TiTiTi 2022 MetaCJ Guideline

2022 ChinaJoy线上展(CJ Plus)今日在 MetaCJ元宇宙数字世界中正式开展!

TiTiTi 邀请众多Web3项目一起轰炸ChinaJoy, “ TiTiTi MetaCJ ACG Party ”. Mfer, DoodlesCN, Weirdo Ghost Gang, HootLabs, MIMIC SHHANS, BCA Labs, Creator DAO, 鬼灭之刃, Universe, Super Girl.

同时会有持续一个月的 Quest 活动来获取你的专属Web3二次元身份凭证,集齐身份的后续将会得到TiTiTi Web3 二次元平台的通证激励。

MetaCJ 传送门:🚪

PC/手机端均可使用 ( Mac暂不支持)

TiTiTi: 潮玩区E-E15展位

How to find TiTiTi and Ti frens?

Step 1: 进入MetaCJ后点击右上角地图,找到潮玩区,点击追踪

Step 2: 跟随小地图指引像追风少年一样奔跑

Step 3: 到达潮玩区后同样点开右上角地图,找到TiTiTi,点击追踪

Step 4: 跟随小地图指引经过炫酷的变形金刚展区就到达 Web3 TiTiTi 聚集地啦!


  1. 点击其他玩家可组队,组队可在线实时语音沟通交流
  2. 展位留言板可任大家肆意发挥,留言说不定会有意外惊喜
  3. 一大波活动 Coming soon
感谢Ti frens的大力支持
感谢Ti frens的大力支持

About TiTiTi

以二次元 NFT 这一细分赛道为突破口,涵盖游戏、插画、漫画、动漫、Cosplay等文化载体,将 Web2 的二 次元文化带入 Web3 世界,同时又将 Web3 的 NFT 反向输送孵化成二次元作品的内容聚合平台。在未来群体使用虚拟场景越来越多的背景下,创作者服务中心、定制化 NFT 、DID 数字身份系统、3D 虚拟空间定制化等将会进一步被摸索开发,在打造内容聚合与数字身份融合的基础上,落地链上电子商务系统,为实体赋能。

TiTiTi 立志成为全球最大的虚拟空间二次元文化聚集地。

A DID system platform derived from web3 and web2 ACG content aggregation

TiTiTi is a virtual platform that integrates ACG culture and blockchain technology to create interactive spaces for every fandom. Culture carriers such as animes, comics, games, illustrations, cosplay, etc., break into the world of Web3 world utilizing NFTs. ACG content of Web2 is converted to NFTs and brought into Web3 on TiTiTi, and additionally, ACG cultural content is derived through web3's NFT and released on the TiTiTi platform.

In the context of more and more users using virtual scenes in the future, creator centers, customized NFTs, DID systems, and custom 3D virtual space will be developed. Developing the on-chain e-commerce system empowers entities based on content aggregation and digital identity convergence. TiTiTi aspires to become the world's ultimate gathering place for ACG culture.


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