DAOs have been one of the main barriers to the development of organic and prosperous communities because, in the model they operate, economic power represents political power, and this ends up discouraging community engagement and intellectual contributions.

We, the Beavers, are natural builders, and one of our characteristics is the construction of dams, which promote and encourage the growth of various rich and prosperous ecosystems. Next, we would like to share the points that define us:


To build and engage users with transparency by bringing a new model for the development of DAOs and organic communities to the Linea ecosystem.


To establish Linea Dam as a reference of a valocratic community, based on the principles of the Valocracy Manifesto.

Values and principles:

Transparency: Promote open and honest communication in all interactions, ensuring clarity and trust in the system.

Meritocracy: Recognize and reward based on merit and individual contributions.

Collaboration: Encourage cooperation between communities to achieve common goals, promoting engagement and synergy among Linea network users.

Inclusion: Ensure that all contributing members of the community have a voice and active participation in decisions and processes.


Linea DAM is the name adopted for our Valocratic community because beavers are excellent at building dams, and one of our ideals is to maintain a solid and constantly growing community.

Before we show how we will function as a Valocracy, we will briefly explain how valocracies work:

1 - Non-fungible effort

In a Valocracy, all individual efforts are valued and recorded so that everyone can know who performed, how, and when a particular effort was made.

Effort is rewarded immediately by an NFT (which, in fact, are two), thus giving the decision-making power to the user who performed the effort and not to the corporation that previously held the reward and shaped the rules of the game for its own benefit.

2 - Economic power separated from political power

All effort made becomes two NFTs, giving the user political and economic representation in the community:

  • 2.1. Tokenized Governance Power (TGP): Gives governance power to the exector for the community decisions-making

    • This asset cannot be traded, so having political representation depends on your engagement in the community and not your economic power.

    • A single entity cannot control the entire community because there is a power limit.

    • To have significant political representation, it is necessary to add value to the community.

    • To continue maintaining political representation, it is necessary to remain active in the community.

  • 2.2. Tokenized Economic Power (TEP): Gives the executor of the effort access to the community's treasury.

    • This asset can be traded in a secondary market, meaning speculation about the NFT's value is healthy speculation on the community's prosperity.

3 - Economic transparency

In addition to all effort being recognized by the Valocracy, transparency is of utmost importance for a more organic community. Here, the funds representing a community's economy are stored in a treasury, which is a smart contract that can only be accessed by burning the community's economic NFTs. Thus:

Everyone will know the economic weight of each task, giving total freedom for users to choose whether or not to perform a particular task. It is not possible for a single entity to take possession of the assets unless it buys all the economic NFTs in the secondary market or performs all the proposed tasks.

4 - Isonomy > Equality

In a community, every contribution becomes a strong gear for the growth of the whole, but not every contribution necessarily has the same weight for the collective. Therefore, every economic and political NFT has different weights and rarities. However, each Valocracy can define its own rarity model and weight for each charity.

5 - Encourage efficiency

Since in a Valocracy both the collective power (NFTs) and the economic value of a community (treasury) are calculable, it is possible to measure the collective's efficiency in calculation form:

If the collective treasury grows at a higher rate than the collective effort, it means that individual effort is being well utilized and is efficient. As such, individuals are further incentivized not only to maintain their stakes in the treasury but also to collaborate more and increase their stake in the collective.

  • For more info about the valocracies check Valocracy Manifesto

  • "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." - Malcolm X

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