
Kernel /ˈkəːn(ə)l/ noun

  1. Softer, usually edible part of a nut, seed, or fruit stone contained within its shell.
  2. The central or most important part of something.
  3. A computer program at the core of a computer's operating system and has complete control over everything in the system.

A shell built in ignorance, wanting to play games

to go somewhere, to know the rules

to maximize and to minimize

Comes searching, for the core of things

where there is action, to Kernel

Finds a core, that sees & listens

That loves & gives

A sacred space

The game to play, transformed by intention

to infinite games, with infinite people

we meet, come together

to vibe to a soft central core


KERNEL is a custom educational community of unique individuals in(to) web3. KB4 is an 8 week experience: an intro to KERNEL, co-created with 200 peers. It is a journey deep into the ♡ of web3.

When I first stumbled upon Kernel through this article, it immediately pulled me in. These were not mere words, but a feeling communicated with the intention of touching deep within the minds and hearts of readers.

The Eightfold Noble Path
The Eightfold Noble Path

Not only was it deeply philosophical, it was equally approachable. Deeply personal, yet highly impactful on the environment. Web3, a word which was alienated by technological elitism, felt homely and welcoming to the artist and the coder alike.

Like every story you begin with ‘Once upon a time’. To know where web3 comes from and what intentional direction was set. The intentions of people and how more people hijack them and how even more people come to re-instill them. And the same journeys we take in our inner worlds.

It’s important to do a ‘Vibe Check’ in this game of building trust and creating a space, for a centered being to arise!

And then in this space, you meet people, from all over the world and worlds. Entrepreneurs, Artists, Investors, Builders, Coders, Storytellers, Wanderers, Mystics. One of a kind, of every kind.

And then we drop all the charade’s of the personality, to be present and share a moment. And in that moment magic happens, intentions manifest through pure connection. A connection beyond time and space.

It’s a connection with yourself in the other.

Come experience that!

This is an invitation for those excited by this offering from @KERNEL0x to join the upcoming block KB5, which kicks off on the 28th of January, 2022.

You may claim this NFT as a referral from your future friend!

You still have to apply here.

See you on the other side ❤️

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