EVAA <> AlphaTon AMA

Please introduce your role in the team.

Hey, my name is Vlad Kamyshov. I am CPO and tech architect of EVAA. And I am the team member who has launched two products on the Waves blockchain

Please introduce how many team members there are and provide a detailed explanation of the team member who participated in another lending protocol on the Waves blockchain.

There are currently 7 members on our team. 5 of them are Ton natives.
My track record includes the following:

  • Sway Lend as Tech Architect (December – January 2022)

  • Puzzle Lend (Waves blockchain) as CPO (September 2022 – December 2022)

  • Pluto reserve currency (Waves blockchain) as co-founder and CPO (April 2022 – December 2022)

  • 4 years of work in a commercial bank as a risk officer and a product manager

All of the Waves products I've contributed are independent. I have never been an employee of Waves. All of these projects have never been involved in shady affairs and have had a good reputation among the Waves community. When the Waves Bridges liquidity crisis occurred, I lost most of the value of my allocation in these projects and some of my USDN savings. At that point, I stopped building there to stop creating value for a blockchain that was treating the trust of its warm and friendly community so badly

Has that team member been in contact with Sasha, the founder of the Waves blockchain?

I have talked to Sasha once. It was a year ago when we were launching Pluto. I was negotiating with him about marketing support for Pluto from his side.

The community's main concern about the EVAA project is that the lending protocol was at the core of the fraud on the Waves blockchain. The person who worked on that lending protocol is now involved in another project, which makes it difficult to trust. How do you plan to respond to this?

There are two lending protocols on the Waves blockchain: Vires and Puzzle Lend.

Vires is a notorious lending protocol that has been operating since 2021. At its peak, its TVL was about 1.3 billion, then several wallets, allegedly associated with Sasha, borrowed 0.5 billion, which led to a loss of trust in the protocol.

We found an opportunity in this and launched a new lending protocol protected from such whale manipulation. That's how Puzzle Lend was started. It still works well to this day.

How are lending parameters defined?

We are going to build a DAO for deciding on new isolated markets, assets, and parameters. During the MVP stage, I will set these parameters based on math, best market practices, and my experience. Our risk framework will be available in the Gitbook on our site after the mainnet launch.

How does the smart contract ensure that it will not be maliciously tampered with by developers?

In the first stage, we are going to implement a time lock in the code update: when we invoke an update function, the update itself takes effect in, say, a week. This way the community will have an opportunity to research the new code, decide if this code is malicious, inform others, and take action.

In the future, we plan to allow only the DAO to alter the code. In this way, the community will not only be able to check, but also to decide which code will be behind the EVAA.

If a developer needs to modify parameters, will there be a time lock to limit these actions?


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