Efforts toward effort-less language acquisition

The purpose is to explore HCI in language acquisition in reading while interacting with the real world, besides the general language learning methods such as grammar rules, non-compelling exercises, forced to speak, and so on.

A question: Am I learning?

Repeat words as a way the world makes sense to the mind.

Literature or reading is always the driving force of my personal language learning, I was commented 'you are not learning anything!' by my italiano teacher when I wrote a paragraph on a vocation to Padova using words and grammar she didn't teach. Yes, I referred to something from the books I read, and abstracted symbols from the journey, while consulting my friend about grammar. Besides the negative feedback, I had much fun constructing the little piece.

"Wasn't I learning the language?", I questioned. This is really something that I can not explain in the language class, still, I can hardly speak and remember&apply the Grammar quickly and well.

"Wasn't I acquiring language?" when I first hear the phrase"language acquisition" by Prof Stephen Krasen, the doubts and self-deny were somewhat relieved (it's like I found a proper explanation for my language failure). I started to think about what I have done, naturally, as a language lover.

As I said, my interests in multi-lingual come from reading. I m just fond of words(text) and stories, not only what the stories are but how they are told. I m curious about the magic words lego world opened but also hidden by the translator.

The intention for me to go to Italy and study is from a book series and an author --L'amica Geniale, written by Elena Ferrante. This is also the first time I felt Italiano as “una lingua bella”. The 1st sentence I knew is "io non ci sto".

During my travels around Europe, I went to ancient bookstores where I m surrounded by weird words, and classical music from nowhere but the books.

I talked to the place owners about the representative authors and the reader-friendly copies for language beginners. I got recommended from an owner in Frankfort on Schopenhauer's "the world as mind and representations" after we exchange ideas about Filosofia; I came across the story of human stupidity(umana stupidità) and economics in the Middle age(Pepe, vino e Lana economico in mezzo) in Padova; I was introduced to a collection of fairytales (fiabe) with dialogues (dialoghi) written by an Italian author Luigi Capuana in Forlì…

The purpose is to give one or two product ideation and show some HCI designs in progress, to 'promote' language acquisition through reading and text recognition which I found super interesting,


Culture Acquisition

I have no intention of proving this reading to be whatsoever functional, but to offer an aspect of thinking on language acquisition. It is quite hard for one to be a master in R,L,W,S in many languages, but it's quite possible that we can read and merge more words under comprehensible context(stories, science fiction, academic writings, fairy tales, poems, quotes in the lucky biscuits 🥠 etc).

In terms of cultural acquisition:

In the course of my travel and study, I discovered the richness of European languages and texts. For example, many Chinese readers are influenced by writers such as Schopenhauer and Han Byung-Chul (German), Elena Ferrante or Carlo Cipolla (Italian) mainly through the mouths of one or two translators, it's awesome though, I wonder if it is possible to establish some connections between texts (the intertextuality). People would become more interested in the language&culture behind the stories. For example, my interest in Italy and Italiano was born from reading Ferrante's work <L'amica Geniale>,; I could easily recognize other works by Han Byung-Chul in German bookshops after reading his ; not to mention my love for the writers such as Saussure, Norman Chomsky, Aby Warburg, Paul Valéry, Walter Benjamin, Derrida, Schopenhauer, and I was not content to receive translations up to this point, but to come further into the culture to build my own version of the translation and understand the intertextuality between languages.

Aby Warburg only seems closer via a translation copy in italian--, and Paul Valéry was introduced by an English interpreter Berkay Ustun.

Nachleben der Antike Warum baut ein Privatmann eine Bibliothek?

Intertextuality is one of the driving forces for building word block, which makes it a cross-linguistic literary linking tool, embodying an infinite regression of meaningful links in different versions of the translation through the same identifiers(works, authors, abstractions). To simplify, It is like a literature dictionary.


Words are the unique identifiers of a person's thoughts. Concepts merge within and between books. For instance, when I read by Eric Lenneberg, he mentioned 'language' many times.

(VI) His hypothesis that language is a central,maturationally defined mental function which is relatively independent of learning, that "language is the manifestation of species-specific cogitive propensities."

(P3)The growing conception that language is essentially a localizable cereal function.

language* is "the expression and reception of ideas and feelings."*

Or the brain

His conception of the brain was that of a highly integrated organ constantly changing over time according to certain epigenetic trajectories. Therefore information-processing or man-machine models of cognitive functioning were of limited value to him because they ignored the forth dimension of time.

Across #Language, Here we do a bit of merging: (blocks shown below are from my own reading fragments)

Language* is a computation system based on recursive enumerable digitally infinite entities, the simplest way of computation is binary set formation called Merging.*

--Norman Chomsky

Writers spend their lives searching for the right combination of words, finding the right tools of expression: what language, rhythm and sense of speech are appropriate to tell what I know and what i learn. Without the right vocabulary, without a long training process of learning to combine words and language, it is impossible to produce something authentic-- the truth that emanates from a properly worded text, dissolves in the language; it is directly linked to the energy that emanates from the sentence.

--La frantumaglia, Elena Ferrante

Things become diverse:

…Ethereum does this by building what is essentially the ultimate abstract foundational layer: a blockchain with a built-in Turing-complete programming language, allowing anyone to write smart contracts and decentralized applications where they can create their own arbitrary rules for ownership, transaction formats and state transition functions…

--Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum whitepaper

Most likely, both the gossip theory and the there-is-a-lion-near-the-river theory are valid. Yet the truly unique feature of our language is not its ability to transmit information about men and lions. Rather, it's the ability to transmit information about things that do not exist at all. As far as we know, only Sapiens can talk about entire kinds of entities that they have never seen, touched or smelled.

--Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens

Zipf discovered the law through the observation of the frequency of words in the English language, but the law holds even for randomly generated "languages," as well. The law states that, "given some corpus of natural language utterances, the frequency of any word is inversely proportional to its rank in the frequency table. Thus the most frequent word will occur approximately twice as often as the second most frequent word, three times as often as the third most frequent word, etc."

--Zipf’s Law


I m not intended to summarize or manufact the relationship or weights of those sentences(for now), but to propose a possible way that the mind computes, through merging to understand the concepts.

we merge those concepts not in a linear order, just like Chomsky said "mother nature doesn't care about linear order".

writing is the result of reading, borrowing the right words from others‘ writings, and re-organizing (ordering) them. There is no beginning and no one knows when it began. For me, the meaning of multidisciplinary reading is to know the concept even explained in quite different contexts.

texts or words themselves are not mathematical notations which more formally defined and applicable, but they are notations for thoughts while reading and writing. Behind it now we have explanations like universal grammar (Noman Chomsky).

Product design

A literature dictionary of multi-lingue

  • word block as a text interface

    • data storage with ownership

      • the text and its metadata will be stored on IPFS, a content-addressing data storage network.
    • multi-search

      • by topics ##

        • #Schopenhauer #Ferrante
      • by key words /

      • by DID

    • merge

      • when similar text is found, can do merge (save to folder-- *dataverse)

A tool to record the fragmented reading

  • an android app to be more touchable

    • real location

    • ease of input and search

web view (search)
web view (search)
mobile app
mobile app

Blockchain in the design

IPFS storage

  • CID-based content addressing

    • your text is not removed by anyone

Ceramic data streams

  • data model design to enable complex query


  • control the ownership and access of their data

Filecoin Virtual machine (FVM)

  • write smart contract

  • tokenize word blocks





文学或阅读始终是我个人语言学习的动力,当我用语言老师没有教过的单词和语法写了一段帕多瓦之旅的小片段时,我的意大利语老师评论说 '如果你这么干,你就什么都没学到!'。是的,我引用了我读过的书中的一些东西,并从旅途中抽象出一些符号,同时让我的朋友帮我修定了语法。除了不友好的反馈,我在构建这个小作品的过程中很开心。


"当我第一次听到Stephen Krasen教授的 "语言习得 "这句话时,我的疑虑和自我否定得到了一定程度的缓解(为自己的语言失败找到了一个恰当的解释)。我开始思考,作为一个语言爱好者,我自然做了什么。

正如我所说,我对多语言的兴趣来自于阅读。我只是痴迷于文字和故事,不仅是故事的内容,也是它们如何被文字本身所讲述的。我对译者 打开但也掩虚的门:那神奇文字乐高世界 感到好奇。

我去意大利学习的意图是来自一个系列的书和一个作者--埃莱娜·费兰特写的《L'amica Geniale 我的天才女友》。这也是我第一次觉得意大利语是 "一种美丽的语言"。我记住的第一个句子是 "Io non ci sto"。


我和店主们聊起了有代表性的作者和适合语言初学者阅读的读本。在法兰克福,在我们交流了关于哲学的观点之后,店主给我推荐了叔本华的 《作为意识和表象的世界》;在帕多瓦,我看到了人类的愚蠢(umana stupidità)和中世纪的经济学(Pepe, vino e Lana economico in mezzo)小册子;在弗利,我被安利意大利作家Luigi Capuana满是对话(dialoghi)的童话故事集(fiabe)

这片文字目的是给出一两个产品的想法,并展示一些正在进行的人机交互设计,通过阅读和文本识别来 "促进 "语言的学习,至少我觉得这超级有趣。



在我的旅行和学习过程中,我发现了欧洲语言和文本的丰富性。例如,许多中国读者受到欧洲作家的影响,如叔本华和韩秉哲(德国)费兰特或卡洛·西波拉(意大利),主要是通过一两个翻译家的介绍。与此同时,我在想否有可能在文本之间建立一些联系(互文性),那么人们会对故事背后的语言和文化增添兴趣。例如,我对意大利和意大利语的兴趣来自于阅读费兰特的作品(陈英教授的翻译版本);在阅读了韩秉哲的《倦怠社会》之后,我可以很容易地在德国书店里认出他的其他作品;更不用说我对索绪尔,阿比·瓦尔堡,保罗·瓦莱里,沃尔特·本雅明,德里达,叔本华 等作家的喜爱。我并不满足于到此为止接受翻译,而是要进一步走进文化,建立我自己的翻译版本,理解语言之间的互文性。

阿比·瓦尔堡第一次显得靠近时,我只是听说了意大利语的译本《日志》,而保罗·瓦莱里是由英语翻译者Berkay Ustun介绍的。

Nachleben der Antike Warum baut ein Privatmann eine Bibliothek? ——Aby Warburg



词语是一个人思想的独特标识。概念在书中和书之间合并。例如,当我阅读埃里克·伦尼伯格的<语言发展基础>时,他多次提到 "语言"。



语言是 "思想和感情的表达和接受"。


#语言 概念下,我们做一点合并:(下面取自一些我自己的阅读片段)







--Vitalik Buterin,以太坊白皮书



齐普夫通过观察英语中的词汇频率发现了这一规律,但这一规律甚至对随机产生的 "语言 "也适用。该定律指出,"在一些自然语言语料库中,任何单词的频率都与它在频率表中的排名成反比。 因此,出现频率最高的词大约是出现频率第二的词的两倍,是出现频率第三的词的三倍,等等"。




我们合并这些概念并不是以线性顺序进行的,就像乔姆斯基所说的 "天性并不关心线性顺序"。


文本或词语本身不是定义严谨和普遍适用的数学符号,而是阅读和写作时的思想符号。在它的背后,我们现在有像乔姆斯基提出的*通用语法(universal grammar)*这样的解释。



  • 词块作为文本界面

    • 带有所有权的数据存储

    • 产生的文本及其元数据将被存储在IPFS,一个内容寻址的数据存储网络上。

  • 多重搜索

    • 按主题分类 ##

      • #叔本华 #费兰特
    • 按关键词

    • 通过DID

  • 合并

    • 当发现类似的文本时,可以进行合并(例如通过dataverse保存到自己的文件夹中*)。


  • 一个移动端应用,更容易触摸

  • 获取真实位置

  • 方便文本输入和搜索

  • *拥有以上提到的功能



  • 基于CID的内容寻址

    • 你的文字不会被任何人删除,有哈希即可计算出来


  • 设计数据模型设计以实现复杂检索


  • 控制其数据的所有权和访问权

Filecoin 虚拟机(FVM)

  • 编写智能合约

  • 将文字块代币化

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