Deposit & Withdraw
Click on the wallet icon on the homepage, then enter your personal wallet.
You need to enable Google authenticator to improve the security of your account.
1)Click “Set” to enter the page of Google authenticator
2)Follow the steps to enable Google authenticator
A.Download Google authenticator on your mobile phone
B.Open the app to scan the QR code
C.Backup your private key in a safe place
D.Enable Google authenticator
For your convenience, Adune will generate an ERC20 account address after you complete registration.
1. Deposit
Click “Deposit” button, copy your address of Ethereum network to deposit USDT.
Note: Make sure you are depositing to ERC20 address (Ethereum).
2. Withdraw
Click “Withdraw” button, enter the amount and address to receive, then verify with verification code sent to your email.
Note: Make sure you are withdrawing to ERC20 address (Ethereum network).
1.Click on "Funymen's World" on the navigation bar
2.You will enter the sales page of Funymen's World.
3.Choose the quantity you want to buy (can not exceed the maximum quantity per user) .
4.Confirm your order and click “Buy”.
5. Purchase successful. Wait for block confirmation.
6.You can check your Funymen in “Owned”.