That problem, did you get some perspective on it?

What kind of a difference did it make?

The next time that you think,

I'm not going to laugh, that's so silly, this is a serious situation, how dare I laugh right now?

Read your notes.

Listen to what you said.

You know, if you choose to record a memo.

And then maybe you can convince yourself.

Listen to this again so you can feel the encouragement.

Talk to your friend that is your laughter companion and get some encouragement.

We want to have that memory.

So it reinforces this as a habit for us that every time we feel stressed or  overwhelmed, we say, ‘okay, I'm taking a laughter break.’

We don't have to tell people that's what we're doing, but we know, we know that's what we're doing, and that it's effective.

So have a good laugh today and enjoy.

Now let’s take a deep dive into the steps to enjoy that intentional laugh!

A Guide to Increasing Happiness

Laughter is often considered the best medicine, and for good reason. Beyond its ability to simply express joy, laughter has a profound impact on our well-being, playing a crucial role in increasing happiness and promoting overall health. In this article, we'll explore the science behind laughter and provide step-by-step guidance on practicing intentional laughter responsibly.

The Science of Laughter

Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. These neurotransmitters promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain. Additionally, laughter reduces the level of stress hormones, contributing to a more relaxed state of mind.

Step-by-Step Guidance on Practicing Intentional Laughter:

Find a Comfortable Space by choosing a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax without distractions. This could be in the privacy of your home or a peaceful outdoor setting.

Start with Deep Breaths to relax your body and clear your mind. Deep breathing helps oxygenate your body, preparing it for the laughter exercises.

Warm-Up Smiles for a gradual transition, letting your smile widen, engaging your facial muscles. This simple act can signal your brain to release endorphins, setting the stage for laughter.

Fake It Until You Make It, acknowledging sometimes laughter is a choice. Start by fake laughing. This might feel forced initially, but the act of laughing, even if simulated, can still trigger the release of endorphins.

Incorporate Laughter Exercises, such as laughter yoga or simple improvisational laughter. These activities encourage genuine laughter through playful interactions and can be easily found online.

Laugh with Others as it is contagious. Share a laughter session with friends, family, or join a laughter club. The communal aspect enhances the positive effects of laughter.

Be Mindful of Your Body by paying attention to your body's signals. If any laughter exercise causes discomfort or pain, modify it or choose a different approach. Laughter should be enjoyable, not strenuous.

Reflect and Appreciate after your laughter session, on how you feel. Notice any positive changes in your mood, stress levels, or overall well-being. Express gratitude for the experience.

Intentional laughter, when practiced responsibly, can be a powerful tool for increasing happiness and improving mental well-being. By understanding the science behind laughter and following a step-by-step guide to intentional laughter exercises, individuals can harness the numerous benefits of laughter in their daily lives. So, embrace the joy of laughter and let it contribute to a happier, healthier you.


Cultivating happiness with the Time Capsule Project.

Do you like to take photos?

What are photos?

They are a snapshot of the current moment.

How many times are we experiencing racing thoughts  where we're resentful or regret things about the past or worried about the future?

What about today?

That is the focus of this project.

And before you read past this and say, ‘oh, this isn't for me, I'm too mature for this.’ Let me encourage you that all of us have a playful kid on  the inside and need that to release us, to be able to experience happiness.

We need to be able to play.

This is part of our play.

We cannot play with others until we can play around with our own, who we are and being in the present and have a project like the Time Capsule Project.

There's a saying in organizational culture that teams that  play together, stay together.

You cannot do that until you really don't take yourself so seriously anymore.

This is a great space.

It's safe.

It's something to do on your own.

Yes, everything that we do that involves happiness involves connection.

The recommendation is that you have someone else  participate with you,  whether they also are completing the time capsule project or celebrating yours with you in your  creation process, also when you open it at your set time.

We're going to go over the steps today of what it entails. You may ask the partner in your life, and they might laugh  at you and just laugh as well, because it is, it's silly, it's fun, it's playful, it's meant to be.

The practical steps, we're going to gather supplies.

So what do you need?

You need a durable container, acid-free paper, marker, and any item that has sentimental value or represents your current lifestyle. You want to reflect on that current lifestyle.

Take a moment, think about your life, your relationships, your goals.

Consider the items and mementos that best capture this moment in time.

You may want to put some photos in there.

Just reflecting on this will increase your happiness.

What is personally significant to you?

You could write a hand letter to your future self.

A small trinket that represents one of your hobbies or  passions that you'd like to turn into a hobby.

In that future letter, express gratitude and articulate your hopes for the future.

What are you dreaming about?

What are you feeling?

What is this experience like?

Then you're going to set a date and you're going to say, ‘oh, I'm going to revisit this, in this amount of time.’

This could be a milestone in your life, like your birthday, anniversary, anything  significant. This just gives you a date to look forward to.

You're going to be surprised how much has changed or what hasn't changed at all.

You want to share the experience.

Whether you have your colleagues, friends, partner creating time capsules with you, or they just know about it, it can really strengthen relationships and it can create  collective happiness.

Did you know that emotions are contagious, just like a  virus?

Anytime that someone is down and we're around them a  lot, we'll start feeling down. Or if they're exceedingly joyful and it'll just rub off on us and maybe it'll annoy you.

What is that about?

Why are you annoyed that someone's happy?

You have something to do about your happiness.

So that's a good check to say, ‘oh, I need to work on it because I'm annoyed that someone's happy.’

Are you kidding me?

So we want to just have as much collaboration with other people about this and  celebrate the opening.

Make it like a birthday party with balloons and a cake and whatever you enjoy.

Be silly about it and playful and open it and everyone opens it and then you're having conversations.

I don't know if you went to camp when you were young or younger and you had that time around the campfire where everybody talked and people opened up a little bit more because it was a circle and it was a campfire and everybody was relaxed and

there was some unity.

That's what we're looking for here because connection is  the key to happiness and Time Capsule Project is a great  way to connect with ourselves and others.

So happy time capsule creating.

Let’s take a deep dive into the steps to take for your project!

Cultivating Happiness: The Time Capsule Project

Happiness is often elusive in our fast-paced lives, but a simple yet profound way to enhance your well-being is by engaging in the Time Capsule Project. Creating a time capsule allows you to encapsulate the essence of your current life, dreams, and aspirations, providing a unique opportunity to reflect on your journey when you open it in the future.

Practical Steps

Gather Supplies, with the materials you'll need including a durable container, acid-free paper, a marker, and any items that hold sentimental value or represent your current lifestyle.

Reflect on the Present, taking a moment to reflect on your life, relationships, and goals. Consider what items or mementos best capture this moment in time. This reflection alone can be a source of joy.

Choose Meaningful Items by selecting items that are personally significant – perhaps a handwritten letter to your future self, a small trinket that represents a hobby or passion, or even a photo that encapsulates your current happiness.

Include Letters to the Future by writing letters to your future self or loved ones. Share your current thoughts, dreams, and feelings. Express gratitude for the present and articulate your aspirations for the future.

Set a Date to Open by choosing a future date to open the time capsule. This could be a milestone birthday, an anniversary, or a significant life event. Knowing that you have a date to look forward to can infuse your present with a sense of excitement and anticipation.

Share the Experience by inviting friends, family, or even colleagues to create their own time capsules. Sharing the experience can strengthen relationships and create a collective sense of joy as everyone looks forward to the future reveal.

Document the Process by taking photos or record videos as you assemble your time capsule. Documenting the process allows you to revisit the experience in the future and relive the emotions associated with creating your personal time capsule.

Place in a Safe Location by storing your time capsule in a secure and accessible location. Make sure it's protected from environmental factors to preserve the contents effectively.

Celebrate the Opening on the designated date, by gathering those who participated in the project and open the time capsules together. The act of revisiting memories, reading letters, and rediscovering the past can be a powerful source of happiness.

The Time Capsule Project is a simple yet impactful way to increase happiness by fostering gratitude for the present and creating a sense of anticipation for the future. As you embark on this journey, remember that the key to happiness often lies in cherishing the moments we have today while eagerly looking forward to the moments yet to come.


Now that you have practiced some Happiness Habits, I invite you to take the Well-Being Quiz.

Welcome to the Well-Being Quiz! Take a moment to reflect on your feelings and experiences. Rate each statement on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest. Be honest with yourself, and let's explore different aspects of your well-being:

Well-Being Quiz

  1. I feel good about myself. (Self-worth)

  2. I think positively. (Positive thinking)

  3. I can calm myself down after an upsetting experience. (Resilience)

  4. I stay present in every moment. (Mindfulness)

  5. I believe that my life has meaning and purpose. (Meaning or purpose)

  6. I enjoy doing things that benefit others. (Kindness)

  7. I am happy. (Happiness)

  8. I have meaningful relationships with others. (Relationship satisfaction)

  9. I like my life. (Life satisfaction)

  10. I am often stressed. (Stress - high scores are worse)

Take your time and provide your ratings. How did you do? What would you like to improve? The next steps are to set goals for your happiness. I’ve developed a Happiness Planner.

Daily Happiness Planner Instructions

  1. Overarching Goal: Set an overarching goal for happiness that is measurable and obtainable. You might say, ‘I will increase my overall happiness by replacing pessimistic responses with optimistic ones 1x daily for 3 consecutive weeks.’ This will take atleast 3 cycles to develop a habit. Once this overarching goal is accomplished, then you can set another goal.

  2. Aim: Daily, write down what you are aiming for. This could begin with identifying what those pessimistic responses sound like. You may need to elicit support from trusted friends or colleagues to identify what needs to change. It’s with clarity to hear ourselves from emotionally intelligent active listeners. We simply cannot see the forest from the trees at times and naturally have blind spots.

  3. Steps: What steps are you taking to accomplish what you are aiming for? This could be to write down every time you hear yourself say something pessimistic, or when a trusted peer brings it to your attention. You could also write a step to practice self compassion. The steps serve as a reminder to intentionally stay focused on that overarching goal, not give up or get discouraged, with forward moving momentum. Think small incremental steps as you have over 60 days to practice.

  4. Reflection: In this section, write your heart away. Don’t think about it, just write. This will help you to be in touch with your emotions. If you are not used to this, trust me, you are not alone and in the right place. Keep reading, participating in courses, and practicing what you are learning. Change is one step at a time.


Today I’m Aiming For:

My Overarching Goal:






Happiness studies around the world have shown that when individuals focus on their well-being and the happiness of their work team, amazing results happen, benefiting productivity, engagement, accuracy on tasks, as well as increased sales, reduced absenteeism, and bottom-line earnings. Neuroscientists recommend creating happiness in our brains through training exercises.

Author Alexia Georghiou - I am the founder of The Knoxville Happiness Coalition where we offer coaching, management consultation, and training for individuals and organizations. I teach personal & professional development courses for The University of Tennessee Center for Professional Education and Lifelong Learning. I am on the advisory committee for the Oak Ridge Human Resources Alliance, and an ambassador with The Fellowship, the world’s preeminent organizational culture masterclass. I served as president of the board for The Knoxville Association of Women Executives, leading projects to amend by-laws, support a scholarship to a local university student, and acknowledge a notable woman in our community. I am also a mentor with UT Promise.My expertise comes from a Masters degree in Counseling, Bachelor degree in Social Work, Certification to teach the Bible from Rhema Bible College & recent certification in Leadership & Management from Wharton Executive Education. I have 30+ years experience with well-being initiatives, and am a retired Mental Health Therapist.
Author Alexia Georghiou - I am the founder of The Knoxville Happiness Coalition where we offer coaching, management consultation, and training for individuals and organizations. I teach personal & professional development courses for The University of Tennessee Center for Professional Education and Lifelong Learning. I am on the advisory committee for the Oak Ridge Human Resources Alliance, and an ambassador with The Fellowship, the world’s preeminent organizational culture masterclass. I served as president of the board for The Knoxville Association of Women Executives, leading projects to amend by-laws, support a scholarship to a local university student, and acknowledge a notable woman in our community. I am also a mentor with UT Promise.My expertise comes from a Masters degree in Counseling, Bachelor degree in Social Work, Certification to teach the Bible from Rhema Bible College & recent certification in Leadership & Management from Wharton Executive Education. I have 30+ years experience with well-being initiatives, and am a retired Mental Health Therapist.

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