The Rise of BESS: Why Battery Energy Storage Systems are Taking Over in 2023

Written by Jordan J. Clayton: Linked In, Twitter

Battery Energy Storage Systems, or BESS, are becoming increasingly popular in the world of renewable energy. These systems allow excess energy from renewable sources like solar and wind to be stored in batteries for use when demand is higher. This can help to smooth out the intermittent nature of renewable energy production and make it a more viable alternative to fossil fuels.

There are several reasons why BESS projects are becoming more common in 2023. One major factor is the falling cost of battery technology. As batteries have become more efficient and cost-effective, it has become economically viable to store excess energy for use later on. Additionally, advances in energy management software have made it easier to control and optimize the use of BESS systems.

Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE)

There are several calculations that go into determining whether a BESS project is worth pursuing. One key factor is the levelized cost of energy (LCOE), which compares the total cost of a energy system over its lifetime to the amount of energy it produces. Other factors that may be considered include the expected demand for energy, the availability of renewable energy sources, and the cost of transmission and distribution infrastructure.

The levelized cost of energy (LCOE) is a calculation that compares the total cost of an energy system over its lifetime to the amount of energy it produces. It is often used to compare different energy systems and to determine which is the most cost-effective.

To calculate the LCOE, you first need to determine the total lifetime costs of the energy system, including the initial capital costs, operation and maintenance costs, and decommissioning costs. You then need to divide this total by the total amount of energy that the system is expected to produce over its lifetime. This gives you the LCOE in terms of dollars per unit of energy produced.

For example, consider a solar energy system with an initial capital cost of $100,000, an annual operation and maintenance cost of $5,000, and a decommissioning cost of $10,000. The system is expected to produce 10,000 megawatt-hours (MWh) of energy over its lifetime. The LCOE for this system would be calculated as follows:

Total lifetime costs = $100,000 + (10 years * $5,000/year) + $10,000 = $160,000 LCOE = $160,000 / 10,000 MWh = $16/MWh

This means that the solar energy system has a LCOE of $16/MWh, which can be compared to the LCOE of other energy systems to determine which is the most cost-effective.

For more information on LCOE and other cost calculations in the energy sector, you may want to check out the following resources:

Design Phases of BESS:

The design of a battery energy storage system (BESS) typically goes through several phases, including pre-feasibility, feasibility, design, and construction. The owner of the project is usually responsible for overseeing these phases and selecting the BESS integrator, who plays a key role in the design and implementation of the BESS.


During the pre-feasibility phase, the owner of the project conducts a preliminary assessment of the potential for a BESS at a particular site. This phase typically involves analyzing the energy demand at the site and determining whether a BESS would be a cost-effective solution for meeting this demand.

Feasibility Phase

If the pre-feasibility phase is successful, the project moves on to the feasibility phase, where a more detailed analysis is conducted to determine the specific design and configuration of the BESS. This phase may involve conducting a site survey, analyzing the power system at the site, and determining the size and type of BESS that would be most suitable.

Once the feasibility phase is complete, the design phase begins. During this phase, the BESS integrator works with the owner of the project to develop detailed plans and specifications for the BESS. This may include selecting specific components and equipment, such as batteries and inverters, and determining the best way to integrate the BESS into the existing power system.

Construction Phase

Finally, the construction phase involves building and installing the BESS according to the plans and specifications developed during the design phase. This phase may involve working with manufacturers and suppliers to source the necessary components and equipment, as well as coordinating with contractors to ensure that the BESS is installed correctly.



There are several different BESS systems that can be used, depending on the specific needs of the project. One common type of BESS is a DC-to-DC connection, which involves connecting the BESS directly to the DC bus of the power system. This type of BESS is often used for short-term energy storage or for providing backup power.


Another type of BESS is a DC-to-AC integration, which involves connecting the BESS to the AC grid through an inverter. This type of BESS is often used for longer-term energy storage or for providing grid support

Bus Bar

A bus bar connection is a type of electrical connection that is used in battery energy storage systems (BESS) to distribute power within the system. It is typically used to connect multiple batteries or other electrical components, such as inverters, in a BESS.

A bus bar connection is typically made using a piece of conductive material, such as copper or aluminum, that is mounted on an insulating material. The conductive material is usually shaped like a bar or strip and is used to connect the electrical components in the BESS.

Parallel Bus bar

There are several types of bus bar connections that can be used in a BESS, depending on the specific needs of the system. One type of bus bar connection is a parallel connection, which involves connecting the electrical components in parallel with each other. This type of connection is often used in BESS to increase the overall capacity of the system.

Series Bus Bar

Another type of bus bar connection is a series connection, which involves connecting the electrical components in series with each other. This type of connection is often used in BESS to increase the voltage of the system.

In addition to bus bar connections, there are several other types of connections that may be used in a BESS. These include mechanical connections, such as screws and bolts, and electrical connections, such as connectors and terminals.

Virtual Bus Bar

A virtual bus bar connection is a type of electrical connection that is used in battery energy storage systems (BESS) to distribute power within the system. It is similar to a traditional bus bar connection, in that it is used to connect multiple batteries or other electrical components, such as inverters, in a BESS.

However, unlike a traditional bus bar connection, a virtual bus bar connection does not use a physical conductor to connect the electrical components. Instead, it uses electronic controls to manage the flow of electricity between the components.

Virtual bus bar connections are often used in BESS to improve the efficiency and reliability of the system. They can also be used to reduce the cost and complexity of the system, as they do not require the use of physical conductors or mechanical connections.

In addition to their use in BESS, virtual bus bar connections are also used in other types of electrical systems, such as renewable energy systems, to improve efficiency and reliability. They are also used in some electric vehicle charging systems to improve power flow and reduce the risk of electrical fires.

There are several benefits to using a virtual bus bar connection in a BESS, including improved efficiency, reliability, and safety. However, it is important to ensure that the electronic controls used in a virtual bus bar connection are properly designed and installed to ensure the overall performance and reliability of the system.


It is important to choose the right type of connection for a BESS, as the wrong type of connection can lead to problems such as electrical resistance, voltage drop, and overheating. It is also important to ensure that the connections are installed correctly to ensure the safety and reliability of the BESS.

In the United States, some of the best areas for BESS projects are those with high levels of solar and wind energy potential. This includes states like California, Texas, and Arizona, as well as many parts of the Midwest and Northeast.

In the coming decade, we can expect to see many more BESS projects being developed around the world. Some of the advances we may see include the use of more advanced battery chemistries, the integration of BESS systems with other technologies like electric vehicles, and the development of new energy management software and algorithms. Overall, BESS technology has the potential to play a major role in the transition to a more sustainable and reliable energy future.

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