一文带你看懂Bitcoin Puppets,从文化流量角度剖析NFT的IP运营思路 (Includes English Version)

The English version has been translated with the help of ChatGPT and can be found below.




通过一些社群和周边好友了解到,大家对于「Bitcoin Puppets(后续简称PUP)」存在很多信息差,对项目生态,项目背景,社区文化等均不了解特别详细。历时一个多月的准备,在海外社区的小伙伴帮助下,四处整理信息和资料,准备了本篇内容。







本文主要以Ordinals NFT 项目 「Bitcoin Puppets」为主,

第一部分内容包含了其项目背景,项目社区「THE SHED」以及社区内的一些衍生NFT和不同艺术家,社区成员,社区文化的介绍。





首先感谢艺术家 @lepuppeteerfou 创造了一个优秀的NFT艺术和一个有趣的社区。🌹

PUP的社区起源最早可以追溯到2021年,通过长达几周的信息搜集和走访才逐渐拼凑出了大概的全貌。感谢期间耐心提供解答并给予帮助的伙伴们 @lukaskalm @MrEdogtagnft @W4nkpire @Decentralizd @FarmerJoe0x 以及@所有PUP社区的mod成员。


本文的一切错漏之处均归我自己(shaqima 推特:@daji_357),希望大家批评指正,我会尽快及时调整

第一部分:1.1 - PUP生态的艺术品项目介绍 (根据时间顺序排列)

NFT :Lasogette - PUP的前生 - 艺术家:@lepuppeteerfou

2022年的时候艺术家 @lepuppeteerfou 在以太坊上创造了一个名为“Lasogette”的NFT项目,也被大家经常调侃为“袜子木偶”或者“袜子”,PUP的早期核心玩家,基本都是来自Lasogette的社区,这个社区在Ordinals出现之前就已经很壮大了。


随着Ordinals的出现,大家开始关注起了比特币NFT的机会。在nodemonks出现的两周后,o.p.i.u.m项目诞生了。@lepuppeteerfou 花了6个星期才完全搞定了Ordinals上的铭刻。

此时「THE SHED」社区就已经存在在Discord上了,这个社区创建的初衷是为了方便艺术家们进行交流。

NFT:o.p.i.u.m - 比特币上的一小步 - 艺术家:@lepuppeteerfou


对于这个名字,我刚开始差点真的以为这群持有者全是货真价实的瘾君子,直到有一天 MrE (@MrEdogtagnft)告诉我了关于这个名字的寓意:“OPIUM 代表“ORDINAL PUPPET INU UNDOXXED MILLIONAIRE”,我认为它被称为 O.P.I.U.M 是因为这是最后一个将被开采的比特币 sat 的名称(对于序数,每个 sat 都有一个名字)。”

O.p.i.u.m 是free mint,@lepuppeteerfou 花了很久的时间才搞定了这个项目的部署,最终成功的在Ordinals上呈现出了它们,数量777个。刚开始的时候,这些项目的参与者与持有者大部分都来自Lasogette社区。@lepuppeteerfou 的儿子在NFT的设计和创造上给予了非常大的帮助。



这些木偶不是用来交易或拥有的商品。应当以崇敬之心对待它们,因为它们是通向无限创造力世界的大门。拥抱Ord Puppet Inu Undoxxed Millionaires的精神,让你的想象力飞向前所未有的新高度。”



随着Ordinals的发展,艺术家 @lepuppeteerfou 把o.p.i.u.m作为基础,在数量和形象上开始进行升级,开始着手设计被大家称为“木偶二代”的PUP,THE SHED社区也从此刻成为了Ordinals艺术家和o.p.i.u.m持有者的根据地。

图片截图于2023年11月,从上段文字中可以看出,艺术家@lepuppeteerfou 将 ord puppet inu undoxxed millionaires 缩写为了 o.p.i.u.m ,这也是木偶一代名字的由来。并且他也很喜欢比特币上这种艺术品的创作形式。开始着手于更大规模的艺术品创作工作。

这里做个补充:THE SHED 的艺术家们,对比比特币上这种真正意义上的NFT创作是非常喜欢的,并且对于ETH上那种商业化严重的NFT运营是非常讨厌。因此PUP自始至终都是一些喜欢艺术创作的朋友们在推动,而并没有所谓的团队来去用以太坊NFT那种商业运营团队的形式来运营。大家对于商业运营,营销推广是非常讨厌的。也因此诞生出了社区里一个有意思的文化:going to zero 。这个在介绍完项目的内容后,在文化部分会详细地提到。

TOKEN$PUPS - 比特币上的MEME代币 - 部署者:@FarmerJoe0x


在FarmerJoe (@FarmerJoe0x)的推动之下,THE SHED 社区更多的人开始关注起这个代币。23年的第四季度SHID发售前夕,FarmerJoe组织了一场大型空投,为o.p.i.u.m的持有者以及Ordinals 上一些知名 OG NFT社区的持有者们空投了此代币。

(可以去翻一下自己的古老钱包,没准也会有收获。如当时火热的NFT项目:Pixel Pepes 每个就收到了1500个的空投。)

时隔一年,在2024年的4月,Ansem在SOL上发现了这个BRC20的代币的交易对,并且在直播时购买了它。自此,$PUPS 迎来了第一波高潮,大量的流量涌入$PUPS/SOL 的交易中,价格一度飙升至100美金出头,那晚,BRC20与SOL之间的差价高达数倍。不少人通过在BRC20购买低价资产,转移至SOL高价售卖赚取差价,大赚一笔。


BRC20上的 $PUPS 可以通过跨链桥 multibit 与 SOL上的 $PUPS 进行1:1双向兑换。

$PUPS 最开始的状态是BRC20代币,只是现在随着BRC20的发展,已经有技术可以实现,将BRC20代币转移到SOL上并创建流动性交易池了。就像是普通的ERC20代币一样,可以看K线图,可以随买随卖。

所以说本质上来讲,SOL上的 $PUPS 和 BRC20的 $PUPS 是一个东西,数量一致,市值一致,唯独不一样的就是交易方法不一样。因此,两者之间经常会出现差价。

后续$PUPS 还有NFT和符文等新玩法,按照时间顺序排列在后面会介绍。

NFT:SHIDS - 互联网OG玩家的怀旧服MEME - 艺术家:@lukaskalm

2023年11月,Ordinals 生态再次迎来了第二次爆发。NFT板块人声鼎沸时,SHIDS开始了它的发售,当时的mint方式还是需要自行到网站上下载图片,然后自行铸造的。

总发行量是7777个,在铸造过程中,因为某些收录问题,有189个NFT被错误的收录到了合集中。艺术家luki(@lukaskalm)和 来自Ordinal Genesis 的 Hedrin 发现这个问题,于是他们选择尊重这些被因为标签错误而被交易的NFT,而不是无情的抛弃他们,并单独的为它们创建了一个新的合集《Propper indexxded shids》。


同时Shids的NFT也是为了致敬以太坊上的 @bywassies 项目,luki 和 @lepuppeteerfou 以及一些PUP的核心成员也有一部是在这里相识,大家都很喜欢 @bywassies 的文化,也正因如此,在 luki 和 @lepuppeteerfou 的商讨下,最终将THE SHED 社区作为 Shids 和 PUP 共同的社区来运营。


这里补充一些,luki 和 @lepuppeteerfou 在NFT的创作观念上非常相似,他们都不喜欢以盈利为目的的NFT创造,一个好的艺术品应该是有文化有底蕴的,注重的是其艺术品本身的价值,而并非是通过商业运营手段去牟利/博眼球。所以他们创造的NFT项目并不是为了谋取多么大的利益而作为出发点的。更多的是希望能有人喜欢他们的作品和其背后的文化。也正因如此奠定了THE SHED社区的文化基础。

NFT:Bitcoin Puppets - 世界和平 - 艺术家:@lepuppeteerfou



总量10001份的NFT合集发售一空后,@W4nkpire@Decentralizd @MrEdogtagnft @itsmadeofcheese 经常会在推特上发起一些space 用来聊天。那个时候的space人数并不是很多。

@itsmadeofcheese 是第一个铸造o.p.i.u.m的人。他也是Wossums sub 100k ordinals系列的创作者,而Wossums实际上是木偶中的一个特征。)


随之而来的就是Ordinals NFT生态大爆发,木偶系列也是在今年年初开始迎来了大量的流量加入。从而PUP生态开始走向更多人的视野中。木偶二代也是作为主要的代表被大家广而流传。



再次特别感谢Mod组的另一位中国兄弟 @klouds_eth ,主导并推动了Puppets 上架OKX的进程。让更多的中国玩家更早的了解到了这场文化艺术狂欢。

THE SHED 社区持有木偶一代,二代以及SHIDS NFT任何一个,都可以解锁Discord 的身份组。同时可以解锁很多Puppets的频道。其中有一个Alpha的频道中价值信息是比较丰富的。很多海外的优质项目,都能在这里找到踪迹。




Copyleft (ɔ) 所有权利反向保留







NFT:Bitcoin Puppets Honoraries - 大家庭 - 艺术家:@lepuppeteerfou

PUP的发售后,艺术家@lepuppeteerfou 又给一些为社区做出巨大贡献的人员赠送了一个新的礼物,就是比特币荣誉木偶,每一个都是单独定制的。


除此之外,@lepuppeteerfou 的推特也会有不定期的活动,赠送一些独特设计的honorary作品,但需要通过参加挑战来获得。(有时候挑战可能会涉及到裸体,请做好心理准备。另外我想如果你能坚持每天都给他私信你屁股的照片,持续一段时间,也有机会可以获得。🤣)


NFT:CC0 - 这是一只猫 - 艺术家:@lukaskalm



NFT:一些社区成员自创资产 (按照时间线排序,他们在此时出现)


Puppet Maxi Biz (PMB) 创作者:@MKUltraBTC (免费空投)

Titanium Cheeto (BRC420)创作者:未知 (付费mint)


NFT:RUNE PUPS - 比特币符文的第一步 - 部署者:@FarmerJoe0x

随着符文的火爆,$PUPS 团队也率先做出了新的尝试,由于第一次的 $PUPS 代币空投只给到了 o.p.i.u.m (木偶一代)的持有者们。Puppets(木偶二代)创作出来的时间则是在空投之后。

因此$PUPS 团队再次给PUP NFT 的所有持有者们空投了一个新的NFT合集。并告知,这个NFT在未来可以通过燃烧来换取一定数量的符文代币。

o.p.i.u.m 被空投的是金色的 Rune Pups NFT 总量777个

Bitcoin Puppets 被空投的是银色的 Rune Pups NFT 总量10001个


燃烧通道链接 - https://pups.ordkit.xyz


Rune Pups NFT 的空投,再次让 $PUPS 的参与者扩大到了一个更高的高度。$PUPS 通过这种方式再次巩固了自己作为社区象征代币的地位。

NFT:Little Pups - 一个画风非常可爱的头像作品 -艺术家:@cakedworld




le puppettes;

Chubby Puppets;




o.p.i.u.m;Bitcoin Puppets;Shids;Propper indexxded shids.这四个。

RUNE:PUPS•WORLD•PEACE - 这是一个象征着世界和平的图腾 - 部署者:@FarmerJoe0x

前面提到过,Rune PUPS NFT 是 $PUPS 团队对符文市场的第一步,随着符文的全面开放,$PUPS 团队也部署了名为PUPS•WORLD•PEACE的符文项目。


PUPS•WORLD•PEACE 的所有符文全部在 $PUPS 团队手中,玩家并不能自己去蚀刻符文。因此获得符文的方式有两种:

  1. 通过上面提到的官方燃烧通道,把$PUPS 代币燃烧,按照1:100的比例换成符文。

  2. 把Rune PUPS NFT 通过燃烧通道,置换成符文代币。

根据目前的信息,Rune Pups NFT 的燃烧时间是有限制的,如果到了截止日期并没有燃烧的话,NFT大概率就会失效。

对于SOL的 $PUPS 还没有技术可以实现直接将他们置换成符文。因此SOL上的$PUPS 需要通过跨链到BRC20后,铭刻打包完成,才可以再进行燃烧。

针对$PUPS 代币的燃烧计划,目前并没有说存在截止日期的说法。但团队也是希望能通过这种方式来清除掉那些“沉睡太久的不活跃地址”。



O.p.i.u.m;Bitcoin Puppets 为主的NFT体系,以及$PUPS;PUPS•WORLD•PEACE 为主的符文代币体系。

而$PUPS;PUPS•WORLD•PEACE 本质上是同一个东西,毕竟符文是代币体系中的最终状态。

第一部分:1.2 - THE SHED社区及社区文化


最开始时这里是Ordinals 艺术家用来交流的地方。艺术家们在这里创造有意义的艺术品,铭刻在比特币上,通过艺术品的文化和精神影响着加密行业的每一个人,最后大家因为爱汇聚在这里。这里更像一个家,每一个人都很有趣,大家为推广世界和平和共同努力。

持有O.P.I.U.M;Bitcoin Puppets;Shids;Propper indexxded shids 任意一个NFT资产,在discord验证钱包后,就可以解锁对应的身份组认证和频道。但无论你持有哪一类资产,都不妨碍你来THE SHED社区里感受爱和参与推动世界和平。





我们都知道关注度能带动流动性,但我们也必须记住,文化驱动关注度。真实的、有机的文化是通过个体的凝聚而浮现,而不是通过公司或影响者。无论你是否喜欢,木偶现在已经成为比特币上的决定性文化象征,主要是因为我们都能感受到其中的简单荒谬性。它们是由一个12岁的孩子创造的MS Paint猴子,这是荒谬的。它反映了我们都身处其中的这个空间的荒谬性。我们一夜之间在狗狗币上赌博赢得或失去数百万,我们向公然的骗子发送数百万美元。我们经常被世界各国政府坑害。这是从永远在线的数字社会中新兴的现实,我们在过去十年找到了一种货币化的方式。






在这份宣言的影响下,每一个THE SHED 成员都致力于为推动世界和平而努力。Puppets某种意义上来说,就是世界和平的一个美好象征。一个承载着美好理想和远景的艺术品。

另外社区的成员是相信因果报应的,大家相信做善事会的善果。所以大家也是希望能通过木偶来改变NFT生态,让每个人从捞钱的心态变成充满爱的心态。 (@W4nkpire


在2024年4月西方国家的BRC20热潮中,@Decentralizd 推动了名为“W☮️”代币的发展,这个代币的寓意也是秉承了社区世界和平的精神。并创建了一个新的推特账号来运营此项目。并且也策划了NFT和符文的相关玩法。


THE SHED社区是拥抱和平的,是不会恶意的诋毁并且和其他的项目发生冲突的。对于Nodemonkey的一些幽默调侃,是因为有些博主之间本身就是好友,只是朋友之间开一开玩笑。后来被某些国人曲解带入到了一些微信社区后又添加了自己的主观臆断,引发了一些不开心,但这并不是THE SHED社区想表达的意思。世界和平才是大家共同追求的。



这个单词的缩写来自于法语“bonjour” 。(早上好的意思)


因为它很容易被误认为是“blow job”(口交)的俚语版本。(有些时候确实很难分辨大家到底是在早上好还是在...)




历史总是惊人的相似。不知道NFT会不会因为Ordinals 迎来第二春,在木偶的影响下,BJBJ称为第二个GM(21年NFT热潮时的社区meme,也是早上好的意思)









在我的领域里,艺术没有界限。它不仅局限于画廊或博物馆,而是活在存在的织物之中。我的作品挑战分类,邀请你进入一个美丽与荒诞交织的世界。通过Ord Puppet Inu Undoxxed Millionaire的木偶,你将踏上一段想象横飞、可能性无限的旅程。







在中国时间的5月20日,凌晨3点。为了庆祝@lepuppeteerfou 的生日,@W4nkpire组织了一场有趣的生日派对主题的space。

在此也同时祝福木偶大师@lepuppeteerfou 生日快乐🎂



我个人接触到Puppets时,是在Shids刚刚出现的时候,对于一级市场笨拙的我,在看到了这个项目的推特后,连夜翻译出了leet speak的中文意思。我个人也是一个怀旧主义者,在看到这种充满了文艺复兴气息的艺术品时,更多的是激动。于是果断的在二级市场购买了许多,至今还在我的钱包里一个未动。

也正是这次机遇,我加入到了 THE SHED社区,随后又有幸的成为了社区的MOD。











SHEDS刚出现的时候,好友林老板我们约在杭州吃饭,他当时给我科普了比特币上的巫师文化。(一场有趣的视频传播案例)从而更加让我意识到,具备文化内核的MEME在传播和扩散的时候是具备非常大的优势的。正因如此,在越发的挖掘 THE SHEDS的文化时,我就越发的喜爱。这里的文化让人欲罢不能。还有什么比这种纯粹的自由思想更魅力的呢。





当下的Ordinals 是刚起步的阶段,总的市值来说对比起当年NFT:ETH的市值,还差得很远。那么Ordinals就需要破圈的营销来扩充更多的人参与和关注。

SOL对于西方国家的加密用户来说,是最好的通道。其次就是NFT的概念。因此,BRC20也好还是符文也好,又或者是Ordinals NFT。如果想把比特币生态彻底打出去,就需要通过SOL/交易所/大型媒体等这些重要的渠道来彻底把人吸引过来。






因此,Ordinals的未来之路,当下阶段重要的就是如何扩充人群(无论是玩家还是建设者),增大影响力。BRC20已经通过 $PUPS 实现了国际化了。


如此再看来,Puppets无论是符文还是BRC20又或者是NFT都是齐全的体系。再加上这些有趣的文化。我也能理解为什么Ansem敢信誓旦旦的说40亿市值了。(next PEPE)


Ordinals 的全球化对于比特币是有利的,所有大家都会推动。SOL对于Ordinals的全球化也是有利的,所以要常关注。MEME对于流量是有利的,所以成了当下市场的宠儿。



在这几天发布PUP相关内容时,私信咨询的问题比较多,为了能够方便更好的让每个喜欢THE SHED社区文化的人能够直观的理解到PUP相关的信息,考虑到有些人可能并不能及时的查阅推特和随时Discord在线,我创建了一个 Puppets中文的推特(@Puppets_China),并准备组建一个PUP相关的微信社群。

PUP的微信社群保持THE SHED的风格,任何喜欢PUP文化的人员都可以加入,在这里欢迎大家分享讨论PUP相关的内容。同时帮助更多没有推特的人,通过微信群能够加入到THE SHED的Discord中。









反而内部斗争其实对社区来说是伤害巨大的。(之前也出现过一次作秀,某国人因持有木偶,便在公开场合大肆发表了对SHIDS等一些其他社区资产的diss,其实本身就是哗众取宠,THE SHED的社区的根都被自己亲手刨了,还谈什么hold。THE SHED社区的内核之一就是包容社区的艺术作品,不以价格作为衡量艺术品的主要标的。)










希望THE SHED 社区的文化能够永远的传承下去。为了世界和平。


Puppets 官网:https://ordpuppetinuundoxxedmillionaires.com/

THE SHED 社区(Discord):https://discord.gg/worldpeace




O.P.I.U.M 艺术品:https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/opium

$PUPS (BRC20 - Unisat):https://unisat.io/market/brc20?tick=pups

$PUPS (BRC20 - OKX):https://www.okx.com/zh-hans/web3/marketplace/inscription/ordinals/token/PUPS




Propper indexxded shids艺术品:https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/propper-indexxded-shids

Bitcoin Puppets艺术品:https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/bitcoin-puppets

Bitcoin Puppets Honoraries艺术品:https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/bitcoin-puppets-honoraries


Puppet Maxi Biz(PMB):https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/puppetmaxibiz

Rune Pups NFT:https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/runes_pups



le puppettes艺术品:https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/le_puppettes

Chubby Puppets艺术品:https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/chubbypuppets





If you would like to read the original Chinese version, please scroll to the top of the article.


A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Puppets


Recently, many people have reached out to me through various communities, seeking information about Puppets. In China, there's a significant information gap regarding "Bitcoin Puppets" (hereafter referred to as PUP), especially concerning the project's ecosystem, background, and community culture. After more than a month of preparation and with the help of friends in overseas communities, I've compiled this content.

The content is based on my experience as a MOD at PUP. I disapprove of those who exploit PUP's popularity to promote their projects and scam others. Therefore, this article will adhere to objective facts and aim to restore the community's history and the project's progression as accurately as possible. The goal is to give everyone a comprehensive understanding of PUP.

The objectives of this article are twofold:

  1. To provide a comprehensive understanding of PUP's history, community culture, and related information, helping people make better investment strategies.

  2. To assist NFT project creators in learning from PUP and creating more high-quality NFT projects within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

This piece is published at this time to avoid peak pricing and prevent high-cost entry scenarios. It avoids excessive marketing content and focuses more on the project's background and traffic data for sharing. If you find it dry, feel free to skip to sections of interest as outlined below.

Article Outline

This article primarily focuses on the Ordinals NFT project "Bitcoin Puppets."

Part One includes the project background, community description of "THE SHED," and introduces various derivative NFTs, different artists, community members, and the community culture.

Part Two covers my personal investment logic during the early stages of the project, mainly from an individual investor's perspective, intended for sharing and reference.

Part Three views PUP from the project perspective, highlighting aspects that could be instructive and used as a reference.

Links to the community and related Twitter information mentioned in this article will be consolidated at the end.


First, a huge thanks to the artist @lepuppeteerfou for creating an outstanding NFT art and an engaging community. 🌹

The PUP community dates back to 2021, pieced together over weeks of gathering information and making visits. Thanks to those who patiently provided answers and assistance during this time: @lukaskalm, @MrEdogtagnft, @W4nkpire, @Decentralizd, @FarmerJoe0x, and all the MOD members of the PUP community.

Lastly, thank you to everyone who loves the PUP ecosystem. Your affection and support have made this article possible. Any errors in the text are solely my responsibility (shaqima, Twitter: @daji_357), and I welcome your corrections and will adjust promptly.

Part One: 1.1 - Introduction to PUP Ecosystem's Art Projects (Arranged Chronologically)

NFT: Lasogette - The Precursor to PUP - Artist: @lepuppeteerfou

In 2022, @lepuppeteerfou launched an NFT project named "Lasogette" on Ethereum, humorously referred to as "Sock Puppet" or “Sogs”by the community. Early core players of PUP primarily came from the Lasogette community, which had already grown significantly before the emergence of Ordinals. Influential bloggers, being holders of Lasogette, gradually started paying attention to PUP.

With the arrival of Ordinals, interest in Bitcoin NFTs began to surge. Two weeks after nodemonks appeared, the opium project was born. @lepuppeteerfou spent six weeks perfecting the engravings on Ordinals.

By then, "THE SHED" community was already established on Discord, initially formed to facilitate communication among artists.

NFT: o.p.i.u.m - A Small Step on Bitcoin - Artist: @lepuppeteerfou

This project, directly translated as "opium" in Chinese, is often referred to as "Puppet Generation One" by players.

Initially, I almost believed that all holders were genuine addicts until MrE (@MrEdogtagnft) explained the meaning behind the name: "OPIUM stands for 'ORDINAL PUPPET INU UNDOXXED MILLIONAIRE,'" suggesting it's the last Bitcoin sat to be mined (each sat has a name in Ordinals).

O.p.i.u.m was a free mint. @lepuppeteerfou took a long time to deploy the project successfully on Ordinals, with a total of 777 pieces. Initially, participants and holders mostly came from the Lasogette community. @lepuppeteerfou's son played a significant role in the design and creation of the NFTs.

In the o.p.i.u.m whitepaper, @lepuppeteerfou mentioned:

"Moreover, these puppets transcend the boundaries of utility; they are pure art. They are not designed with any practical purpose or grand promises in mind, and they certainly do not meet the strict expectations of corporate entities. Instead, they represent the artist's original creativity;

These puppets are not commodities to be traded or owned. They should be treated with reverence, as they are gateways to a world of unlimited creativity. Embrace the spirit of Ord Puppet Inu Undoxxed Millionaires, and let your imagination soar to unprecedented heights."

These are words I hold dear. The whitepaper contains other content, imbued with a powerful cultural belief.

By mid-2023, as Ordinals evolved, @lepuppeteerfou used o.p.i.u.m as a foundation to upgrade in quantity and image, beginning to design what many call "Puppet Generation Two." From that moment, THE SHED community became the base for Ordinals artists and o.p.i.u.m holders.

A screenshot from November 2023 shows that @lepuppeteerfou abbreviated ord puppet inu undoxxed millionaires to o.p.i.u.m, which is the origin of the name for Puppet Generation One. He also expressed a fondness for this form of art creation on Bitcoin, embarking on creating more extensive art projects.

Here's an addition: THE SHED artists, who appreciate the true essence of NFT creation on Bitcoin, despise the commercialized NFT operations seen on Ethereum. Thus, from the beginning, PUP has been driven by friends who love art creation without a so-called team employing commercial operations like those seen with Ethereum NFTs. Everyone detests commercial operations and marketing promotions. This also led to the creation of a unique community culture: going to zero. More about this will be discussed in the culture section after the project introduction.

TOKEN: $PUPS - A MEME Token on Bitcoin - Deployer: @FarmerJoe0x

$PUPS token follows the principles of openness, fairness, and justice of BRC20. From its inception in April 2023, anyone could mint on their own.

Under the promotion of FarmerJoe (@FarmerJoe0x), more people in THE SHED community began to take notice of this token. Just before the SHID sale in Q4 2023, FarmerJoe organized a large airdrop for o.p.i.u.m holders and other well-known OG NFT community holders on Ordinals.

(You might want to check your old wallets; you might find something. For example, the hot NFT project at that time, Pixel Pepes, each received an airdrop of 1500 tokens.)

A year later, in April 2024, Ansem found this BRC20 token's trading pair on SOL and bought it during a livestream. From that point, $PUPS experienced its first surge, attracting a massive influx of traffic into the $PUPS/SOL trade, with prices briefly soaring over $100. That night, the price difference between BRC20 and SOL was several times higher. Many people made a fortune by buying low on BRC20 and selling high on SOL.

Here's a clarification to prevent common misunderstandings:

$PUPS on BRC20 can be exchanged 1:1 with $PUPS on SOL via the multibit cross-chain bridge.

Initially, $PUPS was a BRC20 token, but with the development of BRC20, there is now technology to transfer BRC20 tokens to SOL and create liquidity pools. Just like regular ERC20 tokens, they can be traded on the spot market.

Essentially, SOL's $PUPS and BRC20's $PUPS are the same thing, with identical quantities and market values; the only difference lies in their trading methods. As such, price discrepancies often occur between the two.

Future developments for $PUPS will include NFTs and runes, which will be introduced in chronological order later in the article.

NFT: SHIDS - A Nostalgic MEME for OG Internet Players - Artist: @lukaskalm

In November 2023, the Ordinals ecosystem witnessed its second explosion. When the NFT sector was buzzing, SHIDS launched its mint, which required downloading images from the website and minting them yourself.

With a total issuance of 7777, due to some cataloging issues, 189 NFTs were erroneously included in the collection. Artist Luki (@lukaskalm) & Hedrin (from Ordinal Genesis) discovered this problem but chose not to honor the mislabeled and already traded Shids instead of discarding them. Thus, Instead, he created a new collection called "Propper indexxded shids” was made."

Despite SHIDS' unassuming appearance, its meme culture dates back to 2014, with another name for this image being "Wassies," which was a hot crypto meme on Twitter in 2017.

SHIDS' NFTs are also a tribute to the @bywassies project on Ethereum. Luki and @lepuppeteerfou, along with some core PUP members, met here, all fans of @bywassies' culture. For this reason, after discussions between Luki and @lepuppeteerfou, THE SHED community was ultimately chosen as the shared community for managing both Shids and PUP.

SHIDS uses "smol" a language style that can be likened to Martian language in China, an early internet meme language. For more on this topic, you can refer to Twitter: https://x.com/Daji_357/status/1727195116757037542

An additional note: Luki and lepuppeteerfou share very similar concepts in NFT creation. They dislike the notion of creating NFTs purely for profit. A good artwork should have cultural depth and focus on the value of the art itself rather than being used for profit or attracting attention through commercial operations. Hence, their NFT projects are not aimed at garnering significant profits but rather at finding appreciation for their work and its underlying culture. This foundation also established the cultural basis of THE SHED community.

NFT: Bitcoin Puppets - World Peace - Artist: @lepuppeteerfou

In China, these are often referred to as Bitcoin Puppets or Generation Two Puppets, which are an upgrade and modification of the first generation, with each Puppet featuring different decorations.

The release of these NFTs was conducted through a third-party platform for purchase-based sales, with o.p.i.u.m holders receiving five whitelist spots and Shids one. After the complete sell-out of the 10,001-piece NFT collection, @W4nkpire, @Decentralizd, @MrEdogtagnft,and @itsmadeofcheese often initiated Twitter spaces for chats. At that time, these spaces were not heavily attended.

(@itsmadeofcheese was the very first person to mint an o.p.i.u.m. He is also the creator of the Wossums sub 100k ordinals collection, and the Wossums are actually a trait in the puppets.)


Subsequently, the Ordinals NFT ecosystem exploded, and the Puppet series began to attract a significant influx of traffic early this year. As a result, the PUP ecosystem came into the view of a broader audience. Generation Two Puppets became widely known as the main representatives.

As for the rarity, it's a matter of perspective, with Bitcoin-related elements generally being more favored. We won't delve too deeply into that here. I find each puppet extremely adorable.

There's no need to elaborate extensively on Puppets since the explosion of the NFT sector. Puppets have become the target of many projects' airdrops, maintaining continuous interest with information being synchronized. Further personal reflections will be shared later.

A special thanks again to another Chinese brother in the Mod group, @klouds_eth, who led and propelled the listing of Puppets on OKX. This allowed more Chinese players to become early participants in this cultural and artistic carnival.

Holding any of the NFTs from the first generation, second generation, or SHIDS in THE SHED community grants access to unlock identity groups on Discord. Additionally, many Puppets channels are unlocked, with one Alpha channel containing particularly valuable information. Many high-quality overseas projects can be found here.

An addition:

@lepuppeteerfou has set a groundbreaking copyright agreement for all Puppet series artworks. Here is a translation of that copyright agreement:

"Viral Public License"

Copyleft (ɔ) All rights reversed.

This work hereby relinquishes all related ownership, attribution, and copyrights, allowing any form of redistribution or use, with or without modifications, unrestrictedly, but subject to the following conditions: any form of copying, reliance, linking, or any other possible form of redistribution that derives from or combines with this work must retain the entire content of this license. No further restrictions may be imposed.

Honestly, I was shocked at first glance; the thought process behind this is utterly unconventional. The emergence of this regulation has elevated the realm of artistic creation, looking down upon all past artistic creations from a higher plane. Not only does it open-source the copyright on artworks, but it also opens up the spiritual world. It's like a passing down of a spiritual torch.

Imagine, in a Bitcoin world that opposes the conventional financial system, for the first time, an artwork has emerged that defies hypocrisy, secular norms, and traditional copyright logic.

Even disregarding the market value of the artwork, the spiritual world alone could overshadow many other artistic creations. The cultural spirit contained in the artworks of the European Renaissance drove the most critical value behind it. This is an artwork with a cultural core.


In an era where the masses chase fame and fortune, you casually observe all that unfolds around you, sharing drinks and laughs with like-minded individuals, observing those bound by secular chains, those manipulated by falsehoods, seeing through the deceitful tactics, and then calmly uttering, "To hell with it," relishing the feeling of being the sober one amidst a drunken crowd. It's akin to the sentiment expressed in the phrase, "问君何能尔,心远地自偏。"

NFT: Bitcoin Puppets Honoraries - One Big Family - Artist: @lepuppeteerfou

After the launch of PUP, artist @lepuppeteerfou gifted a new token of appreciation to some community members who made significant contributions: the Bitcoin Honorary Puppets, each custom-designed.

Upon receiving an honorary status, you can propose your design ideas. However, patience is required during the production process (for instance, I sent a photo of a dragon robe as a reference image for my design, eagerly anticipating the final product).🤣

In addition, @lepuppeteerfou's Twitter occasionally hosts events to distribute these uniquely designed honorary pieces, obtainable through participation in challenges (sometimes, these challenges might involve nudity, so be mentally prepared. Moreover, if you could consistently send him a photo of your buttocks daily, you might also stand a chance to receive one after some time).🤣

This collection represents a Puppet family.

NFT: CC0 - This is a Cat - Artist: @lukaskalm

Following the success of Shids, luki's second work, CC0, took inspiration from the style of Generation Two Puppets, experimenting with new forms and elements.

Due to the popularity of Shids, CC0 has also become beloved within the Chinese player community, with its own dedicated Discord community. Furthermore, many innovative community NFT projects later included CC0 as part of their whitelist.

NFT: Community-Member-Created Assets (Listed Chronologically as They Appeared)

With the explosive popularity of Puppets, some community members independently issued derivative assets, some through free airdrops and others through paid mints. Here are a few examples (due to the vast number, not all can be listed individually):

Puppet Maxi Biz (PMB) by @MKUltraBTC (free airdrop)

Titanium Cheeto (BRC420) by an unknown creator (paid mint)


NFT: RUNE PUPS - The First Step of Bitcoin Runes - Deployer: @FarmerJoe0x

Following the popularity of runes, the $PUPS team took the initiative to experiment anew. Since the initial $PUPS token airdrop was only distributed to o.p.i.u.m (Generation One Puppet) holders, Puppets (Generation Two) were created after the airdrop.

Thus, the $PUPS team airdropped a new NFT collection to all PUP NFT holders, informing them that these NFTs could be exchanged for a certain number of rune tokens through burning in the future.

o.p.i.u.m received an airdrop of 777 golden Rune Pups NFTs, (1/1)

while Bitcoin Puppets received 10,001 silver Rune Pups NFTs. (1/1)

The burning channel is now open:

Burning channel link - https://pups.ordkit.xyz


The Rune Pups NFT airdrop has once again expanded the participant base of $PUPS, further solidifying its status as a symbolic community token.

NFT: Little Pups - An Adorably Styled Avatar Collection - Artist: @cakedworld

Known as "Little Puppets" among Chinese players, this adorable avatar collection series is highly popular. It draws elements from Puppets and is a secondary creation by the community.

This community-created artwork is also well-liked on Discord.

Following this, several other community member creations emerged, such as:

le puppettes;

Chubby Puppets;


Due to time constraints, details on the diverse types of community secondary creations, all based on the original Puppet concept, will not be elaborated here.

The NFT series currently recognized for identity group authentication on Discord includes:

o.p.i.u.m; Bitcoin Puppets; Shids; Propper indexxded shids.

RUNE: PUPS•WORLD•PEACE - A Symbolic Totem for World Peace - Deployer: @FarmerJoe0x

As mentioned earlier, the Rune PUPS NFT represents the $PUPS team's initial step into the rune market. With the complete rollout of runes, the $PUPS team also launched a project named PUPS•WORLD•PEACE.

The project's name carries the same connotation as the puppet community's culture, adhering to the principle of world peace. All runes for PUPS•WORLD•PEACE are held by the $PUPS team, and players cannot etch runes themselves. Therefore, there are two ways to obtain runes:

  1. Through the official burning channel mentioned above, burn $PUPS tokens in exchange for runes at a 1:100 ratio.

  2. Convert Rune PUPS NFTs into rune tokens through the burning channel.

According to current information, there is a limited time for burning Rune Pups NFTs.

There is currently no technology available on SOL to directly convert $PUPS into runes. Therefore, $PUPS on SOL must be cross-chained to BRC20, inscribed,

and then can be burned.

The burning plan for $PUPS tokens currently has no stated deadline. However, the team hopes to use this method to clear out "long-inactive addresses."

This concludes the introduction to the PUP ecosystem.

Summary: The core assets of the entire PUP ecosystem can be divided into two major categories;

The NFT system primarily comprising O.p.i.u.m and Bitcoin Puppets, and the rune token system mainly involving $PUPS and PUPS•WORLD•PEACE.

$PUPS and PUPS•WORLD•PEACE are essentially the same, given that runes represent the final state in the token system.

Part One: 1.2 - THE SHED Community and Its Culture

THE SHED Community

Initially, this place served as a forum for Ordinals artists to interact. Here, artists create meaningful artworks, engraved on Bitcoin, influencing everyone in the cryptocurrency industry through the cultural and spiritual essence of their creations. Eventually, it became a gathering place for love, resembling a home where every individual is engaging, and everyone works together to promote world peace.

Holding any NFT asset from O.P.I.U.M, Bitcoin Puppets, Shids, or Propper indexxded shids allows for wallet verification on Discord, unlocking corresponding identity group authentication and channels. However, regardless of the asset you hold, nothing prevents you from experiencing love and participating in promoting world peace in THE SHED community.

Community Culture: World Peace

On the Puppets' official website, there's a declaration of world peace, which I have translated into Chinese for everyone's reference:

"World Peace"

Why are Bitcoin Puppets considered the most significant cultural symbol in the history of asset classes?

We all know that attention drives liquidity, but we must also remember that culture drives attention. True, organic culture emerges through the cohesion of individuals, not through corporations or influencers. Whether you like it or not, puppets have now become a decisive cultural symbol on Bitcoin, primarily because we can all sense their sheer absurdity. They were created by a 12-year-old using MS Paint to make monkeys, which is absurd. This reflects the absurdity of the space we all inhabit. We've gambled on Dogecoin overnight, winning or losing millions, and we've sent millions to outright scammers. We are often exploited by governments worldwide. This is the reality emerging from an always-online digital society, where we've found a way to monetize over the past decade.

The left loves puppets because they represent everything they're here for: making money on silly things. The right also loves puppets, for the same reason: making money on silly things. Moderates hate them because "well, the art looks terrible, there's no roadmap, no utility," but we all know that's nonsense. If you're here and you're a moderate, you'll never make it.

Puppets represent the pinnacle of crypto culture because they live on the edge, lurking in the shadows of financial and self-organized economic communities, free from any authority. We spin in laughter, screaming that the value of puppets will go to zero because we know that given enough time, everything will go to zero, even your precious fiat money. Whether you win everything or lose everything, all you can really do is laugh. We're not crazy; we're just ahead.

We know this is our generation's last chance to escape the dull monotony of NPC wage slavery by riding the biggest financial turmoil wave we've ever seen, trading time for money, with the only real hope being to buy more time. No one will understand you, and when you win, they'll say you were just lucky, but the puppets get it. We're the home for the homeless, a warm cabin you return to before you dive back into the stormy everyday.

If you don't believe me, or if you don't understand, I don't have the time to try to convince you, sorry. We'll just watch you cope and get angry as we ride this wave all the way to the top.

Keep enjoying, keep succeeding, keep pushing, all for world peace.

Under the influence of this declaration, every member of THE SHED is committed to promoting world peace. In a sense, Puppets symbolize world peace, an artwork carrying noble ideals and visions.

Moreover, community members believe in karma, trusting that good deeds lead to good outcomes. Therefore, we hope to use puppets to transform the NFT ecosystem, shifting everyone from a profit-driven mindset to one filled with love. (@W4nkpire)


During the BRC20 craze in Western countries in April 2024, @Decentralizd promoted the development of a token named "W☮️," embodying the spirit of world peace embraced by the community. A new Twitter account was also set up to manage this project, and it planned related NFT and rune gameplay.

Addition 2:

THE SHED community embraces peace and does not maliciously criticize or clash with other projects. Some humorous jabs at Nodemonkey are because some bloggers are friends, just joking among themselves. Later, some Chinese misunderstood and brought these jokes into WeChat communities, adding their subjective assumptions, causing some unhappiness. But this was not the message THE SHED community intended to convey. World peace is what we all strive for.

Community Culture: BJBJ

Hmm, this is a greeting, to be precise, BJBJ is a greeting meaning "good morning," similar to "GM" or "Hello."

The abbreviation comes from the French "bonjour" (meaning "good morning").

This meme originated in the earliest Lasogette community, which is the precursor NFT community to Puppets. When Lasogette was first released on Ethereum, the Puppet Master dressed up as a French sock puppet. Therefore, this word has been passed down in the puppet world.

Because it can easily be mistaken for the slang version of "blow job" (oral sex), it's sometimes hard to tell whether people are saying good morning or...

BJBJ is also the most common and beloved way to greet each other in the community. You can find it wherever puppets appear, spreading across Twitter and Discord. If you encounter a puppet and say BJBJ, you'll receive a warm response.

Supplementary Information:

After PUPS, in May 2023, someone deployed a BRC20 token named BJBJ on Unisat, which has not yet finished minting.

History often repeats itself. It's uncertain whether NFTs will experience a resurgence due to Ordinals, but under the influence of the puppets, BJBJ might become the next GM (a community meme from the 2021 NFT boom, also meaning "good morning").

Community Culture: GO TO ZERO

Eventually, it will all go to zero. This is also a slogan of the community. Everyone believes the price of puppets should be zero because they are worthless and thus are not for sale. Instead, this has formed a group of steadfast "diamond hands." It also serves as an advance warning to speculative buyers not to purchase, as this NFT is of no value.

Interestingly, it's precisely because of this situation that NFT prices tend to rise, allowing everyone to gain unexpected financial benefits.

The origin of this culture can be traced back to @lepuppeteerfou's artistic speech when creating puppets. I've done some translation into Chinese, which you can refer to:

About Art

Note that these puppets are not just toys. They transcend the boundaries of utility and are pure art. They were not designed according to any roadmap or grand promises and certainly do not meet the strict expectations of any corporate entity. Instead, these puppets represent the artist's original creativity, celebrating the innate weirdness in all of us.

When you interact with these puppets, cast off the shackles of traditional thinking and dive into unconventional charm. Embrace this whim, enjoy the absurd, and let your imagination run wild. In this realm of handcrafted wonders, there are no guarantees, no predetermined paths to follow. This is an alternative haven, a testament to the unlimited possibilities of artistic expression.

About the Artist

In my realm, art knows no boundaries. It is not confined to galleries or museums but lives within the fabric of existence. My works challenge categorization, inviting you into a world where beauty and absurdity intertwine. Through the Ord Puppet Inu Undoxxed Millionaire puppets, you embark on a journey of wild imagination and endless possibilities.

Each puppet is a testament to karma (the consequences of good and evil). They are crafted with basic tools, embodying the raw essence of my artistic process, infused with immense effort and boundless passion. But they are more than just puppets; they are manifestations of the absurd, existing solely as art.

And as previously mentioned, the puppet community is extremely averse to commercial collaborations (marketing). The artists believe that true, pure art is an individual expression, not something to be exploited for attention through collaborations. The culture and essence of Puppets and its sole artist creator are its purest attributes.

If the pursuit of market visibility compromises the most genuine value of art, then art is no longer perfect. Commercial collaborations indeed offer great temptation, but they invariably fall into a zero-sum game, even though they are often packaged as non-zero-sum games.

Artists do not want their NFT artworks to become mere tools and means, so rejecting all commercial marketing collaborations is the best protection for the artwork itself. Art pieces firmly connect artists and collectors; if artists can persist in rejecting commercial collaborations, they are also being responsible for this sacred relationship.

In an NFT ecosystem filled with commercial marketing, rejecting commercial collaborations is a challenge. True success is not about being the center of attention but about steadfastly maintaining the bottom line to protect the purity of artworks, also constituting a rebellion against the commercialization of art.

Community Culture: The Puppet Master's Birthday Party

At 3 AM on May 20th, China time, to celebrate @lepuppeteerfou's birthday, @W4nkpire organized a fun birthday party-themed space.

Here, also wish the Puppet Master @lepuppeteerfou a very happy birthday! 🎂

Friendly Reminder: When revisiting this space, make sure you’re not surrounded by any girls you fancy or any guys interested in you. Otherwise, there's a good chance your beloved girl might leave you, or your "ass" might suffer.

Part Two: Investment Logic and Thought Process for Puppets (shaqima@daji_357)

I first encountered Puppets when Shids had just emerged. Being somewhat clumsy with primary markets, I was thrilled upon translating the leet speak meaning from a project tweet into Chinese late one night. I, too, am nostalgic, and the sight of art filled with Renaissance vibes excited me. Thus, I decisively bought a lot in the secondary market, all of which remain in my wallet untouched to this day.

This opportunity also led me to join THE SHED community, where I was fortunate enough to become a MOD.

Those who have followed me from the start might have seen my previous views. Ordinals were just beginning, with a very small market, and everyone was scrambling for territory. However, the methods and cultural cores were different. Western countries preferred the form of NFTs, while Eastern countries favored the BRC20 approach.

After the wealth created by protocols and BRC20, the player base in China is essentially saturated. In these projects, the proportion of actual Western country players is probably less than 1%.

After the incremental market ended, we faced the dilemma of stock market games. Faced with large capital, the only choice is to continue seeking incremental markets. The question then becomes: how do we involve global cryptocurrency enthusiasts in this Bitcoin ecosystem carnival?

Therefore, after a frenzy in May 2023, I kept an eye on and selected projects that genuinely embody a Western logical framework, rather than those combining Eastern and Western gimmicks.

Coincidentally, SHEDS appeared at this time. Its pure language logic and underlying cultural MEME are unique to Western cultural systems, not something that can be quickly achieved by simply changing locations and translating languages. It requires a long period of Western thinking and lifestyle recognition to build.

Similarly, for exchanges, expanding their revenue either involves increasing product lines (the number of Tokens) or enlarging user groups. Launching new products is easy, but ensuring no issues arise afterward is difficult; therefore, extensive research and selection are necessary to meet safety needs. However, increasing user groups is different. Today's Chinese users are nearly saturated, and even if new incremental traffic joins, the options are limited, equivalent to having already established dominance on the inevitable path, so domestic users don't need to worry too much. Spending significant resources on domestic increments is not worth the effort.

Thus, the remaining increments lie in overseas markets. Nowadays, more overseas projects are primarily based on MEME culture, which cannot be rapidly cultivated overnight (for instance, PEPE, DOGE, SHIB...). Therefore, emerging stars in overseas MEMEs are favored by exchanges.

In the first article, I mentioned that the development of the Bitcoin ecosystem impacts the entire industry, after all, it's linked to Bitcoin itself. Therefore, as long as you are a promoter in the cryptocurrency industry, you will unhesitatingly push its development. Everyone benefits from the rise in Bitcoin. Similarly, miners are also beneficiaries in the Bitcoin ecosystem, and they are not a single group belonging to any one country. Overall, a global carnival in the Bitcoin ecosystem is almost something everyone wants to see and strives to promote.

This is the major logic I use when selecting projects. Once I determine the exact targets, I just need to conduct research in the same way the exchanges do. Therefore, the investment process in projects is aligned.

Besides that, it's about spreading cultural cores.

When SHEDS first appeared, my friend Mr. Lin and I had dinner in Hangzhou, where he introduced me to the culture of wizards on Bitcoin (an interesting video propagation case), further realizing that MEMEs with cultural cores have significant advantages in propagation and spread. For this reason, the more I explored the culture of THE SHEDS, the more I loved it. The culture here is irresistible. What could be more charming than this pure free thought?

In a way, this culture provides a greater sense of belonging. For those lowly marketing tactics that don't even bother to think about upgrading their strategies for a few pieces of silver, it's disdainful. In an ecosystem filled with fake schemes, purity becomes a sanctuary. Nothing narrates a more meaningful story than promoting world peace by opposing copyrights, rejecting commercialization, and maintaining the purity of artworks.

Sometimes, it's not that we don't understand. With a history spanning five thousand years, these phrases familiar to us all have been overlooked today. It's just that we're often too rushed to look and think. The phrase "descendants of Yan and Huang, heirs of the Dragon," has supported us all along. Isn't this the core of today's MEME? We've had it for so long that it's become second nature.

MEME is never just a revelry or nonsensical affair, but a cultural heritage, a medium that provides a sense of belonging and recognition. If you've read this far and still don't understand, take another look at modern history. Aren't we here today because of the phrase "striving for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation"? You see, many things have been demonstrated by our ancestors in history, it's just that sometimes, the concept has changed, but its core remains the same.

How Cultural Dissemination and Strategic Channels Can Amplify Ordinals NFTs

Once the big logic is determined, we can focus on the smaller logic. Since culture serves as a medium for effective dissemination, it needs a space for spreading, i.e., a target audience (to whom should the concepts be communicated?).

Currently, Ordinals is in its early stages. In terms of total market value, it is still far from reaching the heights that NFTs on Ethereum (ETH) achieved in the past. Thus, Ordinals needs breakout marketing to attract more participants and attention.

For Western crypto users, SOL (Solana) is the best gateway, followed by the concept of NFTs. Therefore, whether it’s BRC20, runes, or Ordinals NFTs, if we want to fully expand the Bitcoin ecosystem, it needs to be promoted through important channels like SOL, exchanges, and major media outlets.

Here's an example: Why is Tesla indispensable for China?

Without Tesla, the new energy electric vehicle market would be localized. Tesla, as a major representative in the overseas market, combined with its CEO being the richest person in the world, its association with Dogecoin, and its CEO's "Iron Man" persona, has gradually turned electric vehicles into a global trend.

Does this give you some insight? At this moment, Elon Musk is the best Key Opinion Leader (KOL). And those who claim that buying a Tesla is funding someone else’s missile production should, well, think a bit more.

Without Tesla and its combined flow of influence, new energy vehicles would remain local, not globally synchronized. The market would be limited and competitive internally, rather than globalized and akin to trading with USD or gold.

At this point, Tesla is like SOL.

Therefore, the future path of Ordinals, at this stage, involves expanding the user base (both players and builders) and increasing influence. BRC20 has already achieved internationalization through $PUPS.

Runes and the upcoming NFTs will be the key to further internationalizing Ordinals.

From this perspective, Puppets, whether through runes, BRC20, or NFTs, have a complete system. Coupled with their interesting culture, it’s understandable why Ansem is confident in predicting a $4 billion market cap (next PEPE).

Often, we are limited by superficial data, thereby overlooking intrinsic value. A few years ago, determining Tesla’s market value solely based on its production and sales would have been shortsighted. Instead, its irreplaceable role in the global market is the main core value.

The globalization of Ordinals is beneficial for Bitcoin, and thus everyone will support it. SOL is advantageous for the globalization of Ordinals, so it should be closely monitored. MEMEs are beneficial for attracting attention, hence they are the market darlings.

I will elaborate on the logic of MEMEs and some marketing strategies in future articles. Due to space constraints, I’ll stop here for now.


In the past few days, as I've been posting about PUP, I've received many private messages asking for information. To better help everyone who loves the culture of THE SHED community understand PUP-related information directly,

considering that some may not be able to check Twitter or be online on Discord immediately, I've created a Puppets Chinese Twitter account (@Puppets_China) and am planning to form a PUP-related WeChat group.

The PUP WeChat group will maintain the style of THE SHED, welcoming everyone who likes PUP culture to join and share and discuss PUP-related content. This will also help more people without Twitter access to join THE SHED's Discord.

You can follow the methods to join the community announced on Puppets Chinese Twitter (@Puppets_China).

Part Three: Putting Theory into Practice, Lessons from Puppets Worth Learning

Seeing some copycat projects using poor "three men make a tiger" marketing tactics to fleece numerous people does cause some heartache. The final goal of this article is to help some ambitious project artists create more meaningful and excellent projects. Today, I believe more people are not satisfied with being mere copycats but have a passion deep within to create good, original products.

First, we'll skip the part about the cultural core, as it has been mostly covered above.

Community Spirit

One of the most valuable lessons from Puppets is its community's embracing spirit, an unselfish inclusiveness and complete acceptance. Every community member accepts the occurrence of new derivative assets. In the overarching community culture, price is not the primary pursuit.

Even without buying, new derivative assets in the community, as long as they are not excessively profit-driven, essentially serve as promotions. After all, as core assets continue to rise, some financially limited users can't fully join this carnival. Instead, these new assets launch with affordable prices, allowing everyone to participate in this cultural revelry with acceptable stakes. Even if it ends up as a mess, those with substantial financial gains will still opt to buy core assets. Thus, its essence not only increases influence and audience but also serves as a longer cycle of increments for core assets.

Therefore, for creations with pure intentions, embodying artistic and community spirits, every community member is willing to promote them.

Internal conflicts are actually highly detrimental to the community. For instance, there was an incident where a certain Chinese player, who owned Puppets, publicly criticized SHIDS and other community assets simply because the NFT prices were too low. This was just for show and went against the core principles of THE SHED community. Even though he was a holder, his actions did not align with the community's values. One of the core tenets of THE SHED community is to embrace and support the community's artistic creations, without using price as the primary measure of an artwork's value.

Thus, the core culture of the community determines its cohesion. For those who seek attention and wish to overturn tables after a meal, they cannot fulfill their desires to cause trouble in the face of absolute community cohesion.

Expanding Influence

There's an old Chinese saying: "Haste does not bring success," and the current state of Puppets has been achieved through years of cultural accumulation. Therefore, in today's fast-paced internet environment, I do not recommend high-profile launches for financial products.

Today's cryptocurrency market is not an infinite cake, especially during a phase when the overall market is slowly recovering, and the user group is limited. If the volume spreads to the collective from the start, it cannot bring long-term drive; the overall presented data would be a dramatic rollercoaster since more people mean more ideas, making any planning or grounding impossible (assuming you have a great vision).

Allowing the market increment to proceed slowly is advisable. Creating artworks is not like running an exchange where more people are always better. A good product can maintain the speed of the overall market increment and progress in sync.

To put it simply, if there are 10,000 people in the entire market and your debut attracts all 10,000, you'd need to consider repurchases or look beyond these 10,000 for further increments. But if the square adds 1,000 people daily, yet these 1,000 cannot ensure your data stability, massive fluctuations would cause your reputation to decline. Thus, one action affects the whole, creating a butterfly effect.

If, under the same circumstances, you choose to first let a few thousand people know, then maintain an increase of 500 people daily, as long as the market is in an incremental phase, your market size is potentially infinite.

I hope more outstanding artworks emerge in China and worldwide. World peace.

This concludes the content of this article. The overall article is quite lengthy, totaling over ten thousand words. I hope it can bring needed value to everyone.

I hope the culture of THE SHED community can be perpetually passed down. For world peace.

Part Four: Compilation of Article Links

Puppets Official Website: https://ordpuppetinuundoxxedmillionaires.com/

THE SHED Community (Discord): https://discord.gg/worldpeace

Links are arranged in order of appearance in the article:

Lasogette Community (Discord): https://discord.gg/EFcmv93bWy

Lasogette Artworks: https://opensea.io/collection/lasogette

O.P.I.U.M Artworks: https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/opium

$PUPS (BRC20 - Unisat): https://unisat.io/market/brc20?tick=pups

$PUPS (BRC20 - OKX): https://www.okx.com/zh-hans/web3/marketplace/inscription/ordinals/token/PUPS

SOL↔️BRC20 Cross-Chain Bridge: https://multibit.exchange/

SHIDS Artworks: https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/shids

SHIDS Language Culture Introduction (shaqima): https://x.com/Daji_357/status/1727195116757037542

Propper indexxded shids Artworks: https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/propper-indexxded-shids

Bitcoin Puppets Artworks: https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/bitcoin-puppets

Bitcoin Puppets Honoraries Artworks: https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/bitcoin-puppets-honoraries

CC0 Artworks: https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/cc0

Puppet Maxi Biz (PMB): https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/puppetmaxibiz

Rune Pups NFT: https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/runes_pups

PUPS Rune Burning Channel: https://pups.ordkit.xyz (Login password: PEACETALKSCONTINUE)

littlepups Artworks: https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/littlepups

le puppettes Artworks: https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/le_puppettes

Chubby Puppets Artworks: https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/chubbypuppets

PUPS•WORLD•PEACE Runes (MagicEden): https://magiceden.io/runes/PUPS•WORLD•PEACE

"Declaration of World Peace": https://ordpuppetinuundoxxedmillionaires.com/The_Gospel_of_World_Peace.png

Puppets Chinese Twitter: https://x.com/Puppets_China

W☮️ Twitter: https://x.com/WorldPeaceBTC

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